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Vivian Campbell's Charvel in Stars video?

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  • #16
    Re: Vivian Campbell\'s Charvel in Stars video?

    Guys, Iv'e been over this a million times with people and they are saying that the Guitar Jimmy bain is Playing in the Beginign, the one with the cracked mirror pickguard, was Vivians Last in Line guitar.

    Now If you have seen the making of Stars, Vivian recorded the main Rytym tracks with the Last in Line guitar. So unless he had the thing stripped and refinished and put the pickguard on it during the sessions for stars well you get the picture.

    I don't know what that white custom guitar is, but Adrian Smith used it recording the Harmonys with Dave Murray.

    Vivian used both of those guitars in a Dio from Japan DVD I have from the Sacred Heart Tour. He only used th white one for Don't talk to strangers though.
    Madness Reigns......... In the Hall of the Mountain King!


    • #17
      Re: Vivian Campbell\'s Charvel in Stars video?

      I saw Ted Nugent on some show and he said that he wished he hadn't done it cause the Music sucked! What an ASS!

      He didn't get a solo or a vocal spot other than the choir so I guess he's mad!

      What an idiot, to even say that you wished you hadn't done something for such a cause.
      Madness Reigns......... In the Hall of the Mountain King!


      • #18
        Re: Vivian Campbell\'s Charvel in Stars video?

        The white guitar is an Aria pro!


        • #19
          Re: Vivian Campbell\'s Charvel in Stars video?

          you are misquoting The Nuge....he was saying he wish he didn't do it because the majority of the people involved were pompous egomatics and he was embarrassed that the lyrics of "We're Stars" was inappropriate for their cause. And also the music does in fact suck.


          • #20
            Re: Vivian Campbell\'s Charvel in Stars video?

            Viv's guitar is a salmon pink early 60's Fender Strat. For some reason, I'm thinking its a '61. He said in an interview that he loved the sound of it but wouldn't take it out on the road (at that time, w/ Dio) because he didn't want to risk any damage to it, and because he refused to modify it by changing out the original single coils with thicker-sounding humbuckers.

            And the white guitar he plays, along with Dave Murray, is definitely an Aria Pro II, no logo on the headstock.


            • #21
              Re: Vivian Campbell\'s Charvel in Stars video?

              I agree that white guitar does look like an Aria Pro II, The guitar Jimmy Bain is playing does in fact look like Vivians' cracked mirror pickguard Charvel but it looks to be before the pickguard was cracked.


              • #22
                Re: Vivian Campbell\'s Charvel in Stars video?

                Well, noone is a bigger ego than "the nuge", you'll have to look long and hard to find a more self-centered **** than him, and what the hell kinda licks has he ever written to compare to Campbell, Lynch, Malmsteen, Maiden + the rest of the Hear'n'Aid contributors? [img]/images/graemlins/eviltongue.gif[/img] Cat scratch fever? Give me a friggin break!! [img]/images/graemlins/bs.gif[/img]

                If you read the lyrics you'll see it's not about rock-stars, it's a even if you feel down and shitty, have no place to live or money or whatever, you and I are both stars. That's basically the theme of the song.


                • #23
                  Re: Vivian Campbell\'s Charvel in Stars video?

                  well i still think "We're Stars" ended up being more for self-promotion of those involved than for any sort of aid.

                  and regarding ted nugent, I agree that he is one of the craziest, most eccentric celebrities out there and I disagree with 99% of what he says, but the fact is he still puts on a great show at 50+, has written many recognizable and famous riffs and in my opinion a few very decent SONGS. ANd to top that off, he's somehow managed to end up owning a large portion of Michigan by excelling at his two main passions of music and hunting/bbq. I wish I could make money doing something I actually like.

                  Who the hell knows who Yngwie, Lynch, and Campbell are besides guitar nerds, anyway [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


                  • #24
                    Re: Vivian Campbell\'s Charvel in Stars video?

                    lol, self-promotion raises a good point. Just the Title of the thing throws me for a whirl.


                    • #25
                      Re: Vivian Campbell\'s Charvel in Stars video?

                      Back in the early 90s I did some clinics with Viv for Randall right after he left Whitesnake and started the Riverdogs project. The Strat pictured here was once red..its been beat and abused and put together numerous times and played even more..a road dog for sure. I once asked Viv about the White Charvel with the red squares and skulls on it and he said that it actually had belonged to his old tech while in Dio and he had simply borrowed the guitar to tour/play. He was playing Nightswans at the time. I believe the white guit I've seen him pictured with was an Aria parts guit that he had made reference to, saying that they had told him they were Aria, but a guy was bolting them together for endorsers in a garage somewhere.
                      DiMarzio Endorsee
                      Morley Endorsee
                      "Intelli-Shred" author
                      NEW BOOK OUT! "ARPEGGIO MADNESS


                      • #26
                        Re: Vivian Campbell\'s Charvel in Stars video?

                        That is the first info I have ever heard about what happened to the White Guitar with the Red bLocks after about a year of askig about it! Thanks man. I had a copy of that guitar made and it was my favorite one of his. Now I find out it wasn't even his [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

                        I had wondered why Viv only played that White guitar only onvce during the show I have, but it would make sense that it is an Aria Pro II, He used an Aria guitar that had an Explorer shape to it during his live guitar solo at the Concert I saw at the Spectrum in Philly, The Special from the Spectrum video.

                        I guess if he was an Aria Endorse ,that he had to at least use one once suring a show, but why he would use it during Don't Talk to Strangers is beyond me.

                        But then again , that must not have been a bad guitar for Adrian Smith to want to use it.

                        Well does anyone have any more info on the Last In LIne Guitar? [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
                        Madness Reigns......... In the Hall of the Mountain King!


                        • #27
                          Re: Vivian Campbell\'s Charvel in Stars video?

                          re the Hear 'N Aid guitar, I stand corrected. The quote I'm recalling must have been in reference to another vintage Strat he had at the time.


                          • #28
                            Re: Vivian Campbell\'s Charvel in Stars video?

                            Rick, glad I could help in some way. I'm still kind of new here, but everything and everyone I've seen here has been really cool. Viv went through an "Endorsomatic" phase like a lotta of guys did in the mid 80s..he had used/endorsed Charvel, BC Rich, Aria, Kramer, Tom Anderson, Hamer and maybe a few more that I can't recall right now. When we hooked up for the clinics the white /red block guitar was the first one I asked about..I remember him stil having a bad taste in his mouth over how he was treated by Vandenburg during the Whitesnake thing..he had just gotten through with doing an album with Lou Graham (ShadowKing) and was getting ready to go in and do the Riverdogs thing (which I think was/is some of his best playing). The only person I heard him ever publicly slam was RJD. Not sure about recently, but even just a couple of years ago he still wasn't seeing any residual income from anything he'd done with Dio.
                            DiMarzio Endorsee
                            Morley Endorsee
                            "Intelli-Shred" author
                            NEW BOOK OUT! "ARPEGGIO MADNESS


                            • #29
                              Re: Vivian Campbell\'s Charvel in Stars video?

                              Do you have any idea who his tech was back then? I sould love to know if that guitar is still around.

                              In the Special From the Spectrum , at the very end you see Viv Throwing this guitar a good 20 feet off to the side of the stage , I couldn't imagine doing that with my own guitar let alone someoneelse's!

                              I have read some stuff where he has slamed RJD and Rightly so, if that is the way it happened. I'm sorry but I just think Dio went to crap after Viv left.
                              Madness Reigns......... In the Hall of the Mountain King!


                              • #30
                                Re: Vivian Campbell\'s Charvel in Stars video?

                                Rick, I can ask around today and tomorrow and see what I can find out about that particular guitar. I'll post whatever I find out ASAP. I'm sure its gotta be around somewhere.
                                DiMarzio Endorsee
                                Morley Endorsee
                                "Intelli-Shred" author
                                NEW BOOK OUT! "ARPEGGIO MADNESS

