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Wes Borland (Limp Bizkit) plays Jackson Rhoads!

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  • #91
    Re: Wes Borland (Limp Bizkit) plays Jackson Rhoads

    [ QUOTE ]
    Is it just me, or does this technique versus feel debate smack of threads on alt.guitar ten years ago?

    [/ QUOTE ]It's been going on since the beginning of time, but then some of us weren't on alt.guitar 10 years ago to say our Internet piece, so here ya go!Tommy, my first home in Cali was in Santa Ana between Main and Bristol, and Warner and Dyer/Segerstrom, so I know South Coast Plaza! Doesn't surprise me that a 14-y.o. of today wouldn't recognize the Stones' logo though. I was never a rabid Keith fan, but the man riff to Can You Hear Me Knockin' is one of the greatest ever,and Jimi, well he changed everything about rock guitar, him dying probably not only lost us his future work, but the sh!t eeryone would've written trying to keep up, if he'd still been around. Other than Uli Roth and Ritchie Blackmore, nobody really tried to push the envelope after Jimi until EVH came along. That was like an 8-year lull in forward progress, while everyone digested what he'd done from 1967 to 1970. Then progress picked up until say 1990, then mostly stalled again with a slight revival in the last few years, but that mostly off in the corner.
    Ron is the MAN!!!!


    • #92
      Re: Wes Borland (Limp Bizkit) plays Jackson Rhoads

      those are the streets where i used to meet my dealer-lol

      keith once said that you could put him in a romm with 100 guitars and in an hour he'd have them all sounding the same. i thought that was a great quote.
      Not helping the situation since 1965!


      • #93
        Re: Wes Borland (Limp Bizkit) plays Jackson Rhoads

        Siggy 14 got over his facination in the aloted time frame the record company expects... "I am not much into limp anymore, i had my day of likeing them, and as they may have not pioneered the Rap/metal genere, they did do a good job at perfecting its style. Once again, music is not about how many notes you can play and how fast you can play them, music is about what you feel!"

        Nelli said... "I agree that Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park and the rest of them are pretty much just a marketing exec's wet dream, but I guess I like the fact that 'rock' has at least had some exposure in the last 5 years,"

        Tim said..."I think Wes Borland sucks too - but not because he can't shred - I just have never heard anything come out of his amp that didn't sound like ass."

        BigDaddyD said..."I don't understand how anyone can possibly know how "good" a player is based on their recorded works. All you can judge is what he recorded."

        "All you can judge is what he recorded." And so I did.

        I do realize that you guys quoted above are not your typical music consumer drones but, seemed to get a bit defensive. That’s the trouble with reading as apposed to hearing.


        • #94
          Re: Wes Borland (Limp Bizkit) plays Jackson Rhoads

          [ QUOTE ]
          Bigdaddy; Opinions are based on their recorded work because that's what they made public, what else can we comment on? If some one is a better than they have shown, cool but, don't fault someone for basing an opinion on the only music they have been given to judge.

          [/ QUOTE ]

          First of all, I didn't fault anyone. Everyone is entitled to their opinion...that was pretty much my entire point. You are correct, opinions must be based on their recorded works (unless of course you ever see them live) but if you base your opinions only on recorded works, then you can't comment on their technical ability, you can only comment on the recorded work. To say it another way, listening to a cd does not necessarily represent a guitarist as a player...his/her abilities if you will. It merely represents the playing they did on that recording which would mainly go to songwriting. Look at the countless session players and sidemen who can shred and play, but in order to earn a paycheck have to play what is asked of them. Look at Rivers Cuomo from Weezer. He is a metal fan that used to play in hair/shred bands when he first started out. He then went and did his own thing and his playing had to change. As for Borland, I really don't know much about the guy but just because he records music sans shredding doesn't mean he can't shred. I know it isn't the way to think but he might want to be successful and shred hasn't been a big money earner in the last couple of years. We all know Mary Friedman can shred, but did't he go off and do pop? What if his pop record was the first and only thing any ever heard from him? The answer is that you would think he sucks and can't shred based on his music. Look at John Mayer. I don't like him and if you hear his bland songs you might think he can't play. He can. He has the SRV thing down. Whether or not you like that is irrelevant. He can still play but on his hits he tames it down. Endorsements and magazine covers come down to $$$$$$. Whoever will sell the most copies or guitars is going to be the one chosen to represent.

          Here is a free 30 sec download of my friend's last band. If you saw them play you would have no clue how good he is. He would write and play strictly for the song. Besides, having an amazing theoretical knowledge of music, he can play in all styles, from classical to jazz to rock to metal. He can read. He can write. He know theory inside out. As a joke, when the band played their final gig the singer asked him to shred so that everyone could see what he could do. He just started ripping some Yngwie on his 335. You can't always tell someone's abilities. The guitar is not a competition. It is a tool for someone to communicate to others through music. I don't focus on what someone can't do. I listen to the music. Give it a shot.

          Also check out the video "Before You"


          • #95
            Re: Wes Borland (Limp Bizkit) plays Jackson Rhoads

            i think the bar was raised so god damn high by '89-'90, that there had to be some kind of backlash coming. not everybody can play a freakin' guitar like our heroes can. it was getting pretty ridiculous there for a while. now as grerat as some of those players were/are, i'm sorry but the tunes just had alot lacking to them in my unhumble opinion.
            the bar was raised to a point where what was the next thing gonna be, sweeping arpeggios while your standing on your head while someone is burning you with a lit cigarette?
            Not helping the situation since 1965!


            • #96
              Re: Wes Borland (Limp Bizkit) plays Jackson Rhoads

              Ragarding the statement that Wes or John Mayer might be good but they tone it down on records to meet the current music tastes I ask you this: The only thing that we can base their playing on is their recorded material. The guitar playing sucks. What else is there to go by?


              • #97
                Re: Wes Borland (Limp Bizkit) plays Jackson Rhoads

                i keep hearing that john mayer can rip but i've never heard
                a peep out of his guitar from what i've seen of him.
                Not helping the situation since 1965!


                • #98
                  Re: Wes Borland (Limp Bizkit) plays Jackson Rhoads

                  What is it about what I said that you don't understand? You can base your opinion of the recorded material on the recorded material. That doesn't mean that you know everything about that person as a player. You of all people should know that. I am not a Wes or J Mayer fan, but that is because I don't particularly like their recorded works; but I can't comment on all of their guitar playing abilities because I don't know what they can do. I only know what they have done. I mean, if they came out and said, this is it then well there you have it but Mayer was just an example. I saw some live clips of him playing and just going off that would not be represented on his recorded works. John, weren't you in some well known bands? Don't you have recorded works? do those records represent everything that you can do? All the tones that you like? All of the styles that yo excel in? Someone else made a good point above. Aside from Yngwie, is there really anyone who has shot their entire ability load on one record? There is a guy named Matt Henderson. He is a pretty well known session guy. This dude can shred hard. He frequents quite a few forums and has been endorsed by everyone at some point. He played on at least one track on Natalie Merchant's Tigerlily disc. Do you think he shreds on that? No. He plays for the song. He entire being as a player is not represented by that recorded work. I am pretty sure Reb Beach did shred on the Chaka Kahn sessions he did.


                  • #99
                    Re: Wes Borland (Limp Bizkit) plays Jackson Rhoads

                    Five pages! It's only Wes Borland, he doesn't warrant all this! [img]/images/graemlins/what.gif[/img]


                    • Re: Wes Borland (Limp Bizkit) plays Jackson Rhoads

                      i'm not arguing with you big daddy, i'm just saying i hear the guy rips but i've never heard him do it. or were you addressing someone else?
                      Not helping the situation since 1965!


                      • Re: Wes Borland (Limp Bizkit) plays Jackson Rhoads

                        [ QUOTE ]
                        i keep hearing that john mayer can rip but i've never heard
                        a peep out of his guitar from what i've seen of him.

                        [/ QUOTE ]

                        I've seen him on TV a few times.

                        The first was on some awards show a few years ago before I ever heard of him - he just played some acoustic guitar piece and it was very good. He proved to me right there he could play and write some cool guitar stuff. I didn't realize he was the same guy doing the schmaltzy tunes until a while later.

                        The next time I saw him was with Buddy Guy playing the blues. I liked Buddy better because he's got some serious fire in his playing and tone but John sounded very good. John is not a particularly convincing blues singer though (kinda like Eric Johnson singing Red House).

                        The other thing that strikes me about John Mayer is that he seems very respectful of his idols/elders at least in the written interviews. Apparently he tosses in Hendrix and SRV covers at his shows - that's cool by me and I'm sure the teeny boppers have no idea what they're hearing. In the interview I saw of him on some late night show the other night he seemed very down to earth.
                        I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                        - Newc


                        • Re: Wes Borland (Limp Bizkit) plays Jackson Rhoads

                          I was addressing JGCable. Regarding Mayer, "rips" I suppose is subjective. He can, however, play well. He is a SRV fanatic and is able to cop his playing authentically. Whether or not that does anything for you...I don't know. The point is that he recorded works doesn't necessarily represent all he is as a player.


                          • Re: Wes Borland (Limp Bizkit) plays Jackson Rhoads

                            Well his recorded works certainly represent the fact that his songs and singing suck as$. Why don't we rip on that instead? Great singers in lame-o bands...there must be many.
                            Tarbaby Fraser.


                            • Re: Wes Borland (Limp Bizkit) plays Jackson Rhoads

                              the blues is what it's all about in the end for me. i don't think a tune can match the catchiness hard rock wise unless it's got some form of blues in it. that's just me though.
                              i look at a guy like warren demartini and he rips leads but he is very blues based, my favorite style, and yes SRV is incredible. i wouls very much love to be surprised and see john mayer let it all out like that.
                              Not helping the situation since 1965!


                              • Re: Wes Borland (Limp Bizkit) plays Jackson Rhoads

                                All you guys are bringing up much valid points...none that I cab disagree with so far..

                                Obviously although we may differ in opinions on certain issues from time to time...we do have much in common...our commitment to music and our love for the guitar (playing , gear, geetars)..This is a Jackson Guitar forum so pf all the differenr kinds of humans in the world...this site does narrow it down to a union of like least in a musical sense...

                                It's funny the the guy who posted this was just bored ...thought this topic was of interest for the obvious reasons...just so it can be attacked by me...hey that's my job here...everybody knows their role....mine is being the JCF prick.. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                                But it did give us a chance to have a pretty civil conversation of this matter of popularity versuses talent thing..civil for the most part..

                                no threats of silliness was made......instead I started my crap ...with "fagfaced wigger humper"...sorry that's how I react to such debates concerning the stuff I loathe in life but that response was more in retaliation for the Satan's poser thing , those who know me know that is not the case ...there is actually reasons behind my's nothing personal...nothing at all..

                                as a matter of fact I take back the fagfaced wigger humper was meant more for a tongue in asscheek , silly words than an attack...

                                believe me...and Tim probably could vouch for this...when I'm mad and want to will know it....this wasn't the case here...Nope it was just my very unique way of expressing my views on this whole issue ..which is Wes Borland's fame is a travesty of justice when you have men like Tony Macalpine barely making a living..and he is a musical genius....way beyond anyone's abilty here on this forum..

                                That's All I was trying to convey...

                                well who said life was fair anyways...I'm reacting like this was some kind of shocker..

                                I'm just trying to right some speak up for the underdog...

                                Jeez it seems I'm always speaking up for the undergod...even in a God sense..

                                I even used to love that cartoon Underdog...with sweet Polly pure bread..anyone else watch that...Rich I know you had to...Tim...Jimmy...David...Underdog anyone....anyone ...Bueller.. [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

                                OK I'll come back later...I must do homework now with the Vinman..

                                I still didn't go to bed yet...and I'm not even a bit tired...that's weird.

                                But don't you think that a cover of Guitar World should be those of the elite status (those who we look up to)...instead of putting some fly by night , flavor of the month on some kind of Teen Beat mag..I think so..

                                I think doing this just cheapens the reward..

                                now any schlong with a gay haircut and a hit single could make the cover...that's not right.
                                "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                                Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                                "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.

