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Head leaves Korn for God

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  • Re: Head leaves Korn for God

    Good thing you moved the discussion over to your thread Bill [img]/images/graemlins/poke.gif[/img]
    I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

    - Newc


    • Re: Head leaves Korn for God

      I'm just asking a few questions, its easier for me to prose them to him here. no biggie.


      • Re: Head leaves Korn for God

        Pleas Charvelguy ...come to my is not an evil NEWX proclaims.

        I'll will be very happy to discuss this with you two decent aldult people..

        That is a very good question..and I would like to answer that with great and honest thought..

        Please I don't want to "blow you off"...but I really don't want to continue this here..

        Maybe once we discuss this ...even if we still differ ...we may become more understanding of one another and at least have a better picture of how we feel..

        please , go to my thread ..but I won't be there until late tonight.

        I really want to be finished over here...but I'm more than willing to talk.
        "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
        Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

        "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


        • Re: Head leaves Korn for God

          "jesus can't save you, but it's nice to think he tried"
          (the black crowes, one of my favorite bands)
          Not helping the situation since 1965!


          • Re: Head leaves Korn for God

            Actually, Christ's birth was really no where near
            December OR March...
            His birth is not noted like we note our.
            But if you look at the season and the feasts surrounding His conception, it reveals his conception in the month of Teveth or Shevat: Dec/Jan and His birth around Tishri/September.
            Additionally, Dec 25th, which is obviously not Christ's birth.. is actually a pagan holiday and was basically brought over to us from the Greeks- specifically the battle of Kronos and Zeus.
            Most of the Christmas traditions actually came from the worship of rituals of other gods and date back several thousands of years throughout many different cultures, Greeks, Scandinavians, Romans and more...

            For the most part, almost all of our western holidays are a derivative from pagan gods and holidays. Even our days and months are filled with these pagan gods names. Its amazing how little we people actually know.
            We just 'do things' because we're told or taught to do them.
            Not many people give heed to where our traditions come from.
            I personally want to know why I am doing or believing in something... And being told by a man on a pulpit, or a family message taught over hundreds of years or whatever should never be sufficient to base a belief system on...
            We should all look to the roots/origins of thing before we act upon or try and teach them...
            So we know why we do or believe in what we believe.

            Bill, you claim to really know the bible but in fact your knowledge is quite perverted and inaccurate. Its overflowing with allot of historical and scriptural inaccuracies.
            I find it almost humorous to read or listen to people on these matters who are so over confident that they have all the facts down..
            While I'm no doubt sure that you have and will continue to deceive and convince yourself that your knowledge is correct, you would be better suited to really study the origins and depths of the bible(the Masoretic text) and Hebrew if you want to continue to bash it.


            • Re: Head leaves Korn for God

              "Bill, you claim to really know the bible but in fact your knowledge is quite perverted and inaccurate. Its overflowing with allot of historical and scriptural inaccuracies.
              I find it almost humorous to read or listen to people on these matters who are so over confident that they have all the facts down..
              While I'm no doubt sure that you have and will continue to deceive and convince yourself that your knowledge is correct, you would be better suited to really study the origins and depths of the bible(the Masoretic text) and Hebrew if you want to continue to bash it."
              .................................................. ........

              To VWALL...Scott..

              Either take it to my thread or don't mention "me" here at all..

              respectfully ,

              "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
              Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

              "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


              • Re: Head leaves Korn for God

                Bill, it is truly sad that you had to be involved in that situation, and the end-result for both you and the father is even more sad than the death of the child.

                But, consider Job, who was perfect in God's sight. Satan argued that if God let him destroy all that Job had - his family, his possessions - everything - that he would curse God. God knew that Job would not, because He knew how much he loved God, but God gave Satan the go-ahead to take everything from Job except his life, which he promptly did.
                Job lost everything one by one, with his nagging wife beside him to constantly badger him to curse God and die, but Job knew better, because he loved God more than he loved his own children and his possessions. Even more than those blessings of God.
                Job's wife died last, because she cursed God for the tragedies that were set upon them by Satan.

                You did the same thing, Bill, as did the father of that baby. You blamed the wrong person, and put someone and something else before God - you wagered your faith on such a circumstance as the horrible mutilated, slow, agonizing death of a child, rather than focusing on God. Yes you prayed for God to save the child, and the child's soul was saved, but not his mortal life. That child's sole purpose in its life was to test you and his father. To see if you would curse God and lose your soul over something less important than God.
                You both failed the test.

                Even Judas would have been forgiven of his betrayal of Jesus had he asked for it, but instead he hung himself. Suicides always get the Express Line to Hell.

                And so now since you have thrown away your soul, you slam those who believe in God and Christ as "weak" and "needing a crutch"? Who are you to judge anyone in that manner? You claim to be objective in such a matter but fail repeatedly in doing so. You state time and again that you did not sling any mud at anyone but that everyone's busting your balls for no reason other than religious persecution, or that we somehow fear you, and then turn around and slam someone else for believing in God as needing a crutch or being weak?
                You are nothing to fear, Bill. You are a tool of Satan. He pulls your string and you talk because you are bound to him as his mindless puppet - the same type of mindless puppet you accuse us of being.

                I'm through with you. God have mercy on your soul.
                I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                My Blog:


                • Re: Head leaves Korn for God


                  I never slam "GOOD" people who put their faith in God..

                  But "Good" people are few and far it seems...I slam those God loving people who do evil..and live there life with no respect for themselves or others.

                  I been talking to Tom (Charvelguy) on my thread. We are getting to know each other before jumping to conclusions...well like you and Tom were wrong about each other about a few things.

                  I suggest if you really want to know my WHOLE story...come to my thread..there is some stuff I posted there last night ..explaing why I believe what I do..

                  That incident with that poor little boy and his father was only the first of MANY things that changed my mind forever about God.

                  I don't want to discuss this here anymore...but when my name is being constantly mentioned here against my wishes ...then I must respond.

                  Go read the last few of my posts over there..

                  Please,...or "are you through with me"..

                  "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                  Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                  "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                  • Re: Head leaves Korn for God

                    I need to consult "The Life Of Brian" to get a better read on this situation.

                    Bill, score any good metal lately? Stuff that won't scare me, of course.

                    Newc, do you have any guitar transformations in the works? I liked that DK2 you did a few years ago, with the maple neck and OFR. That was a killer one.
                    Tarbaby Fraser.

