Dan Mongrain from Martyr is playing with Cryptopsy on their current tour (in place of Jon Levasseur) and played a couple Jacksons last night, including what looked like a really sweet custom warrior (some sort of thin looking gray/silver finish (allowed the wood grain to show through, but wasn't a normal trans finish, at at least didn't look like it to me), and what looked like custom inlays, although I didn't get a very good view of them (he was on the opposite side of the stage from where I was). There were ALL in top form, Flo took a drum solo (ending it with the bit than Bonham ends the drum solo in Moby Dick with), Mongrain kicked all kinds of ass, and Lord Worm was his usual chipper self, handing out worms from his chalice and introducing Cold Hate, Warm Blood as a song "maybe about abortion, or maybe it's a ghost story!"
All-around awesome show! [img]/images/graemlins/band.gif[/img] (actually the opening bands that I saw (missed the first one) pretty much sucked, but I'm gonna ignore that since cryptopsy was so great [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] )
All-around awesome show! [img]/images/graemlins/band.gif[/img] (actually the opening bands that I saw (missed the first one) pretty much sucked, but I'm gonna ignore that since cryptopsy was so great [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] )