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Daize Shayn, music is too poppy, but she is hot...

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  • #16
    Re: Daize Shayn, music is too poppy, but she is ho

    [ QUOTE ]
    She may be hot, but her music sucks.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    +1 in a BIG sorta way dude!! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


    • #17
      Re: Daize Shayn, music is too poppy, but she is hot...

      [ QUOTE ]
      She's cute, but most of the cashiers at the local grocery store are hotter than her.

      [/ QUOTE ]

      Wow... where the heck do you shop??


      • #18
        Re: Daize Shayn, music is too poppy, but she is hot...

        [ QUOTE ]
        [ QUOTE ]
        She's cute, but most of the cashiers at the local grocery store are hotter than her.

        [/ QUOTE ]

        Wow... where the heck do you shop??

        [/ QUOTE ]

        +1 I'm obviously shopping at *all* of the wrong places.
        Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!


        • #19
          Re: Daize Shayn, music is too poppy, but she is hot...

          Here's proof that the "Music Industry" is offically dead.

          Good god.

          Someone please tell me what this chick did to earn a record deal and a tour? Do you suppose it had anything at all to do with music?


          • #20
            Re: Daize Shayn, music is too poppy, but she is hot...

            [ QUOTE ]
            Here's proof that the "Music Industry" is offically dead.

            Good god.

            Someone please tell me what this chick did to earn a record deal and a tour? Do you suppose it had anything at all to do with music?

            [/ QUOTE ]

            Now i have to disagree with you here. She is not my or your type of music, but she does have a good voice and for the type of music she is doing it sounds OK. Just because we dont like a certain style of music does not mean that the music industry is going down.

            personaly i think she is cool for more then just her looks, the fact that we got a chick that plays guitar is always a cool thing. I dont care if she is on the poppy side of music, at least she understands the love of the guitar! We need more woman like that. At least she is not doing Rap or R&B or pure Britney Spears pop!


            • #21
              Re: Daize Shayn, music is too poppy, but she is hot...

              Nice body but there is something I find slightly disturbing about her face..


              • #22
                Re: Daize Shayn, music is too poppy, but she is ho

                [ QUOTE ]
                Nice body but there is something I find slightly disturbing about her face..

                [/ QUOTE ]

                Is it the Paris Hilton nose?


                • #23
                  Re: Daize Shayn, music is too poppy, but she is ho

                  [ QUOTE ]
                  [ QUOTE ]
                  Nice body but there is something I find slightly disturbing about her face..

                  [/ QUOTE ]

                  Is it the Paris Hilton nose?

                  [/ QUOTE ]

                  Yea that might be part of it. That and the picture here makes it look like she is sporting the hint of a mustache and beard.


                  • #24
                    Re: Daize Shayn, music is too poppy, but she is ho

                    [ QUOTE ]
                    Nice body but there is something I find slightly disturbing about her face..

                    [/ QUOTE ]

                    What I find disturbing about her face is that my balls aren't on it.


                    • #25
                      Re: Daize Shayn, music is too poppy, but she is hot...

                      "So kiss me where you know it is that I need to be kissed..."

                      Actual lyric.

                      I wrote better songs than this when I was in High School! C'Mon...she's posing with a you think she's playing the licks you hear on the recordings? And her voice is what? Good? Yeah, as in average.
                      So what gives her a deal over the many talented musicians on this very board, for example? Is she better than Devane?


                      • #26
                        Re: Daize Shayn, music is too poppy, but she is ho

                        [ QUOTE ]
                        [ QUOTE ]
                        Nice body but there is something I find slightly disturbing about her face..

                        [/ QUOTE ]

                        What I find disturbing about her face is that my balls aren't on it.

                        [/ QUOTE ]

                        ROTFLMAO!! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                        • #27
                          Re: Daize Shayn, music is too poppy, but she is hot...

                          [ QUOTE ]
                          "So kiss me where you know it is that I need to be kissed..."

                          Actual lyric.

                          I wrote better songs than this when I was in High School! C'Mon...she's posing with a you think she's playing the licks you hear on the recordings? And her voice is what? Good? Yeah, as in average.
                          So what gives her a deal over the many talented musicians on this very board, for example? Is she better than Devane?

                          [/ QUOTE ]

                          She actualy does play her own guitar and i think her voice is better then average.

                          As to the lyrics, lets just say i have heard worse lyrics in alot of metal songs, example right now i am watching Ace's rock soilders video! But also lyrics are subjective too, different strokes for different folks. Personaly i am out of my rage and hate phase, iam out of my drug and partying phase and now would rather hear songs that deal with everyday situations such as love etc.. Those lyrics might not be what you are looking for, but hell i will kiss her where she needs to be kissed!

                          As to why she got a contract and other people on this board havent. Well there could be many reasons, but unfortunaly in the music business knowing the right people sure does help! But image, determination are huge factors as well as many others. Not to mention there are 100's of artists that get contracts every year, but that does not mean they make it big!

                          Talent is also subjective, as i can shread, i dont really do that in my playing anymore unless i am playing 80's metal. I would much prefer to write a groovy rythem track that is easy as hell to play then a song with a million beats a second but has no soul! I also prefer to listen to artists that have soul, weather they are playing fast or slow. This also probaly why i dont care for many newer metal bands that just scream from the first note to the last, where is the heart, where is the soul? It is just all rage! Maybe that is why i like screamo better, at least it goes from one emotion to another!

                          Just because she is not your style of music does not mean she does not deserve a contract or record deal! It just means you dont have to buy it or listen too it, just like millions of other people will not buy or listen to the music that you like.

                          By the way i didnt start this thread because of her music, i started this thread because she is hot and i would do her in a minute, big nose and all! My first post i said the music is poppy and i really dont like it, however i would rather have a hot girl that plays guitar then a hot girl that cant understand my love for guitar and nags me about it!

                          By the way Chuck, dont take this as a attack against you, i am just very open minded when it comes to music, i listen to just about everything you can imagine. The worse thing a musician can do is have a closed mind, music is a personal thing and we all write about what we are feeling, just because you are not feeling the same thing she is does not give you a right to put her down!


                          • #28
                            Re: Daize Shayn, music is too poppy, but she is hot...

                            Siggy, believe it or not I have nothing against her music. Know what's in my CD player right now? Mark Knopflers newest disc, Shangri La. It's great. So I am as open minded as they come. Hell, I watch a little of Headbangers Ball and laugh my ass off, cause every band they play sounds the same and they all suck, for the most part. Yet, I fully understand why these small labels are snatching them up left and right. Back in Arizona, every single band like that in my rehearsel complex got a deal with somebody. For 15 minutes.

                            My point was I think it's sad that the so-called music industry has failed to sign artists that are actually artistic musicians, and instead sign a chick who's an accomplished surfer, looks great in a bikini and happens to be able to sing a little. That wrong gives me every right in the world to excersize my judgement.

                            No need to school me on how the business works...been there, done that!

                            So, Siggy, why do you like her music, again? Try listening with the moniter off...


                            • #29
                              Re: Daize Shayn, music is too poppy, but she is ho

                              +1 @ Siggy

                              I go apeshit everytime I hear that pop musicians don't have talent. No one doesn't give a flying fuck if you can sweep pick at 356 bpm. The producers make that music sound EXACTLY what most of the people need, and these pop artists have the talent to perform for the people, so he or she and all the producers, managers and everybody in the record company can get some big $$bling-bling$$ If you don't have talent then you don't have the money
                              "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                              "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                              • #30
                                Re: Daize Shayn, music is too poppy, but she is ho

                                Thank you Endrik. You made my point better than I did.

                                Siggy, I'm not argueing taste with you, or saying you're wrong. I'm just making a point about the vapidity of the Music Industry so well described by Endrik above.

