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8.19 - Quo Vadis in Vancouver Gear report included

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  • 8.19 - Quo Vadis in Vancouver Gear report included

    Fairly long winded here... The gear report for Quo Vadis and Augury is bolded if that's all you're interested in.

    I made the 2 - 3 hour journey up to Canada with a friend of mine to check out Quo Vadis as they were swinging over here on their Canadian tour with Augury. Took about three hours and we arrived at the bar / club in the more seedy part of Vancouver (violent crackheads roaming the street, you know the drill). We arrived at the club at about 9pm, my buddy snagged a drink and started to get his camera gear ready (he's a professional band photographer). I browsed around the venue because my legs were a bit sore from sitting down in one spot for about 3 hours straight. First band started up at about 9:30-ish and there was about 30-40 people in attendence at that point. I didn't care too much for the first band (not into their style) so I just stood off to the side watching.

    First thing I noticed was that there were a lot more hot chicks at the show than down in Seattle. I went back to the merch tables, checked out Augury's stuff (didn't buy anything since I didn't have a lot canadian money with me, plus I hadn't heard them yet) and also looked at the merch Quo Vadis had setup. I spotted Bart at the table and introduced myself to him (mentioned the JCF board too - He's VomiT on here). He was very appreciative of the trip we'd taken to come up and check them out. We talked about the general metal stuff (scene in Montreal / Quebec, scene in Seattle) and he was a cool guy. I picked up a Hooded Sweatshirt of the forthcoming DVD cover. He also offered to show me some of the DVD after the show since he had some of the footage. He also said that he wanted to see me moving around / in the pit and I said "Sure thing." He also talked about the live members they were using, Dominic on bass (who also played with Augury, so he was doing like 2.5-ish hours a night playing technical bass stuff, VERY impressive!), William on guitar (not sure if that was his name, I think that is what it was), and the keyboardist / choir arranger for the Defiant Imagination sessions named Roxy, I believe.

    Augury played and I'd never really heard anything of theirs before and they really impressed me. Technical riffing, fairly aggressive, the instruments complemented each other quite well too. Each of the musicians were excellent on their instruments, especially the bassist, he did some excellent tapping and all sorts of excellent quick runs up the fretboard. They played a pretty good set and I was impressed. One guitarist used one of the flip flopped Dual Rectifiers (black upper half, chrome lower (where the knobs are)) with an effects processor of some sort. The guitarist / vocalist was running a Mesa Boogie rackmounted something head (looked like a Mark 3 with no graphic EQ but it didn't appear that any of the knobs were push / pull, so I don't know) with an effects processor. Both were using guitars by some unknown manufacturer, possibly customs? After Augury finished, I went outside for a bit to get some fresh air (the club was really hot inside).

    I have been a big Quo Vadis fan since some early samples of Day Into Night were posted on I was really looking forward to seeing them live but I really didn't know what to expect since, well, it is always like that when you see a band you've never seen before.

    I came back in and picked a spot right up front on the left side facing the stage. Quo Vadis came on shortly there after to a club that had around 100-150 people (rough estimation, I was right up front and it seemed like the club was packed to me). Bart had mentioned to me that they had something like a thousand plus people at their DVD show in Quebec and how it was a lot different playing in smaller clubs throughout Canada. But holy shit, I've never seen a band up on stage getting into their music and really pulling out all the stops. If I remember correctly they opened up their set with "Silence Calls The Storm" and the entire band was just headbanging and moving around a ton. Stéphane, their vocalist, sounds awesome live, very aggressive and he also has a lot of personality. On top of that he pulls of some morbid vocals and holds them for REALLY long. Me and about 10 or so Canadians were right up front headbanging nonstop the whole time, just a ton of hair flipping all around right up front.

    Bart, Stéphane, Dominic, and Roxy were all pretty much circular headbanging the whole time, and William was banging his head and looking out to the crowd while riffing away like a madman. Bart and Stefen both were pretty much running around the stage the whole time (and the stage wasn't that big, but hell, they were using every inch of it) while performing. Yanic Bercier (drums) is amazing on the albums and live he's even more so. He's perfect, plus he's mouthing the lyrics the whole time (so it seemed). Dominic played a fretless four string the whole night and pulled off those Steve DiGiorgio basslines without a problem. I had trouble hearing they keyboards due to being right up front, but Roxy was headbanging the whole time, while periodically flipping her keyboard up a bit while she played. Bart was probably the best live guitar player I've ever seen. He was very tight on his playing, but he was constantly moving around the stage, getting right up into the crowd's face and banging his head. All around and excellent performance. The entire band played to the 100-150 gathered there like it was a stadium of 40 thousand people.

    Gear report on Quo Vadis was a Jackson SL2H Mahogany as well as a 5150 into a Marshall 1960A (I think) for Bart, an Ibanez Universe for William with a 5150II into a Mesa Boogie cab (older style with the metal grill, I think). Both of them were using BOSS GT-6's with the 4 cable method (two in the loops, one into the front of the amp, the other cable going to the guitar). Both 5150's appeared to have a fairly high amount of mids dialed in.

    I would highly recommend you pick up Quo Vadis's Defiant Imagination if you're in the mood for some quality death/thrash with a side of tech. If you have the chance to see them live, definitely do it! You won't be disappointed.

  • #2
    Re: 8.19 - Quo Vadis in Vancouver Gear report incl

    Damn, I'd love to see QV sometime. If only they'd get on a US tour...
    Division - American Metal that doesn't suck. Much. Even on Facebook.


    • #3
      Re: 8.19 - Quo Vadis in Vancouver Gear report incl

      I've had Quo Vadis' "Day Into Night" for about three years now... what a bitchin' CD!!! [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]

      Haven't seen Bart post on the JCF in a few months now. [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]


      • #4
        Re: 8.19 - Quo Vadis in Vancouver Gear report incl

        [ QUOTE ]
        Damn, I'd love to see QV sometime. If only they'd get on a US tour...

        [/ QUOTE ]
        Well, Bart said that they'd love to do a USA tour with a European band.

        [ QUOTE ]
        I've had Quo Vadis' "Day Into Night" for about three years now... what a bitchin' CD!!! [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]

        [/ QUOTE ]
        I love that CD. Excellent material.


        • #5
          Re: 8.19 - Quo Vadis in Vancouver Gear report incl

          Although I've never heard of them until today, and much less their music--it sounds like you had fun! Woot [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]

