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C.C. Deville's home burglarized

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  • C.C. Deville's home burglarized

    I'm not a big fan of his, but nobody deserves to have their gear stolen.

    > This news just in from Roberta at Johannessongs, Inc. Please
    keep your eyes and ears open and help us recover these items for CC.
    > **
    > Earlier this morning, the home of noted guitarist C.C. Deville was
    broken into. Many guitars and several amplifiers were stolen from his
    private collection.
    > Arriving home from a personal business trip, Mr. Deville noticed
    that several guitars were not where he had left them. Upon further
    inspection, an initial inventory showed that approximately 30 pieces
    of equipment had been taken from his house. Included on the list are
    several vintage amplifiers and collectible guitars. Many of these are
    recognizable to C.C.'s fans, as they have been used on stage by this
    talented guitar player as well as featured in the numerous music
    videos he has appeared in during his 20 year career.
    > "This has been a difficult year for me," said C.C. I have struggled
    with my alcohol addiction and sought and completed treatment. Then to
    return home only to find it had been maliciously violated.
    Unfortunately the finger points to someone I have graciously allowed
    in my house and life. This saddens and disappoints me greatly."
    > C.C. continued," Not only do these guitars represent a large
    financial loss to myself, but they are also a damaging and hurtful
    loss to Poison and all of it's fans. Several of these pieces have
    become recognizable icons whose value exceeds their monetary or
    insured value." "I'm doing my best to think of this as a test to my
    hard earned sobriety. It's a test I do not intend to fail. It is,
    however, made more difficult by the fact that my feeling of safety is
    gone. And that I have lost some very gifted friends in my guitars."
    C.C. concluded.
    > A list of everything that was stolen will available on his personal
    website Planet Deville when the inventory process has been completed.
    While the proper authorities have been notified and are working on
    solving this case, we urge anyone with knowledge of the theft itself
    or the whereabouts of any of the missing valuables to contact Roberta
    Cowan at Johannessongs, Inc. at (310)388-3936 or via email at
    Occupy JCF

  • #2
    Re: C.C. Deville\'s home burglarized

    That is very sad to hear, i am always so nervous when i go away and thinking i am gonna come back and be cleaned out. I am starting to get alot of vintage stuff that cant be replaced so that is why it would kill me if it walked off.


    • #3
      Re: C.C. Deville\'s home burglarized

      my other biggest fear is since i live in a apartment complex is that some idiot will start a fire and everything of mine will burn. I have two roommates and it gives me a sense of relief as well as more panic, on the one hand when i go away i know my roommates are there and i dont have to worry so much about stuff being stolen, but on the bad side one of my roommates will come home drunk or stoned, cook something in the toaster oven and leave it on over night.


      • #4
        Re: C.C. Deville\'s home burglarized

        That and he just got handed a jail term for DWI. Not a good time to be CC.


        • #5
          Re: C.C. Deville\'s home burglarized

          I'm not a fan at all, but he doesn't deserve this. Short of violent crime, there is nothing lower than a thief.


          • #6
            Re: C.C. Deville\'s home burglarized

            [ QUOTE ]
            my other biggest fear is since i live in a apartment complex is that some idiot will start a fire and everything of mine will burn. I have two roommates and it gives me a sense of relief as well as more panic, on the one hand when i go away i know my roommates are there and i dont have to worry so much about stuff being stolen, but on the bad side one of my roommates will come home drunk or stoned, cook something in the toaster oven and leave it on over night.

            [/ QUOTE ]

            I'm there with ya. We've got 30 guitars in the apartment and my nightmare is coming home with a fire truck in the street in front of the burning hulk of my building.
            Occupy JCF


            • #7
              Re: C.C. Deville\'s home burglarized

              You two need to stop scaring me. I've got at least one guitar that is completely irreplacable (Collen Archtop prototype, no serial number).


              • #8
                Re: C.C. Deville\'s home burglarized

                [ QUOTE ]
                You two need to stop scaring me. I've got at least one guitar that is completely irreplacable (Collen Archtop prototype, no serial number).

                [/ QUOTE ] Well, short of locking it in Fort Knox, there is always a chance that something can be lost due to various circumstances. It's a risk we all live with.
                Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


                • #9
                  Re: C.C. Deville\'s home burglarized

                  [ QUOTE ]
                  You two need to stop scaring me. I've got at least one guitar that is completely irreplacable (Collen Archtop prototype, no serial number).

                  [/ QUOTE ]

                  It's not like I can just go out and replace "Skully".
                  Occupy JCF


                  • #10
                    Re: C.C. Deville\'s home burglarized

                    It had to have taken a long time if they rolled out with 30 guitars and a bunch of amps. That article suggested that he knew who did it. Probably a roommate, girlfriend, etc. If that's the case he'll more than likely get the stuff back.


                    • #11
                      Re: C.C. Deville\'s home burglarized

                      ..and I just heard the DUI thing this morning on the radio. Now this??? Total bummer.


                      • #12
                        Re: C.C. Deville\'s home burglarized

                        look on the good side to this,he cant play them any more [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]
                        Joking aside-he had a great collection and is a good song writer


                        • #13
                          Re: C.C. Deville\'s home burglarized

                          that would totally suck..I met CC he is actually a nice guy...hope he gets his stuff back.
                 - info, pics and Charvel guitar discussion board. All things Charvel
                          My Charvel guitars - always one away from too many!


                          • #14
                            Re: C.C. Deville\'s home burglarized

                            Hye guys, i just scored a bunch of old BC. richs n ibanez's, anyoe interested?.........J/K

                            I think he knows who did it, it's just a matter of time catching him. Sucks when you can't trust your friends.

                            I once made this tape with Pamela Anderson, my roadie stole it and had it distributed, totally sucked that everyone knew i stoinked Pam.

                            Seriously, I hope he gets his gear back, no one deserves to have thier gear stolen.Some pathetic loser who doesnt want to earn what he wants.Rott in hell dickweed.


                            • #15
                              Re: C.C. Deville\'s home burglarized

                              [ QUOTE ]
                              Hye guys, i just scored a bunch of old BC. richs n ibanez's, anyoe interested?.........J/K

                              [/ QUOTE ]
                              the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives

