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Stephen Pearcy talks about ROBBIN

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  • Stephen Pearcy talks about ROBBIN recently conducted an interview with former RATT frontman Stephen Pearcy. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow:

    Classic Rock Revisited: Why did you leave RATT?

    Stephen: "You can perceive it as voluntary or involuntary, withdraw. It was an agreement or partnership that was sometimes honored and sometimes not. I took them to court etc. and we amicably got it settled, but unfortunately it took four years of bullshit. That doesn't mean that everything is better, because I still feel that there are wrong things being done right now, and some things bother me. As long as they don't disturb the real partnership and throw a record out there, that is fine with me. They can do what the want. They are just a cover band. I don't go out and perceiving myself as my old band. I just happen to be the guy that created the band, hired them and wrote the songs. I co-wrote the songs. I am a Rat Bastard and I have bigger, better, fish to fry. I just wanted to regroup and develop at a time when it was very necessary."

    Classic Rock Revisited: Can we talk about [late RATT guitarist] Robbin [Crosby, who died of AIDS in 2002]?

    Stephen: "Sure we can."

    Classic Rock Revisited: That whole situation was so sad.

    Stephen: "Well, both of us knew what we were getting into. You're given this debauchery platinum card and however you use it was your choice. Robbin and I were never the people to tell anybody what to do. In the band, I started it and pulled him in first. We knew what we were doing, but he was extreme in everything that he did. When I did one he would do four. Everybody had their different substance intake and his just happen to be everything. The one that got him was AIDS and people should be aware that dirty needles, if you choose to go that way, don't work and sex, throw a rubber on it and be careful and then the party and everything else is cool. People live their own life; it took me a few years to get my shit together. The guy was king in our eyes, he was Robbin, he was our leader, and he was my right hand man. It was terrible; it was just bad all the way around. He is a soldier we lost in the rock and roll war. He was not the first and I am sure he will not be the last."

    Classic Rock Revisited: How did you and Robbin originally meet?

    Stephen: I had MICKEY RATT in San Diego and he had his band PHENOMENON in San Diego and we played gigs together and we met like that. I pulled my band to LA in 1980. His band followed and then fell apart and Robbin started jamming with me. When Jake E. Lee went to OZZY we asked Robbin to join the band and the rest is history."

    Classic Rock Revisited: When he came to you and told you the news were you just shocked?

    Stephen: "Yeah, because I wasn't free from dabbling in any of that. He was excessive in that. He told everybody too late. He hid it for so long, he really did; he hid it for so long. There really was not much we could do but move ahead in life and support him as much as we could. We never abandoned him, but 'Behind the Music' will have a lot to say about that and will answer a lot of questions and I am really happy about that. People have been mislead by original members. With all do respect, Robbin was a great guitar player for the band and was all around great person. The sweetest man you could ever meet on the planet. The gentle giant. The guy is like 6'4” tall, blonde dude."

    Read the entire interview at

  • #2
    Re: Stephen Pearcy talks about ROBBIN

    pretty cool, even if some of it is inaccurate. (mainly the "we never abandoned him" part.)
    Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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    • #3
      Re: Stephen Pearcy talks about ROBBIN

      <font color="red">RIP Robbin!!Thanx for posting that Dave!! </font>


      • #4
        Re: Stephen Pearcy talks about ROBBIN

        Maybe it's just my personal bias, but doesn't it seem like Pearcy took a question about Robbin and made it more about himself? 'I did'... 'I started'...etc... Just seems a little arrogant.....?

        My thinking is that this 'Behind the Music' episode is likely to be a bit one-sided...



        • #5
          Re: Stephen Pearcy talks about ROBBIN

          [ QUOTE ]
          Maybe it's just my personal bias, but doesn't it seem like Pearcy took a question about Robbin and made it more about himself? 'I did'... 'I started'...etc... Just seems a little arrogant.....?

          My thinking is that this 'Behind the Music' episode is likely to be a bit one-sided...


          [/ QUOTE ]

          They usually tend to be, especially when someone is no longer around to defend/speak for themselves. RIP Robbin.


          • #6
            Re: Stephen Pearcy talks about ROBBIN

            What do you guys expect, the truth? If he was telling the truth, he'd say, "Yeah, I was a terrible singer and the band is better off without me. I ditched them because I thought I was the big star and they were nothing, and now I realize Im crap."............


            • #7
              Re: Stephen Pearcy talks about ROBBIN

              From his statement it reads as if he is saying it is ok to shoot up? Am I reading it correctly?


              • #8
                Re: Stephen Pearcy talks about ROBBIN

                [ QUOTE ]
                What do you guys expect, the truth? If he was telling the truth, he'd say, "Yeah, I was a terrible singer and the band is better off without me. I ditched them because I thought I was the big star and they were nothing, and now I realize Im crap."............

                [/ QUOTE ]

                I disagree with yoru statement somewhat, i dont think he is a bad singer and i think his voice is what made Ratt the way there were and i wouldnt have liked them any other way. To the rest i cant comment.

                I didnt know Robin, i do not know Stephen, what i do know is there are three sides to every story, and since i wasnt there to experience it myself i can not exactly judge any side.

                What I do know is Robin was a great player and will be missed dearly. I hope he was surrounded by many loved ones and true friends at the end and he has found peace in the after life!


                • #9
                  Re: Stephen Pearcy talks about ROBBIN

                  +1, Siggy.

                  IMO, Pearcy was a good singer, with a unique voice which was the key ingredient to making RATT sound unique and great.

                  I know nothing of the band's personal relationships (whether they abandoned Robbin, etc.).

                  It's natural to speak from one's own viewpoint, as Pearcy did in this interview (I did this & that, etc.).

                  Thanks for posting the interview. Interesting reading.


                  • #10
                    Re: Stephen Pearcy talks about ROBBIN

                    as far as stephen goes, yes, he started ratt and he (along with juan and robbin) wrote most of the songs you all know and love. robbin WAS the peacekeeper and mediator of the band, and was pretty much the leader until his lifestyle clouded things.

                    i've also heard from robbin that it was very difficult to get decent vocal tracks from him in the studio, and he was always pretty rough live.

                    as far as the behind the music part goes, i can tell you first hand that robbin will be represented. i have no idea how the final product will be, but they've taken the steps to get as much info about him as they can; he won't just be "the guy who died."

                    think about this one for a minute; why do you think that ratt hasn't put an album of new music out since detonator? maybe because the writers of the band are no longer in it? [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

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