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George Lynch last night

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  • George Lynch last night

    George ripped, go see him if he comes to your town.

    That is all.

  • #2
    Re: George Lynch last night



    • #3
      Re: George Lynch last night

      At the time I posted this (which was about 12 hours after the show), I was still speechless, and as a result couldn't say much more. The guy friggen rocks! He seemed to be very into it, taking chances by improvising, and was shredding up a storm. George is one of those guys that you only need to hear one note and know its them playing.

      I was just getting into the moment enjoying the show and boozing it up, so I can't remember the setlist. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] It did consist of all the great Dokken tunes, as well as a couple Lynch Mob tunes "River of Love" sticks out. He used his Kamikaze most of the night, an ESP strat that looked like it was dragged behind a truck, a Fender Tele that also looked like it was dragged behind a truck, and the Mr. Scary Bones guitar. For amps, he had a Randall RM100 head, a Marshall Plexi, and three Plexi looking purple amps with some kind of unfamiliar logo on them, all running through two HiWatt cabs. There was another Orange (in color) that was facing backwards. His pedal board was minimal, and he used a Phaser for alot of his parts. His tone was huge... actually, the whole band sounded great. His singer was able to nail all those Dokken tunes, but with a bluesier, huskier, voice. Good stuff!

      Again, if George shows up in your town, go see him. Fans of great guitar playing will not be dissappointed.


      • #4
        Re: George Lynch last night

        He needs to come over to my house and try some of my stuff and see what he thinks. Just hang out and have a few cold ones. Maybe give me a lesson (or 2 or 3...). Wouldn't that be cool?

        I still have my ESP Custom M-1 he signed back in 1990 at the winter NAMM show.

        I think the last time I saw him was when Dokken was touring/opening with Aerosmith - saw them twice in three days. Great show, but that's been a while (1987?).


        • #5
          Re: George Lynch last night

          87/88... I saw them on that tour as well... [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]
          Unfortunately the last time I saw him was at a G3 concert in Mesa, AZ.
          He got his a$$ handed to him by Vai and Satriani.
          Probably just an off night for him, but he really sucked that night. I was embarrased for him.


          • #6
            Re: George Lynch last night

            Cool beans. I saw him at the Charlotte show and I was totally blown away. I never saw Dokken or Lynch Mob back in the day, so it was a treat for me to be able to see him because he doesn't tour the east coast that often. I hope he does another album and finds his way back east again. I'll be there for sure!


            • #7
              Re: George Lynch last night

              i hate you all

              it's just not fair - why did i have to come into this world in the fucking UK where all the big 80's guys never tour...grrrr....


              • #8
                Re: George Lynch last night

                George and the singer were on the radio this morning here in colorado playing acoustic.They played "alone again" and "Rain" .Andrew was okay on alone, but he was HORRENDOUS on rain, voice cracking, going flat on the high notes.I turned it down because it was killing me.Hes playing an acoustic show here tonight, then with the band tommorrow.I'll wait til he has the band to see if the singers a hack or just cant sing accapella. I was embarrased for George, it was that bad.

                Ive been a long time fan. Lynch is in my top 3 all time, so hearing him with a lousy singer just plain sucks.I guess that is what he gets for hiring cheap labor.


                • #9
                  Re: George Lynch last night

                  it might be the low volumes in the studio - my voice is really weak when i'm singing quietly but if i can sing really loud my range gets a whole lot better and i have far more control of my voice which i've always thought is rather strange.....


                  • #10
                    Re: George Lynch last night

                    I dunno about the radio broadcast, but when live, the guy was belting it out. No keeping his voice down, that's for sure.

                    Then again, most of my time was spent watching George, and the hot, skantily clad rocker chicks that were shaking their butts throught the show. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                    • #11
                      Re: George Lynch last night

                      YOu cant hold back on radio, I am certain that they lost attendees rather that gaining them with his voice.George was killer and they shouldve just tunred him up


                      • #12
                        Re: George Lynch last night

                        Morning voice is definitely tough on singers...


                        • #13
                          Re: George Lynch last night

                          I'll be at Ecks Saloon tomorrow for sure. Gotta see George!
                          1+2 = McGuirk, 2+4 = She's hot, 6-4 = Happy McGuirk


                          • #14
                            Re: George Lynch last night

                            Anyone going to the Fort Worth show on Friday?


                            • #15
                              Re: George Lynch last night

                              I'll be at Eck's Saloon tonight! Buzzsaw...we should hook up for a beer. You scream "Rupe" and I'll scream "Buzzsaw" and we should find each other.

