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Now this guy can play!

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  • #16
    Re: Now this guy can play!

    doesn't he have a brother named Phil who's also great?
    my two-handed tapping friend, Ole Staveteig lived a few years in Australia, and he made friends with the Emmanuel brothers while staying there.

    - Rune


    • #17
      Re: Now this guy can play!

      [ QUOTE ]
      Yngwie's playing is very good I've hard all of his solos but there are many players who can tear his head off with ease, Paco De Lucia, Al Di Meola, John McLaughlin, Django Reinhardt, Michael Hedges, Justin King, Tommy Emanuel etc. do by far more harder and interesting things than Yngwie.

      [/ QUOTE ]

      I've seen Al Di, Paco DeLucia, John McLaughlin, Yngwie, Steve Morse, and a lot of others all play acoustic live (Al D at least 20 times), and while lots of them do lots of different things (differently, of course) NONE of them blows Yngwie's head off. I'm not talking about hearing the records, I'm talking about seeing the person live, getting a feel for their technique and abilities in a way you don't get from an mp3. Just because someone plays jazz doesn't always mean they are a better musician than a classical player. Often, yes; always, no.
      And if Django is still capable of ripping anyone's head off, someone should do him a solid a dig the poor bastard up. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
      Courtesy, Integrity, Self-control, Perseverance, Indomitable Spirit


      • #18
        Re: Now this guy can play!

        Hey I'm eating dinner with Django and Hedges right now.
        "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

        "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


        • #19
          Re: Now this guy can play!

          Michael Hedges - Breakfast In The Field

          Anything by Charlie Byrd...
          Look Up...Get Up...And Never EVER Give Up...


          • #20
            Re: Now this guy can play!

            wow that was a sick acoustic exhibition! very very intense.

            I play acoustic a lot, because I like the sound, and because it makes me a cleaner better electric player.

            this guy fucking tore that shit up.

            and I agree with the previous comment that Yngwie, when he wants to, can make utter magic with an acoustic, when he plays it and does not just try to shred on it.
            the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


            • #21
              Re: Now this guy can play!

              [ QUOTE ]
              Michael Hedges

              [/ QUOTE ]

              [img]/images/graemlins/notworthy.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/notworthy.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/notworthy.gif[/img]

              - E.
              Good Lord! The rod up that man's butt must have a rod up its butt!


              • #22
                Re: Now this guy can play!

                jgcable - you need to check out more Tommy Emanuel stuff. That video is *nothing* compared to what he *can* do. He is a monster player. Absolutely brilliant. Yngwie, Dick Dale, and SRV couldn't touch him on the acoustic guitar.

                I first saw Tommy on some public television channel and it was fucking hilarious how good he was. One really cool trick he's got is this crazy false harmonic thing - it's hard to describe but he does false harmoinic runs with a bit of chicken pickin' mixed in and he does it fucking fast!

                As for Yngwie on a nylon string, sorry but he sounds like canned ass. He compresses the shit out of the thing for starters which is the worst thing you can do to a classical guitar - it sounds absolutely horrible. He doesn't capture any sort of subtleties or nuances from playing a classical guitar. It's just him shredding on a nylon string guitar. Yngwie is a brilliant electric guitarist but I have never heard him play anything on the acoustic guitar that was in any way inspiring.
                I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                - Newc


                • #23
                  Re: Now this guy can play!

                  [ QUOTE ]
                  jgcable - you need to check out more Tommy Emanuel stuff. That video is *nothing* compared to what he *can* do. He is a monster player. Absolutely brilliant. Yngwie, Dick Dale, and SRV couldn't touch him on the acoustic guitar.

                  I first saw Tommy on some public television channel and it was fucking hilarious how good he was. One really cool trick he's got is this crazy false harmonic thing - it's hard to describe but he does false harmoinic runs with a bit of chicken pickin' mixed in and he does it fucking fast!

                  As for Yngwie on a nylon string, sorry but he sounds like canned ass. He compresses the shit out of the thing for starters which is the worst thing you can do to a classical guitar - it sounds absolutely horrible. He doesn't capture any sort of subtleties or nuances from playing a classical guitar. It's just him shredding on a nylon string guitar. Yngwie is a brilliant electric guitarist but I have never heard him play anything on the acoustic guitar that was in any way inspiring.

                  [/ QUOTE ]

                  Tim, I will have to check out Tommy. I am only basing my opinion on the video on this thread which is totally SRV/blues inspired and nothing special IMHO.
                  Everybody here thinks he is great. Well.. he must be because there are alot of monster players here. I will check him out!!!


                  • #24
                    Re: Now this guy can play!

                    While I think it cool playing it is so predictable because its been heard a million times before. No doubt the guys a good player, just not my cup of tea. I'd rather listen to Al DiMeola, Paco De Lucia or John McLaughlin.


                    • #25
                      Re: Now this guy can play!

                      ah, that video... its him just foolin around at a show. nothing that is actualy 'his' FAIK.

                      amazing player.
                      You can't play no muthfuggin' arpeggios on a tuba...


                      • #26
                        Re: Now this guy can play!

                        Shit, I need to dig my acoustic out. I suck.


                        • #27
                          Re: Now this guy can play!

                          i once got ahold of somekind of interview he did for a guitarmagazine, where he showed how he played and how he wrote his music and stuff, it was really cool. He's definately great


                          • #28
                            Re: Now this guy can play!

                            You should see his version of, "Over the Rainbow" It's in another league altogether. He's definitely just goofing around here. If you've ever been to one of his shows you'd understand. He's a master fingerstylist, flat-picker, cross-picker, jazz improv, etc... I love Yngwie, but on acoustic, Tommy has few equals...


                            • #29
                              Re: Now this guy can play!

                              Go to and watch show #349. The host plays the first song (boring) and then he introduces Tommy


                              • #30
                                Re: Now this guy can play!

                                Ah thnks Anthony! [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]

                                Those are the vids I posted before, Of Tommy, but I couldn't find them anymore!
                                You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.

