A little over an hour ago, I got home from the "Annihilation of the Wicked Tour" show in Minneapolis, where my band (Under Eden) was fortunate enough to be the third of three local bands on the bill ahead of With Passion, Decapitated, Raging Speedhorn, Soilent Green, Hypocrisy and Nile. I didn't get a good look at what Raging Speedhorn and Soilent Green used for guitars, but With Passion played ESP/LTD, Hypocrisy played ESP, and Nile played Deans...although Karl Sanders also used his KXK custom. His Jackson King V is back at the custom shop to get new bridge posts installed, which will include filling and redrilling. Sounds like the cool graphic is going to get messed up. Suck!
I was using my JDX-94 Concept Dinky with snakeskin graphic into a Peavey VTM-60 and Jackson 4x12 cab, and Chris (rhythm guitar) was using a Charvel 550XL into a Peavey VTX Heritage and Sonic POS 4x12. Everyone after us (except Nile) shared a backline of Krank and Mesa cabs. Not sure if everyone shared heads or not, but I know that Hypocrisy was using a Krank head through the Mesa cabs and a Mesa head through the Krank cabs...weird. Say what you want about Kranks, but Hypocrisy had the best sound of the night. Nile was using Marshall stacks (JCM 2000 and ???), but their sound was fairly asslike due to the venue's "boomy" sound.
Here you can see Under Eden playing, with the shared backline behind us...

...me with my Dinky...

...Chris with his Charvel...

...and me looking like an assclown posing with Karl from Nile after our set.

It was a little rough because we didn't get a sound check, had ten minutes to set up after the previous band, and I was using this rig for the first time. Still, things went more or less without a hitch. Hypocrisy was especially good. Killer tone, and very tight.
I was using my JDX-94 Concept Dinky with snakeskin graphic into a Peavey VTM-60 and Jackson 4x12 cab, and Chris (rhythm guitar) was using a Charvel 550XL into a Peavey VTX Heritage and Sonic POS 4x12. Everyone after us (except Nile) shared a backline of Krank and Mesa cabs. Not sure if everyone shared heads or not, but I know that Hypocrisy was using a Krank head through the Mesa cabs and a Mesa head through the Krank cabs...weird. Say what you want about Kranks, but Hypocrisy had the best sound of the night. Nile was using Marshall stacks (JCM 2000 and ???), but their sound was fairly asslike due to the venue's "boomy" sound.
Here you can see Under Eden playing, with the shared backline behind us...

...me with my Dinky...

...Chris with his Charvel...

...and me looking like an assclown posing with Karl from Nile after our set.

It was a little rough because we didn't get a sound check, had ten minutes to set up after the previous band, and I was using this rig for the first time. Still, things went more or less without a hitch. Hypocrisy was especially good. Killer tone, and very tight.