I just listened to it. The first 6 songs sounded, not great, but seemed to be headed in the right direction. Then it kind of declined and has some very cheesy passages to some of the songs. It's still better than Tribe and Q2K but it doesn't come close to the original Mindcrime. I'm not even sure it's better than Promised Land, though so far I like it better than that one.
It leaves the jury out on QR, IMO. Doesn't suck so bad as to bury them, but it's no triumphant return. But what do I know? Maybe it'll take off and the tour will sell, who knows?
BTW, Mike Stone's thank-you list includes B-52 amps! I thought he was playing Randalls!
It leaves the jury out on QR, IMO. Doesn't suck so bad as to bury them, but it's no triumphant return. But what do I know? Maybe it'll take off and the tour will sell, who knows?
BTW, Mike Stone's thank-you list includes B-52 amps! I thought he was playing Randalls!
