E do you have any idea how many GREAT prog metal bands and power prog bands that have been out there thry all these years ..that are inspired by QR..
Warrel Dane and Sanctuary and the band Lethal picked up the ball that QR dropped in '90..and they ran with it..and kept on runnin'..never looking back.
Nevermore is VERY QR inspired!
I'm just saying instead of waiting, hoping and wishing for a new "good" QR or Metallica records to come out..because those days are long gone..invest that time checking out countless bands that are now superior to those who got the balls rolling LONG ago..like Pagans Mind, Lanfear, Ion Vein, Shadow Gallery, Circus Maximus ect ...these are a few prog metal bands that are carrying that torch!!
Fates Warning did the same thing with FX, they really dropped the ball..man does it SUCK BALLS!!!
Warrel Dane and Sanctuary and the band Lethal picked up the ball that QR dropped in '90..and they ran with it..and kept on runnin'..never looking back.
Nevermore is VERY QR inspired!
I'm just saying instead of waiting, hoping and wishing for a new "good" QR or Metallica records to come out..because those days are long gone..invest that time checking out countless bands that are now superior to those who got the balls rolling LONG ago..like Pagans Mind, Lanfear, Ion Vein, Shadow Gallery, Circus Maximus ect ...these are a few prog metal bands that are carrying that torch!!
Fates Warning did the same thing with FX, they really dropped the ball..man does it SUCK BALLS!!!
