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Robbin Crosby....RIP

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  • #31
    Originally posted by thetruthguy

    Addiction is a disease as defined by psychiatrists in the DSMV manuals and similar, but there is ample debate as to whether or not true biological addiction is occurring. Most likely, what's happening is psychological and a form of conditioning, spurred by addictive personalities and lives of excess. In other words, learned behavior. Addiction places the blame outside of the affected person and allows the person to feel sorry for himself/herself. To me, this is a very powerful and dangerous way of thinking, because when people drink too much, eat too much, or whatever, it's not their fault; however, people should take the blame for their actions. At the end of the BTM, Robbin did say some powerful things about how he does take responsibility. I've not got anything against him. It's just there's an air around here that what happened to him was tragic and it wasn't. Tragedy befalls victims. Robbin was no victim. As was said, he did take responsibility; he knew what he was getting into and accepted the consequences. So, too, should we accept this. As the law stands now, drug use is a crime. Should we also feel sorry for all the drug-users who committ countless crimes to get their fixes? I don't think so. I don't know Robbin Crosby. I'm not trying to make judgments. But he was a drug user ... no different from any other drug user. Why do we change what drug use is when someone has celebrity status? It's the same thing, and I don't have much respect for people who make this choice (yes, choice), because there are ultimately better and more positive ways to deal with problems.

    You obviously don't really know enough about addictions to evevn touch this topic...

    Do yourself a favor, and walk away while you THINK you're ahead.


    • #32
      first off: RIP RC
      whatever gets you to the light, right?
      Kudos Sully.
      people do drugs for a few reasons but most of them come back to one feel good, period. Its tragic every single time any person on this earth loses their life to pain. If you don't know pain that well, then God bless you. Musicians are emotional people with the gift of expressing the essence of that emotion. How can you white a sad song without a broken heart. How do you write about change without a passionate hatred for the present. I am empathetic to a point of fault. Some would mistake me for gay because I feel way too much, way too strong. I am defined by my lifes pain...and joy and I am thankful to be this fucked up because it separates me from the shallow, the cold, and the heartless.
      My addictions have been conquered except for herb. People like thetruthguy would probably judge me for that but I like who I am and I'm not ashamed at all. Anybody ever take their dog to the vet and hold it in their arms as it draws its last breath? Need a drink? wanna burn one? Life is full of sad sad shit and if drugs keep the barrel of the pistol out of your mouth, party on.
      If anyone thinks thetruthguy is heartless, don't worry, mine's big enough to make up for it.
      once again: RIP RC
      "tie two birds together and though they have four wings, they cannot fly"


      • #33
        Originally posted by VitaminG
        I guess That 70s Show should be held accountable too. The guys are always sitting around in Eric's basement, getting stoned.
        Who gets addicted to pot, though?
        I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


        • #34
          Originally posted by thetruthguy
          Flame me if you need to, but what happened to Robbin wasn't a tragedy, nor was it sad.
          You certainly have the right to feel the way you do, but have you ever had a close friend or family member commit suicide or die because of substance abuse? I'm guessing not. I've had both. And it is both incredibly tragic and sad. Denying the tragedy of someone's death is not only heartless but it's incredibly disrespectful to those that loved that person. But I guess being respectful to those that have lost a loved one plays second fiddle to being able to post the cut/paste rhetoric of people that take "personal responsibility" to the extreme. e.g., homosexuality is a lifestyle choice. alcoholism is a lifestyle choice. etc.


          • #35
            "tie two birds together and though they have four wings, they cannot fly"


            • #36
              Originally posted by MadJack
              If anyone thinks thetruthguy is heartless, don't worry, mine's big enough to make up for it.
              That was beautiful.
              "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


              • #37
                Originally posted by toejam
                Who gets addicted to pot, though?
                I would ask several of my former high school pot head friends who never quit smoking if its addicting or not but I can't because they all are dead from OD'ing on other drugs.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by toejam
                  Who gets addicted to pot, though?
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                  • #39
                    Originally posted by jgcable
                    I would ask several of my former high school pot head friends who never quit smoking if its addicting or not but I can't because they all are dead from OD'ing on other drugs.
                    Some of you old timers will remember me posting a while back about my friend Glenn who died. He had smoked pot daily since Junior high right up to the end and died at 40 years old from od'ing on oxycontin.(sp?)
                    Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


                    • #40
                      I remember that very well, Scott. There was a discussion about whether or not pot was a "gateway" drug to the dirtier drugs and narcotics.

                      I haven't seen the Ratt BTM but do look forward to watching it. Any reminder of those magical days in the 80's, whether good or bad, is always a treat. Pearcey's voice always bugged the shit out of me but Ratt were an incredibly tight band with two killer guitarists.
                      Tarbaby Fraser.


                      • #41
                        I've got a cousin who was a heroin and crack addict. He's off the stuff now, occasionally smokes pot when he feels like it, but he's not addicted to it. I didn't think anybody could get addicted to pot.
                        I don't think it's a "gateway" drug either. I've smoked plenty of pot before, never got addicted to it or felt the urge to do any other drugs.
                        I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                        • #42
                          Originally Posted by jgcable
                          I would ask several of my former high school pot head friends who never quit smoking if its addicting or not but I can't because they all are dead from OD'ing on other drugs.
                          few if any of mine od'd. they seemed to prefer wrapping cars and motorcycles around telephone poles...and bullets.
                          I beat cocaine, alcohol and pain killlers but I still smoke herb. I've quit for spells but it keeps me sane when i feel like succumbing to the temptations of leaving my marriage, quitting my job, kicking my dog, or playing chicken with a pole at 135 mph. The drugs aint doin the killing, the pain is. I choose not to be beat by the pain or I'd just let go. Don't know pain? Get to know me. I could make Pinhead sob like a baby. Just know this; no matter the pain I think I know, it pales in comparison to that of my father... the pain of my father pales in comparison to the pain of THE Father. The fact I'm still breathing is proof you can withstand the pain.
                          Anyone lost to the pain of life is a tragedy, drugs or not. The loss of Robbin was just that, a tragedy. I shed tears for his suffering just as I would for any of you. I pity thetruthguy for being so shallow. Hopefully he grew a little.
                          "tie two birds together and though they have four wings, they cannot fly"


                          • #43
                            well, to stick up for thetruthguy for a second, i understand the logic behind his argument that dime's death was a tragedy while robbin's wasn't. i don't agree with it, but i understand the logic.
                            Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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                            • #44
                              Here is what I have to say about potheads.
                              The only people that think smoking weed is ok are people who smoke.
                              Its the same thing as asking an alcoholic if its ok to drink or a wife beater if "she" deserves it.
                              Pot does so many bad things to you on so many levels I don't know where to begin.
                              Since many physicians claim that pot smoking is not addictive I have to believe it isn't. Therefore, smoking pot is sheer stupidity unless of course you have no need for braincells or lungs down the road. Nevermind the monitary cost, the affects it has on friends and family, supporting drug dealers that most likely sell other drugs, being illegal and how dangerous it is to drive while you are stoned.
                              I always had a comeback line I would use when talking to a pothead who has all the answers of why they smoke and why its ok.
                              I would say:
                              "If I let you borrow my lungs and my clear head for 1 hour you would quit smoking pot immediately".

                              Potheads just don't realize how bad smoking weed is because its such a gradual downfall. That is the dangerous thing about pot. It creeps up on you. Eventually.. for most.. it leads to other things.
                              Cigarette smoking, drinking and much much worse.
                              There are a few exceptions that can smoke pot and lead successful productive lives just like there is the rare 95 year old person who has been smoking cigarettes since they were 10 and are the picture of health.
                              I choose not to smoke or drink and hopefully I will set a positive example for my 3 kids and also increase the odds of me living a long healthy life.


                              • #45
                                Smoking pot isn't addictive. Smoking cigarettes is. I don't smoke cigarettes. I do smoke pot every once in great while now... it's basically the same effect as drinking alcohol which I also do once in awhile. I'd rather do both of those recreationally than be addicted to cigarettes. While pot is not legal, it should be, since cigarettes and alcohol are.
                                I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.

