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Children of Bodon/Lamb of God show

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  • #16
    I saw this show on Sunday and it kicked my ass pretty damn good. Thine Eyes Bleed were...meh. Mastadon...meh. COB...WOW! Fucking great and the crowd was really into them. They have lots of fans here. Bought a COB shirt and they got the province wrong! It's says Winnipeg, AB when it should me MB! LOG were okay. Good light show. I may need to check them out more. Slayer were awesome as expected. Sloppy soloing, but that's also to be expected. Silent Scream and Hell Awaits were the highlights for me. The lowpoint was the $6.50 beers. It cost me $100 to get drunk!


    • #17
      Originally posted by rfazano
      Mark Morton played his new model jackson thru the whole show. He ripped alot of solos. He's getting Faster!
      Spending a tour hanging around Laiho would probably have that effect. I really like LOG - I've dug them all the way back when they were called Burn the Priest. The only thing that bugs me about them sometimes is that I'm pretty sure Randy is usually doing that inward singing thing where his screams come from sucking in air rather than blowing it out.

      The drummer in my current band and I threw back a couple of beers with Randy a few years ago in the ghetto ass streets of Cleveland (outside the Agora Theater). The guy was singing Barry White to homeless people.
      Last edited by Adam; 07-13-2006, 08:32 AM.


      • #18
        Next week 7-18 COB, and LOG are jumping off the slayer tour for one night to play in reno, can't wait, it will be my fourth time for COB.
        METAL, LIVE IT!


        • #19
          the show in minneapolis was hit and miss for me. i used to be a really big CoB fan back in the day, but anymore they just seem like a joke to me. they're obviously talented musicians, but i came to the conclusion one day that thats pretty much all they are. i dont mean to rag on anyones parade that really loves CoB, but i just think the lyrics and songwriting are just plain bad. anyway, they were solid live though...really tight.

          i love mastodon, but i think they're more of a club level band. they just dont have the stage presense for that big of a venue. sounded tight though.

          i was really unimpressed with LoG. ive seen them more times than i have most bands and this is the only time that i thought they sounded just plain sloppy. im also not digging the new single. that song has like 3 riffs in it and it sounds so much like Down. even randy sounds like phil at times. this is NOT the LoG i fell in love with 6 years ago. all of you guys that really loved ashes of the wake should really spin as the palaces burn a few more times. its really their best material and easily one of my all time favorite albums. yeah...the production sucks, but get over it because the songwriting is really their best. ashes has a real rushed sound to it (and that makes sense since they didnt do any writing before going into the studio for the album). the band stating they did a lot of writing beforehand gave me high hopes for the new album, and im still not going to write it off after just one song, but im definitely worried. sorry for the big tangant there.

          slayer was amazing though. every time i see them they blow me away. super tight...great with the crowd. no complaints whatsoever.


          • #20
            Originally posted by horns666
            I heard it was Slayer's most elbaortate show yet..they put alot of money into this one.
            so they went for the Stonehenge set AND the dancing dwarves?
            Hail yesterday


            • #21
              I went to the San Diego show last night.
              As mentioned already, COB, LOG and Slayer put on a great show.
              Mastodon was meh (at best).
              Thine Eyes Bleed sucked!
              And who the heck is "El F*cko"! He pissed me off. He appeared before LOG. Did he only appeared in SD? Has anyone seen this a-hole in the show?
              Overall: Good show
              Parking was $15 / T-shirts are $35


              • #22
                I bought my tickets yesterday for Unholy Alliance! Can't wait 'till November 9th when they play here in Leuven @ Brabanthallen
                You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.

