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Minneapolis Mayhem 3 = Jackson Fest!!!

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  • Minneapolis Mayhem 3 = Jackson Fest!!!

    Between my impromptu stint as a guitar tech on Friday night and opening Saturday afternoon, I got a full dose of mayhem...Minneapolis Mayhem, that is. My plan was to show up early Friday evening to see Division, check out some other bands, and go home for my beauty sleep before playing the next day. I made the mistake of offering some of my guitars to help out the European bands who didn't bring their own. Bad move...alternate tunings, on-the-fly setups between sets and a general lack of resources meant making the best of a rather bad situation. For my part, I got Gaia Epicus and Steel Attack set up with some Jackson guitars and a Charvel bass, although the EMGs in one Dinky crapped out towards the end of Steel Attack's set. Kind of a bummer, as the only other available axe was a Halo...a free Halo provided for a drawing...suitable only for use as firewood. That thing would NOT stay in tune, period. But the show must - and did - go on. Unfortunately, I only got to see two songs of JCFers Division, but what I saw (and heard from backstage) was EXCELLENT!!! Mike's custom Soloist was truly a sight to behold.

    Omen and Seven Witches were the Friday night headliners. Omen's guitarist lost his guitar in transit (fourth time an airline has f**ked him in that regard), so he was going to borrow a Peavey Rotor from another band, but I could have sworn he was playing that God-awful Halo. He managed to make it work, better than the guy from Gaia Epicus anyway. Seven Witches was OK, and Jack Frost definitely had some stage presence going on, but after Division and Steel Attack, most of the other bands didn't impress me. Jack was playing a custom BC Rich Warlock with white finish and what appeared to be a rosewood headstock veneer. On to Day 2...

    I brought my DK2M specifically to torment the lead guitarist from Cold Colours (Friday local openers), as he wants one badly, but he missed out entirely due to a wicked hangover. We took the stage at 2PM, which unfortunately was so early that we ended up playing mostly to the venue staff, stage crew and other bands. Not all bad, as it was filmed for a DVD, plus Metal Maniacs and Unrestrained had photographers there. Something was bound to go wrong, and it did, in the form of my ART Tube EQ crapping out. Normally I bypass it, but the sound guy had everything dialed in from the night before, and our standard tuning was sounding tinny through the PA mains. I turned on the EQ and made it halfway through our first song, and then my rig went silent. I guess it's not such a bad thing that when I do have technical difficulties, it's always on the first song. In any case, I missed my solo, but we made it an "extended jam" version once the stage manager jumped in and got me back in action. The only other problem of note was that all the Saturday bands were using Usurper's drums, and the kick drum was double-triggering like crazy. But we made it through, finishing off with a brand new song. Got some compliments on my tone, songwriting, and the new Jackson too.

    I missed the next couple of bands while getting my gear loaded back up, but I was able to see Bellicose from Nashville, who got on the bill after winning a contest from a merch sponsor. They were very nice guys, definitely Pantera fans. But for me, the highlight was Avenger of Blood from Las Vegas. If Slayer retired tomorrow, these guys could fill that void in a heartbeat. The frontman/lead guitarist was using a black Stealth EX, doing some whammy theatrics that were absolutely over the top. The rhythm guitarist had a black KV2T, so that combined with Mike's Soloist (seven-string w\ SLS headstock) has me lusting for another new Jackson...bastards. I started spacing out after that, due in part to exhaustion and with a little influence from Captain Morgan, but I'm pretty sure a couple other bands were using Jacksons. I ran next door to get some food during Usurper's set (BC Rich Bronze series, no lie) and was in and out the remainder of the night. Both of Hirax's guitarists were playing Jackson, a trans blue WRXT and black Rhoads import of some kind. One of the Helstar guys had a nice Robin super-Strat with some sort of skull finish. I headed home after collecting our merch, too tired to witness the beer-metal of Tankard.

    Here are a couple pics of yours truly and the Under Eden lads...


  • #2
    Cool review! Sorry to hear of the tech issues, but that's part of the game, eh? That was really cool of you to let the other bands use your axes. I hear that this will be the final Minneapolis Mayhem.


    • #3
      I saw Avenger of Blood a few weeks back and they were excellent, they've improved so much from the last time I saw them (about a year-ish ago). They EASILY are one of the best thrash bands I've seen live, plus their material sounds like it is right out of the 80's. Vocalist / guitarist tore his hand open while playing but didn't even care, just kept going. His floyd was covered in blood (as well as the rest of the body of his guitar).


      • #4
        Cool review Inazone! I almost felt like I was there. Bummer about the technical problems. I can't believe Katon is still holding Hirax together, he has gone through so many lineup changes lately (the lineup before these guys were all my buds - they said Katon flaked on a Japan tour so they all walked out en masse). Lance H. is a good bud of mine. It's Glenn who has the Warrior. Now I want to see Avenger of Blood!

        PS Bummer that photog couldn't get all of the DK2M awesomeness in the shot!
        Last edited by RacerX; 08-28-2006, 01:24 AM.
        "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


        • #5
          There are some more good ones on our website, although I don't know if any get the entire guitar. I'll probably add some to my personal MySpace page. On the band site, I try to use shots that aren't exactly the same as existing ones.

          It's really a shame that the venue is closing. There was some shady business regarding the lease. As I understand it, the new management was subleasing, and put up a LOT of money to keep the place running after it shut down briefly awhile ago. Turns out that the guy they were subleasing from was already losing the lease (as of Sept. 1st) and didn't disclose that. So, the biggest non-Clear Channel metal venue in town is being demolished today to make room for a discount store of some kind. Too bad, as it was my favorite place to see shows, and great to play.


          • #6
            Really..Star Central is closing down eh? I still remember it more as Sharky's..miss the meat raffle sign.

            Looks like you had a busy day but a cool time.


            • #7
              Inazone, you'll dig this thread with pics from the gig at the Brave Board

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              THIS SPACE FOR RENT


              • #8
                Ya I heard from a guy who put shows together there that it was closing down... Too bad really. It was a great venue and I would have loved to play there.
                Light intervened, annihliating darkness.
                The path of salvation made clear for the prodigal human race


                • #9
                  Originally posted by charvelguy
                  Really..Star Central is closing down eh? I still remember it more as Sharky's..miss the meat raffle sign.

                  Looks like you had a busy day but a cool time.
                  Star Central is a different place. Sharky's closed a few years ago to make way for...WALGREENS!! Looks like Monte's and Main Event are about all that is left up in that area.


                  • #10
                    That explains why I never see Sharky's anymore. I remember going to see a friend's band playing the basement stage to about ten people while a glam cover band had the main room packed. My first and last visit.

                    It appears that this was the final Minneapolis Mayhem, but maybe it's for the best. There is also the annual Minnesota Metal Fest that traditionally has more popular, perhaps more relevant bands...albeit at a smaller, less festival-friendly venue. There just isn't enough of an audience in this area to support both within a few months of each other, plus there are some extremely good "package" tours coming through on a regular basis. The MM3 promoter did the Heathen Crusade during the winter, which drew a better crowd despite being mostly obscure bands. Maybe things were just getting spread too thin.


                    • #11
                      ahh... I used to live on 46th when I first moved up here in '84. Right across from a Clarks sub. It appears Star Central is further south than the ole locale for Sharkeys. More in the Rainbow foods area. (can you remember.. did Sharkeys have another name before it was called Sharkeys?)

                      Yeah.. shame .. their used to be some killer clubs in this town.. while most the dives still live on.. thanks for stepping up on that Chris.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Inazone
                        The MM3 promoter did the Heathen Crusade during the winter, which drew a better crowd despite being mostly obscure bands.
                        I think the big difference is that Heathen Crusade usually brings acts that will most likely never tour the US simply because they don't do very well in the states. I know of 4 or 5 people that flew in to check out Heathen Crusade I from here.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by charvelguy
                          It appears Star Central is further south than the ole locale for Sharkeys. More in the Rainbow foods area. (can you remember.. did Sharkeys have another name before it was called Sharkeys?)
                          Yes, and no - as long as I can remember it was Sharky's. The meat raffle - I love it! Many good times there! I had never gone to Star Central though since my days of seeing bands all the time kinda came to a close about 5 years ago. I kinda just quit going out. It also seemed like most the people I knew who were playing out just said it was time to do other things, so with the exception of Touched, all the bands I used to go out to see pretty much ceased to exist.


                          • #14
                            It was great to meet you - too bad we couldn't stay longer, but when you have two guys running fevers and your singer can't talk, you go back to the hotel.

                            I hear you guys were pretty kick-ass on Saturday.

                            Just for fun, here's a pic my friend Jason (Metal_King on the BWBK board) took where you can see my guitar very well.

                            Of course, I look like I'm bleeding from a head wound, but that's pretty METAL.

                            Oh, and I love the DK2M.

                            John went back and forth about doing another one when I talked to him last week, so we'll see. We'd love to come back and play when we could hang out for the whole thing...
                            Last edited by eaeolian; 09-05-2006, 08:23 AM.
                            Division - American Metal that doesn't suck. Much. Even on Facebook.

