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New Metallica CD Due in June - Lars Comments

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  • New Metallica CD Due in June - Lars Comments

    Heard a short interview with Lars from Metallica yesterday on the radio. The new Metallica CD is due out in June. Lars said that he didn't want to come out and make a bunch of claims about the new music but that the old school fans of the heavier material will be pleased with what they've come up with.


  • #2
    Re: New Metallica CD Due in June - Lars Comments

    They have already screwed up the old fans, cuz they are going on tour with linkin park en limp dorkhead [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/puke.gif[/img]


    • #3
      Re: New Metallica CD Due in June - Lars Comments

      Who cares


      • #4
        Re: New Metallica CD Due in June - Lars Comments

        That was kind of my feeling too but I'm still curious to hear the new music. We've heard these claims from many bands over the years and 95% of the time the claims are BS. We'll see.


        • #5
          Re: New Metallica CD Due in June - Lars Comments

          Well I'm definately not expecting anything, but I'm still curious. Hell, I doubt if Lars even knows anymore what 'heavy' is.


          • #6
            Re: New Metallica CD Due in June - Lars Comments

            my heart is aflutter with anticipation
            NOT!!! [img]graemlins/evilimages/icons/tongue.gif[/img]
            1+2 = McGuirk, 2+4 = She's hot, 6-4 = Happy McGuirk


            • #7
              Re: New Metallica CD Due in June - Lars Comments

              well i will be getting it as soon as i possibly can,

              even though i like the older stuff i still think the newer albums are good, different but stil good, if the band hat made them wasnt metallica some of you anti metallica doods would probably not slag it as much as you do



              • #8
                Re: New Metallica CD Due in June - Lars Comments

                Did anyone see that clip where Metallica was playing "Sad But True" behind Kid Rock? It was one of the late-night talk shows. Kid Rock was doing his rap thing over the song, and they broke into a quick thrash section of "Fight Fire With Fire". Lars' face turned red with the effort of playing double bass like he used to, and by the end of the section (a mere 8 measures I might add) his timing had seriously slowed down, and the guys head looked like a grape about to pop. I seriously doubt they they're going "old school" like they claim. And like Greg Crowe stated in his post, most of the time when you hear that claim, it's b.s. [img]graemlins/bs.gif[/img]

                [ February 13, 2003, 11:25 AM: Message edited by: Subvamp ]


                • #9
                  Re: New Metallica CD Due in June - Lars Comments

                  Fuk Jason. He couldn't hang so now all he does is bash. I wanna do this project and this project, blah, blah blah, I can't be committed to the Beatles of heavy metal because I have to express... Oh wait, I suk and Im rich and famous because these guys picked me up, and now I just talk trash about them. I have faith that I will like the new album as much as I have enjoyed EVERY other album by them, Its a shame if everything said about them is negative. I think a lot of people have already made up their minds that they wont like it, regardless what it sounds like. And because of the bands they are taking out, C'MON! Mudvayne is the SHIOTT, The Deftones well enough said. What really suks, and what everyone inside really feels, isn't how terrible of a band Limp Biskit are, Ive seen them 5 times over the years and they are (like it or not) the originators of that sound, and a good band, but all the bands that tried to imitate them and Korn and thus created this HORRIBLE Nu-metal stigma. This tour will kick ass. Im going to see the guys that made me pick up the guitar.


                  • #10
                    Re: New Metallica CD Due in June - Lars Comments

                    Originally posted by Erock420:
                    What really suks, and what everyone inside really feels, isn't how terrible of a band Limp Biskit are, Ive seen them 5 times over the years and they are (like it or not) the originators of that sound, and a good band, but all the bands that tried to imitate them and Korn and thus created this HORRIBLE Nu-metal stigma.
                    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Uh, Korn pretty much started that sound waaay before Limp Biscuit did. Limp was pretty much jut riding on their coattails. And Coal Chamber kicks both their asses, but whatever. [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

                    I'm actually kind of looking forward to the new Metallica. I thought the Load and Reload albums were ok, just different from what they used to stand for, but I guess bands sometimes change and like to think they're progressing by doing something different than they did before.
                    I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                    • #11
                      Re: New Metallica CD Due in June - Lars Comments

                      Dude, not trying to be dickish, but Korn and Limp are 2 very different sounds. Your right though, the Load albums were cool, just different. I HATE it when bands dont change, I could give a crap less what slayer did after Seasons in the Abyss/that Alein abduction album, because their not doing anything new.


                      • #12
                        Re: New Metallica CD Due in June - Lars Comments

                        Originally posted by Erock420:
                        Fuk Jason. He couldn't hang so now all he does is bash. I wanna do this project and this project, blah, blah blah, I can't be committed to the Beatles of heavy metal because I have to express... Oh wait, I suk and Im rich and famous because these guys picked me up, and now I just talk trash about them."

                        He has to express because he's in it for the music, not the money you moron. beatles of heavy metal? they've been nothing but hardcored country rock for the past decade!!! I respect jason more than all three of the remaining members of " metallica".

                        " Mudvayne is the SHIOTT, The Deftones well enough said. What really suks, and what everyone inside really feels, isn't how terrible of a band Limp Biskit are, Ive seen them 5 times over the years and they are (like it or not) the originators of that sound, and a good band, but all the bands that tried to imitate them and Korn and thus created this HORRIBLE Nu-metal stigma. This tour will kick ass. Im going to see the guys that made me pick up the guitar.[/QB][/QUOTE]"

                        [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                        good one! originators of that sound? don't make me laugh. fred durst is a corporate cocksucker and all he has "innovated" has been the red baseball cap back to front trend. have you seen the gene simmons special on MTV "cribs"? fred takes a little wander over to his house just to get on the camera. "hey gene, hows it hangin?" probably doesn't know who kiss are. [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] pathetic.

                        not that I'm sticking up for korn, I hate them, but I believe they started the nu-metal trend first in 1994.

                        deftones are nu-metal, limp bizkit are nu-metal, and whoop de doo, korn are nu-metal. if it's so horrible, why do you like them?

                        I may join you! see the guys who made me pick up the guitar...

                        and break it in two. [img]graemlins/brow.gif[/img]


                        • #13
                          Re: New Metallica CD Due in June - Lars Comments

                          Jason is right. He seems to be the only one left from that crew with heart for the music NOT the money. Let face it Limp are in a bad spot and have no choice but to take this tour. I would tell Lars to stick it up his a@@ if he talked all that **** about me, but Limp can't. Lars knows that no one cares anymore but the hardcore fans , and this package just pisses on them. Hi I know I trashed you every shot I got , but I need to make more money so will you go on tour with me. It just one big joke.


                          • #14
                            Re: New Metallica CD Due in June - Lars Comments

                            Fuk you. And FUK averyone that makes personal attacks out of opinions you little twit. And if you consider the Deftones "nu-meatl" then you just proved you dont now what the hell you are talking about. Are you saying someone did the biskit sound before them? Who? Rage? 311? Your full of it dude.


                            • #15
                              Re: New Metallica CD Due in June - Lars Comments

                              Deftones are nu-metal... just not rap-metal. I used to like them until White Pony which unfortunately totally blew... and you answered your own question, before limp bizkit RATM, 311, and Korn (and others) were already doing the rap-metal thing.. if you listen to Bizkits first album it doesn't sound like the 2 other two at all, it actually has that Korn nu-metal sound to it.. they aren't the originators of that sound, but thats what they got famous off of... all they did on the next album was make it more hip-hop, big fukkin deal.

