Originally posted by lerxstcat
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but lets not get political.
Originally posted by SteveFireland
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that one's a killer!!
as far as DF...
it's cool to see shred in the mainstream.. it's cool to see kids liking them and picking up guitar, but i cant bring myself to listen to those clowns, since on a personal level, their music BLOWS CHUNKS! i got enough other records that deserve playing.
i'd also like to hear them play as dry as possible. no whammy, no compressor, no harmoniser, etc etc etc etc.
imo, in the studio it's a bit harder to play it good than live.. sure, you got some more time to play the solo and can do it in multiple takes.
live it's a tad easier, since you just go batshit in the key of E, Aminor/Cmajor (which is all they do anyway) and hit every note at lightning speed. why?
A: you're bound to hit the right ones
B: nobody will be able to tell the wrong ones from the right ones since it will all be a flurry....
just like petrucci

(this was a joke btw)