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Dave Mustaine fans

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  • #31
    Re: Dave Mustaine fans

    Dave is awesome.

    I think I already contributed my opinion in this thread once. BUt...what the hell you know?


    • #32
      Re: Dave Mustaine fans

      Yep i agree with everything that is Dave. He was my main influence in really getting into guitar and actually practising for hours a day.

      Also if it wasnt for Dave,I would not have heard or known about Jackson Guitars. I remember seeing his Jackson in "Wake up Dead" Video, and made it my aim to own a KV. And now I do [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

      Love you dave. XXX [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/notworthy.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


      • #33
        Re: Dave Mustaine fans

        I'm a big Megadeth fan. Dave is Dave and I accept him as he is. Doesn't mean we can't poke a little fun at him from time to time. I don't think it should get personal though. I'm sure he's got his reasons.

        I picked up the Rude Awakening DVD a little while back, if you haven't seen it you should check it out. It kicks major hind quarters!

        I eagerly await Dave's return to music. He can play a Silvertone for all I care....not that any of my idols would do such a thing. [img]graemlins/brow.gif[/img]


        • #34
          Re: Dave Mustaine fans

          OK I've seen people post here & there about Mustaine whining about the buyout, chasing after Metallica, needing money, etc, etc, etc....
          If ya don't like what he does then that is your opinion but you cannot say he is chasing Metallica when his music is nothing like garage punk rock for kids-ST Anger, yes I agree Metallica is a great band, but if you look at it, Megadeth was in competition with Metallica to see who could do better than the other. I suggest pick up Megadeth behind the music & watch it closely then you may understand some things. As far as him selling his guitars, well how many do you think he owns? More than likely he is cleaning up room for newer guitars & is only keeping the one's he really wants to. As far as the attitude towards the buyout well there again watch the video, if you have never dealt with these kind of people (addicts) then I suggest you learn more about them, that is where his anger comes from. Megadeths sound still has that hard metal sound that we all loved in the past, not a new try & fit in sound to the kids today like Metallica.


          • #35
            Re: Dave Mustaine fans

            Yeah,I think Dave is a great musician,some tunes he wrote are carved in heavy metal history.I'm courius to hear his upcoming solo album.I can say that quit Megadeth was for the best.They had their time, and now we're sure Megadeth did not touch the bottom no?


            • #36
              Re: Dave Mustaine fans

              His one main problem is his concern about being popular. It's why he did heroin, it's why all the songs on Youthanasia are 120 BPM, it's why he got Dann Huff to produce, it's why he still measures his own success against Lars and James, and it's why he's now dumping the brand name Megadeth.

              Much of his catalogue of music is still very dear to me, but he's definitely got a serious psychological problem.
              please don't put it into words, 'cause I fear what you're thinking


              • #37
                Re: Dave Mustaine fans

                admin instead of starting a new thread i used this old one. i don't know if anyone else has seen this yet but Dave's new guitar is on the ESP website. i like my ESPs but i swear his new guitar looks like one of the insignias worn by the crew members of the enterprise (star trek).
                esp home page


                • #38
                  Re: Dave Mustaine fans

                  Old news, bro. There are multiple threads on the DV8. [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]
                  "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                  • #39
                    Re: Dave Mustaine fans

                    I consider Dave one of my idols when it comes to playing guitar. As far as him in his other ventures, that's his bussiness and how he conducts himself is not of my concern. Yeah, Dave said that the impetus for Megadeth was to outdo Metallica. If we just compare records sold, then Megadeth/Dave failed. But if you consider the influence Dave has had on the metal scene then they succeeded. Keep in mind that many of the early Metallica tunes were Daves material or writin in conjunction with Dave.

                    As far as his ego/psychological problems/etc watch the behind the music DVD and you will have an insight into why he is how he is. I'm not saying he is justified in his actions, just that it would explain alot.

                    I am one of those looking forward to Dave's new material/CD.
                    KV DM PRO, SLSXMG, RRXMG, DXMG, LP P90 Goldtop_GSP1101_RM4: JF SL-OD100_Randall RT2/50_Peavey 4x12 cab
                    I'm loving the Jaded Faith mods. Going Egnater Dual mod route: Voxless, SL-OD100, Brahma #39, QuickMod GT


                    • #40
                      Re: Dave Mustaine fans

                      I'm just gonna drop down my 2 I mean cents...

                      Dave is a great metal guitarist. Dave is a great lyricist.

                      Dave had a huge impact on metal music.

                      You don't like Risk or Cryptic writings? B.F.D.
                      I liked them. They are not metal albums. They are like pop-prog-rock.

                      Who is to say what his real personal agenda is in making those? Maybe he's past the fuel that fed his "metal" fire..the anger..the drugs...the pioneering of metal.

                      Once all of that is gone, you have to find a new way..and maybe his way is along the lines of lighter music. There is nothing wrong with wanting to change your whole style, if its for self expression. If it is for the money, thats a different story, but who knows.

                      Its like the situation I'm in...
                      I always wanted a KV1, they discontinued it before I had a chance to buy one. That pissed me off. I wrote to jackson, *****ed at me nowhere. So, I switched to hoping Kremit will sell me his KV-1.

                      Actually, that has nothign to do with this..sorta..


                      • #41
                        Re: Dave Mustaine fans

                        Cryptic Writings is an awesome album.

                        She wolf, the disintegrators and Vortex rock. [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]


                        • #42
                          Re: Dave Mustaine fans

                          Get a KV2 or KV2T - you don't want the Kahler. Dave didn't want the Kahler (according to another interview where he denounced the 3310 as a tonesucking P.O.S.).

                          Dave said in the Behind The Music DVD that he wanted to do Risk to gain more commercial success. Like it or not, he is STILL chasing Metallica. I cannot believe that he was watching Kirk at the Monsters Of Rock show and thinking/saying to himself that HE was supposed to be up there, not Kirk. Even after all the success Megadeth had achieved, and the acclaim Mustaine had received IN HIS OWN BAND, he still was whining about being kicked out of Metallica. Those are his own words from the BTM DVD.
                          Dave also admits that he got himself thrown out of Metallica by NOT controlling his temper or his addictions, and treating the other guys in the band like they were his personal piss-ons.

                          Dave Mustaine did not write every note of Kill Em All, Ride, and Puppets, nor did he write all the lyrics or drums or notate the amount/level of energy that the songs were played with. You guys (and Dave) are basically saying that Metallica were a Dave Mustaine-cover band. Yeah he came up with SOME of the riffs, but not every single one, and not all the "important" or "good" ones. Stop pissing on James', Lars', Kirk's, and Cliff's contributions to Thrash/Speed Metal just because YOU don't like St Anger, Justice, or Black.

                          Thrash and Speed Metal NEEDED BOTH Metallica and Megadeth to be complete. The world already had the technical Speed Metal instrumentalists and Thrashers who were playing high-speed Classical pieces or sped-up Punkabilly, but you didn't have ANYONE that delivered that technicality with the emotion of Ted Nugent or finesse of Iron Maiden until Metallica (with Mustaine), but there was still something missing - the agression of Punk had to be combined with the finesse of Iron Maiden AND the emotional oversaturation of Ted Nugent - not anger or hate for its own sake like the Sex Pistols, and not to be cliche, but the fire of the soul - the burning desire to speak and be heard. THAT emotion. Megadeth filled that void perfectly. Metallica with Mustaine could NOT have carried the entities of Thrash and Speed Metal, but Megadeth AND Metallica could have, and DID.

                          I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                          The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                          My Blog:


                          • #43
                            Re: Dave Mustaine fans

                            Wow NEWC, is there gonna be a test on this? [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]
                            Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



                            • #44
                              Re: Dave Mustaine fans

                              Only James, Kirk, Lars and Dave know the truth about how much Dave contributed to those albums. To say you know how much of the original music was Dave's is [img]graemlins/bs.gif[/img]
                              Also if you watch the video where Dave is watching Kirk he states that his pissed because someone else is out there playing his music not because he should be up there. And wouldn't you be pissed if it were you standing on the sidelines watching another guitarist playing the music that you wrote. I really don't think that is whining.


                              • #45
                                Re: Dave Mustaine fans

                                If you think for one second that Mustaine wrote all the drums, the solos, the lyrics, and all the riffs to every song on Kill, Ride, or Puppets, you must be Dave Mustaine [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                                Seriously, he said he was upset because "that's supposed to be ME up there" - he was speaking specifically about Hammett's un-accompanied solo spot on the MOR tour.

                                Even Mustaine could not accept the fact that the very musical style he helped to create and shape DEMANDED two separate hearts/minds to carry it to the world - like Castor and Pollux, Romulus and Remus, or Cain and Abel - it took two separate but not totally dissimilar personalities to deliver the goods. Rhoads could not have delivered Shred Mastery by himself, it had to be done in stages by many people. Sabbath didn't deliver Heavy Metal to the masses single-handedly, it took other bands as well.
                                Poison needed Warrant for Hair Metal's success - every pussy has to have two lips, and they were both the big meaty lips of Pussy Metal [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                                I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                                The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                                My Blog:

