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The Real Ratt???

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  • #16
    If they play HOB in Vegas I'd be there...


    • #17
      Originally posted by chrisolson View Post
      Say what you will, but I've seen Firehouse a number of times, and they ALWAYS put on a good show. They're one of the tightest, most PRO bands I've seen. Even if you hate them, you have to admit they are good at what they do, and they treat their fans better than ANY band I've ever seen.
      I've seen Firehouse a couple of times, and they played a tight set both times. I've got nothing against them at all. I met Firehouse after the first show, and they took the time to meet and shake every fans hand who stayed around to meet them.

      I guess what made it so bad was that I had it built up in my head that Ratt was going to blow me away when they hit the stage, and they didn't come close. The best thing about the show in Myrtle Beach was that Metaljunkie and I met Warren D, and talked to him for several minutes. Robbie Crane and John Corabi also talked with us for quite a while.

      Thread from last year about the Rock Never Stops tour and Warren D.


      • #18
        i saw him a year ago and he sounded great, yeah he cant hit the high high notes anymore, but he sounded really damn good. It was on of the most enjoyible shows i have seen in awhile for 80's hair bands.

        Originally posted by skorb View Post
        depends if Pearcy can still pull that shit off. his voice has been shot for years.


        • #19
          Originally posted by chrisolson View Post
          Wow...don't know what to say about that... You maybe need to listen to (or recognize) Robbin's playingand his solo work. I think there's a lot more to him and his talents as a player and songwriter than you are giving him credit for.
          Give me some examples as I have never heard anything impressive from a playing standpoint...but I'm open to a change of opinion if I hear something to warrent it.


          • #20
            I do not define a great guitarist by how diffiicult it is to play his work. I dont define a great guitarist by his solo's and how complex or fast they are.

            How i do define a great guitarist is by how catchy there music is. How they make a song flow, how you enjoy hearing it and never get sick of it.

            With that being said, Robin wrote some great songs that just flowed and sounded great.

            Many guitarists that i consider great do not write the most complex peices. Examples, Jimmy Page, lets be real guys, he was very innovative and a great writter, but Led Zepplins music is not that hard to play. But yes he is considered one of the greatest guitarists, and I have to agree.

            Another would be Mick Mars, does not play with the greatest technique, but he plays with heart.

            There are many more, yes i agree they can get any good guitarist to play Robin's part, however it would not be easy to find someone to copy his writting ability if they were ever to go back in the studio. And yes we would miss his stage presense.

            Originally posted by Rupe View Post
            Give me some examples as I have never heard anything impressive from a playing standpoint...but I'm open to a change of opinion if I hear something to warrent it.


            • #21
              jesus, writing great songs needs 888 times more talent than than playing fast solos

              that being said, King was extremely good rhythm player and while he wasn't a monster shredder like Warren, he did some pretty good stuff, "Closer To My Heart" is the best example of his skill.
              "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

              "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


              • #22
                Originally posted by Rupe View Post
                I think it would be great. I know there are a lot of Robbin fans here and I know he was a founding member, but he certainly was nothing special as a player. His presence may not be easily replaced, but his talent certainly is.
                Whoa there cowboy..... Ya need to take a step back, sit down with OOTC, Invasion of your Privacy, Dancing Undercover and Reach for the Sky...... There is a ton of tasty playing within the body of the songs that Robbin had a hand in.

                Granted, King was no shredder, he never claimed to be... He recorded some great solos ala Slow-hand.

                Check out "Closer to my Heart" on the Invasion album.... The solo has some of the greatest ghost bends ever!!!

                All hail the 'King'
                R.I.P~ RLC


                • #23
                  I'd love to see RATT again, with Warren D. soloing and Pearcy singing. I'm a big fan of both of them, and of the band as a whole.


                  • #24
                    I've seen RATT three times during the past 4 or 5 years. I thought they kicked ass every time I saw them, Warren is still at the top of his game. If they tour anywhere even remotely close, I will be there.

                    For a lot of us old fart guitarists who grew up in the 80's, RATT is still one of the best bands ever. Warren is a god!
                    Last edited by Big D; 12-04-2006, 10:09 PM.


                    • #25
                      Of all the hair bands back in the day, Ratt, Dokken and Crue were, IMO, both the best live and the best songs overall. While Ratt will seem weird without Robin, I would definitely go to see Warren do the solos in Lay It Down again (and lots of other songs as well, Lay It Down is just my favorite Ratt song)!


                      • #26
                        I saw Ratt a few times in the 80's and although I never liked how Pearcy's vocals sounded live I would check out this line up.


                        • #27
                          I love the first three RATT albums , great riffs and solos. Seeing the band live was a different story , Pearcy was a weak frontman. The band as a whole just didn`t seem to click live.


                          • #28
                            I saw Ratt here with Warren and Blotz a couple of years ago. It was pretty good show. Warren was dean on for his classic tones and his solos were awsome and note for note from the records. No it wasnt the cd playing with him faking it. :P It was a small venue and i was like 10 feet away. As for Robbin. Yeah he is missing from the line up. And i would love to see theoriginal Ratt with robbin but i know thats just not possable so this is the closest to it I'll ever get. Aside from old videos and concert footage. In an interview with Robbin i read he stated. Warren would come up with the riff and Robbin would write the songs around the riffs. Robbin was more the wog writer than Warren was. Robbin and Stephen would be in writing songs around Warrens riffs while Warren was out doing other things non band related.
                            So Robbo deserves ALOT more credit then he is given. Yeah Warren was the "lead guitarist" But Robbin could play leads too. Altho maybe not as fast as Warren. He coulds still mix it up quite a bit. BUt he focusedmore on the song writing and creativity aspect and left the lead work to Warren.


                            • #29
                              Ill be there as well.But can someone tell me why there is not a DVD of thier videos live show or something for makes me sad when some of the worst bands ever get these great Dvd collection releases and i still have to buy bootlegs off ebay of ratts stuff.


                              • #30
                                I saw Ratt warm up Motley Crue at the beacon Theatre for a mere $10.00
                                in '84, and Warren torched All of Crue, the crew, King, and the whole of his band. I was there, I saw it, the whole crowd was glued to him, and I saw it at L'amour in brooklyn the next night. Stole the show without trying to, just by being himself, and he was all lightening, I went home , and started trying to cop his licks, tapping had already become a bit of a headache, and his style was perfect to my ears. He is Ratt. Not that the other guys can't play, they just don't interest the show goer. when you see sparks and smoke coming off a fretboard , that kinda kept me looking at his hands all night and hid guitars, and nothing else for more than a second or two.
                                Not helping the situation since 1965!

