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Dimmu Concert...Denver 12/4

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  • Dimmu Concert...Denver 12/4

    ....awesome. Every band kicked serious ass. However, I do have one wasn't fucking loud enough. I could hear my inner monolgue....and I could hear my self when I would sing-along every once ina w hile...that's no good. NEvertheless was awesome..NEvermore probably had hte most energy, I think the CoB guys caught the Flu bug that's going around the mid west...they seemed lethargic. everyone used Dual Rectifiers, roope used his black RR with yellow bevels teh whole CoB set. Loomis had a schecter. but Dimmu had the coolest guitars by far. Silenoz's RR-1 with the white bevels on black body is fuckin awesome. and Galder's grey King V is weeter than weet too. oh yeah Dimmu used Engl...powerballs, I think. They might've been Savages....whocares, they had a badass tone.

    if you go to one metal concert...go to this one!

  • #2
    Re: Dimmu Concert...Denver 12/4

    On Dec 1 in Vancouver; I think it was Nevermore who was under the weather. All were still great though. Steve thought Alexi looked pale but, 3 guys that are half cut walk up to you on a back street, at night in Vancouver going HEEEYY! I'd go white too.


    • #3
      Re: Dimmu Concert...Denver 12/4

      Originally posted by Dave:
      On Dec 1 in Vancouver; I think it was Nevermore who was under the weather. All were still great though. Steve thought Alexi looked pale but, 3 guys that are half cut walk up to you on a back street, at night in Vancouver going HEEEYY! I'd go white too.
      <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">yeah I think we scared him [alexi] seymour street at night 100 feet from their tour bus isn't a good place to be by yourself lol ! I wonder it he was coming from that strip club ? lol but yeah he had the flu cause I got it now [have for a while and it won't go away ! ] and you feel drowzy and stuffy and no energy and he looked like that forsure , if the pic turned out I'll post it when we get it on sunday//Steve


      • #4
        Re: Dimmu Concert...Denver 12/4

        actually alexi did mention that they were sick and apologized for it. now that I remember it a little more clearly. Warmen looked like he was swallowing his puke teh whole time. He was not having fun. But still did a bad ass job. He's a great keyboardist.


        • #5
          Re: Dimmu Concert...Denver 12/4

          On Nov 28th, it was Shagrath(vocals Dimmu) who was sick...and still put on a great show!
          When they were leaving, he got onto Nevermore's bus..maybe that was why they were sick a few days later.


          • #6
            Re: Dimmu Concert...Denver 12/4

            drip, low volume has been a common recent complaint of most if not all recent denver area shows. i don't know what it is maybe there's some sort of noise law denver is enforcing these days. it wouldn't surprise me in the state that knows what's good for you better than you do.
            1+2 = McGuirk, 2+4 = She's hot, 6-4 = Happy McGuirk


            • #7
              Re: Dimmu Concert...Denver 12/4

              funny thing is..there were still people putting in ear plugs. And you didn't need them at all. The balance was good and all that.. but was a wussy volume level. Teh ogden really never has been that loud. So far the best venue I've been too is the Fillmore, it has always been deafening in there...just the way I like it. Too bad none o fmy favorite bands have played in there.


              • #8
                Re: Dimmu Concert...Denver 12/4

                Yeah, I was there too man. COB RULED. I was dissapointed with Dimmu, Iprefer the other times I've seem them, but so it goes. I hung out in the freezing night for hours after the show meeting Dimmu and Alexi. IMO COB stole the show. Hypocrisy weren't bad either.

                You're right, it was a pretty tame volume level. But the sound was pretty good. Dimmu were using Powerballs, yeah. It was packed in there! down up front on the rail I was sometimes getting crushed and had trouble breathing a few times.

                It was funny when Nevermore got everyone up onstage and pissed off all the bouncers [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


                • #9
                  Re: Dimmu Concert...Denver 12/4

                  yeah that was great. I was in teh pit as well...for the first 3 bands...but wen tup top for dimmu. I live in greeley so I left as soon as dimmu finished. I had a 9 am class the next morning plus 50 miles to drive before I could hit the hay. it was very crowded in teh bottom. and there was some real youn gkids down fron too..getting their asses kicked. I aw they had to pull one little guy out of there about 2 songs into nevermore's set. stupid idiots, he looke dlike he might be pushing 12 years old. there were a few girls down there with corpse paint on..i think they lef tthe pit too though. I have a sizable bruise on my right arm..and my neck is sore as fuck. I was the asshole yelling at nevermore to play 42147..bu tthey didn't..oh well. maybe next time.

