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Alexi Laiho is an asshole

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  • #31
    Re: Alexi Laiho is an asshole

    Originally posted by Argos:
    Yeah, his lead tone was pretty weak. Not really "his" tone, but more his equipment tome if you know what I mean. I think he had most of the solo's ran through some sort of effect that made them sound a bit off, but technicaly he was right on most of the time.
    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Funny you mention that...

    when I saw COB in San Fran, I noticed that too. The drums, keys and bass sounded really good..but the guitar was kinda mushy, and Alexi's lead tone was weak and thin. It sounds almost like he has too much delay and some sort of phase or some odd EQ on it that makes it sound weak.

    Bummer to hear that Alexi is like that.
    I met all of Dimmu in San Fran, and they were all VERY friendly and talked to us for a bit after they signed everyone's stuff. (espc Vortex, Nick and Silenoz)
    I mentioned to Galder and Silenoz that it was great to see guys on stage tearing it up on Jackson guitars, and they both got a big smile on their face when I said that.
    (Shagrath(vocals, Dimmu) was really sick that night, and when he came out to the bus, he STILL wanted to sign and talk. They pushed him onto Nevermore's bus, as he was PALE..and it was not from corpsepaint! Talk about really wanting to put the extra work in for fans!)


    • #32
      Re: Alexi Laiho is an asshole

      Hmmm.... some very good and interesting points being made in this thread. I will add mine here.

      I have had the good fortune to meet everyone mentioned in this thread, and dozens more, but there is a common thread running through ALL of them; these are real people that have bad days just like we do. To say that someone is an asshole based on one experience may be unfair to them. I am not disagreeing with your opinion Bill, I am just saying that everyone has the CAPACITY to be an ass in public when constantly prodded and corralled, bombarded by questions. There could be extenuating circumstances that make them act out of the ordinary; don't feel well, had a bad gig the night previous, etc. I realize that maybe we feel they owe us something for supporting them and all that, but in the end, they are not necessarily obligated to socialize. Everyone has their limit, and I try to keep that in mind when I am talking to rock stars, etc. They need their space just like we do.... just something to think about.


      • #33
        Re: Alexi Laiho is an asshole

        To a certain degree, interacting with the fans goes with the territory of being in an underground band.

        But, yeah, we all have our bad days--and in any event, you can still enjoy someone's talent while not wanting to hang around with them. Based on what I've read, I've never once wanted to hang with Blackmore or Yngwie, even though I've enjoyed their work for many years.

        I think the reverse happened to me with Steve Morse--he was a great guy and I came off like a blathering obnoxious twit. Of course, maybe I really am... [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


        • #34
          Re: Alexi Laiho is an asshole

          I don't know how I would come across if I was in that position. Manny people have said to me that they thought I was a snob when they first met me, but I was actually having a mild anxiety attack! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] Then some times I really pep talk my self to just relax, that works, but then people think I'm an ass hole! The beverage of choice makes a diff too. I DO NOT drink rye oops...(Whiskey for the yanks) [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] I get very loud and obnoxious.

          Bill if you get another chance to meet these guy's you might change you mind. I have had all of these opinions said about me, but I have never looked down on people or though I was the shit.
          When I get a compliment I get very embarrassed.


          • #35
            Re: Alexi Laiho is an asshole

            Yeah maybe I may of jumped the gun a little ...but I'm not the type of guy to be wrong about someone's attitude...

            I was thinking the same elemaents were involved ...maybe he didn't understand me ...or misunderstood me..

            maybe he did have a "off night " in his mind..

            I would like to believe so ...

            ...ahhhh ...fuck it ...if I didn't go to the show ...none of this would even be an issue...

            oh well fuck it.
            "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
            Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

            "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


            • #36
              Re: Alexi Laiho is an asshole

              Originally posted by horns666:
              Hey I still like his stuff too ...that COB stuff is embedded in my brain and inspires me for a while ....and still will I'm sure ....but I was diappointed to see and know that one of my favorite new guitarist is a dick.

              I mean some guitarist are supposed to be a dick ...Blackmoore , Yngwie ...but that's OK!!

              Even though I heard thru John that Yngwie was very cool....I never met him yet.

              BTW Alexi's tone on the album is pretty damm good ...but it was shitty live....real thin and very fuzzy but his playing was in fine form....anyone see the show and agree with that ???
              <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">yeah it sounded great at the comadore in Vancouver but it is a world class live venue as well , but yeah man it always sucks when you meet one of your faves and they are dicks , what a asshole about the Jackson /Esp thing , I geuss he has to convince his self why he plays em lol ///Steve


              • #37
                Re: Alexi Laiho is an asshole

                Originally posted by horns666:
                Yeah Dave didn't want some baby faced punk blowing him away every night ...Jeff still looks like a kid ...I have an old picture of Jeff . Believe me when he was 17 he looked like 12 ...not kidding ....but he was amazing back then

                I have some of Jeff's old stuff on a Fear Tech demo ...he was just a kid..but damn he smoked!!!

                I think he would smoke Friedman in a heartbeat ...and that's a bold statement .

                I tellin' you guys that attitude of Alexi's and demeanor really , really bummed me out ....I am such a huge COB fan ...that sucks.

                Alexi is a fag!

                I hope he sees this....and remembers me ....maybe we'll meet again and say something to me ....ahhhh no he won't he's a punk. [img]graemlins/eyes.gif[/img]
                <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">yeah loomis does look like a kid lol and yeah he'd smoke marty anyday forsure , but on COB with a cold/flu , 1/2 the shows we did I was sick man and I was never a dick to anyone , and I had to hit those high growls and just can't do em if I am sick so it turns into a mono tone scream and I hate that so much , so no excuses for laiho and his cold lol , now if you were just hungover every night that would suck cause it takes so much energy out of ya lol //Steve


                • #38
                  Re: Alexi Laiho is an asshole

                  You know Steve that's excatly what I thought man ...I even started to second guess myself...Brian brought up a good point...well the dude is from Finland ...maybe he didn't understand me ...When I'm feelin' good (which I was ) I have a tendancy to talk really fast and get all happy and excited ....what if just heard the words "Jackson" and responded to that ..

                  Does this guy talk and understang English ...anyone ???!!

                  I keep forgetting if I had to go there to "play" ...I'd be lost a dumb fuck ...I would just smile and shrug my shoulders ... [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                  "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                  Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                  "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                  • #39
                    Re: Alexi Laiho is an asshole

           Bill heres a pic from when we saw him he was ok and me and Dave had a couple of beer so if he had any additude he didn't see it , but we didn't have time to talk guitars though //Steve


                    • #40
                      Re: Alexi Laiho is an asshole

                      In regards to Alexi not being able to speak English...

                      I spoke to him one on one for over an hour and I didn't once get the impression that he didn't understand or speak well, hell, he doesn't even have much of an accent.

                      The Dimmu guys on the other hand...Vortex and Mustis were the only ones who really spoke well, although I didn't get to talk with Shagrath and Silenoz.


                      • #41
                        Re: Alexi Laiho is an asshole

                        Yeah my singer took a bunch of pics with me a nevermore , some strange broads , and even with Alexi typical metal poses ...givin' the horns and all ...well I think I gave One horn ...two horns is just so redundant!!!

                        OK I'll give Alexi the benefit of a doubt ...because I admire his work so much ...but this is his last chance with me.. [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                        They probably won't come back to Cleveland anytime soon...but if they did ...of course I'll be there..

                        Iv'e talked to plenty of Rocks stars recently including that silly ass Silenoz...and they all been consistantly appreciative and cool for the most part ...I kind of expect that courtesy though ...I know I would be cool If I were at that status ...

                        especially with the women ...not that I would cheat on my wife ...but I always loved women ....I love their attention ...a lot!!! [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

                        I wouldn't close the deal with the girls but I love the chase leading up to that point's great for the ego....knowing I still can get laid with no problem ...if I wasn't married. [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/drool2.gif[/img]
                        "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                        Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                        "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                        • #42
                          Re: Alexi Laiho is an asshole

                          I know this post is about Alexi, who I haven't met, but since he's discussed...

                          I'd like to mention that not only Loomis, but everybody from Nevermore has always gone out of their way to be cool to me. When Tim was in the band, he gave Matt Crooks and I an impromptu guitar lesson in the dressing room once! (We were looking at doing a Forbidden tune for a tribute.) Loomis, Van and Warrel are all extra-cool guys to hang with, and have always gone out of their way to say hello, and even buying us shots!

                          The bands that are really cool are the ones who recognize that their fans are there to see them, even if they're having a bad night. It goes with the territory, and it sounds like Alexi hasn't learned that yet. Some never do.

                          I'm not surprised you say that about John and Al, Bill - they can both really come off like a**holes, even though I personally get along with both of them. Caffery and Plate (and Zak, when he was stil with them) NEVER come off that way - just
                          great guys all around.

                          Division - American Metal that doesn't suck. Much. Even on Facebook.


                          • #43
                            Re: Alexi Laiho is an asshole

                            Yeah man when I see the neveormore guys's always a party ....we always hug and shoot the shit very heavily about every damn thing...Guitar , Pussy , shots is good

                            Tim is a very good dude ...we hung out for hours when he was in the band ..he's a commercial pilot for Continental Airlines ..or was at that time...Forbidden Rules!!!

                            Another nice dude is Allan Tecchio (sp?) of Watchtower , Hades , non- fiction ...that dude was great ...he gave me a whole bunch of goodies...

                            Maybe Alexi just didn't understand what the hell I wa talking about...Oh well..

                            Mike Amott when they were sharing the bus with Nevermore ....just looked at me a laughed for a friggin' hour ....He didn't talk much ...but he was very amused of my retarded drunkin' antics..he blew beer outta his nose at one point..he was funny [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                            "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                            Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                            "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                            • #44
                              Re: Alexi Laiho is an asshole

                              Originally posted by horns666:
                              Well ...I've been a fan of COB for a very long time ...since the beginning .

                              But after meeting him last night ...I immediately discovered that he is a egotistcal little fuckin' troll..I was really close to tell him to go fuck himself ....but I think I didn't have to put it in words ...My expression must of displayed my obvious discontent with him ...I blew him off very blatantly's why

                              I introduced myself and explain that he is held in very high regard by many of his fans on this forum ...As soon a I said the word "Jackson" he got all bent and got his panties in a bunch and started to whine that Jackson didn't make a new guitar for him and ESP did ..."and they smoke any Jackson on the planet"....

                              I attempted to explain that the forum is made up as players and fans and not the Jackson Co...itself ...he didn't care ...not whatsoever ...So I said to him ..."OK dude whatever ..I'll make sure to tell everyone that""...he said he didn't care now I'm conveying this message onto you guys..

                              Yeah he's pretty good player but a little whining sisy little asshole ...better put some more eyeliner and nail polish on there Alexi ...maybe revlon will endorse

                              So if Alexi reads this I have one message for you dude ...Go fuck yourself little troll!!!

                              I don't blame Jackson at this point not to give that little fag a damn thing!!!

                              JKackson should scout and approach Loomis if anyone ...because he is worshipped by so many and he appreciates a good thing when he has it and not take things for granted because ..."hey I'm Jeff Loomis and I need a guitar so you better make me one"....Jeff is a down to earth very humble , nice dude ...he thinks he's only OK on the guitar ...He's OK ??...yeah right!!!

                              and BTW Loomis gave Alexi a guitar lesson of a lifetime last night... [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                              OH and Alexi's and Latava's tone last night sounded like total mushy , dirty ass with their piece of shit rectos..

                              Jeff told me their tone is so bad ...he could use their amps for the rest of the tour and just used his Line 6 crap ...which I'm not a fan of ...but they smoked the rectos last night ...that's for sure doubt in my mind!!
                              <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">That's one of the funniest post's I have ever read [img]graemlins/toast.gif[/img] But how could you let him talk to you like that? You look like a tough guy and he's very girly looking(in a bad way of course).



                              • #45
                                Re: Alexi Laiho is an asshole

                                I traveled 3 and a half hours to see them in St. Louis. Unfortunately I wasn't not given the chance to meet any of them. The place I saw them was a bar/stage thing and the show was all ages and then after they got over the PA and said anyone over 21 can drink and hang out and then he said everyone under 21 has to leave. So that kind of sucked, but the show was awesome. I got some pics but have yet to scan them in. I about crapped in my pants watching Loomis. Warrel's mic started messing up so they were getting him a new one real quick and Loomis just started to rip it up and Warrel got a good mic and said "Hey Jeff, play eruption!" I thought that was kind of funny and Warrel seemed to have a really funny personallity, but like I said, I wasn't able to hang out. It is also cool to have parents that like the same kind of music. My mum doesn't really care for all the screamin' but she likes Nevermore a lot and my step dad was the one that got me into it all in the first place. My mum was kind of out of place with her tigger jean jacket but when some dudes ran right up behind us and were trying to get infront of us my mum shoved them, made me laugh. One of the guys tryin to get infront of us was insanely freakishly tall and I only came up to his shoulders and I am about 5'6". Awesome show for sure though and again Loomis stole everything for me, he just rules in every way possible. I liked Dimmu's whole stage set up but they were really loud and the keyboards were pretty low in the mix. My ears got kind of shot and it was hard to distinguish what was going on and Galder's solos were pretty low to. I liked CoB's performance as well and Janne's fingers were goin' crazy fast and it was like he didn't even notice and was just standing there drinkin' a beer like he didn't even care. I had fun though.

