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Crazy Train on a Hello Kitty guitar. Shred material.

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  • #31
    Did this guy get pointers from Vinnie Vincent on how to over shred? Almost sounded like Vinnie in a few parts.
    Breaking Point, my all instrumental CD available here:


    • #32
      I got one of those Hello Kitty Strats. Target is blowing them out cheap. I used it at practice today - it's pretty cool - it just needs a better pickup.
      do you know if its routed or not under that pickguard? If it is I would buy one dump the pickguard fill in the screw holes and repaint. nice one humbucker guitar for cheap.


      • #33
        Mmmmm .... mayo on liverwurst ....
        My YouTube Videos | My SoundCloud Page


        • #34
          It looks.... original .... meh...


          • #35
            that was sweet, i want one of dem pink ones
            subscribe to my youtube channel


            • #36
              That was coo!

              Dudes...It's not like he was trying for a Grammy...He was letting loose and having fun.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Rich#6 View Post
                do you know if its routed or not under that pickguard? If it is I would buy one dump the pickguard fill in the screw holes and repaint. nice one humbucker guitar for cheap.
                Hmmm, actually they're available from in black also!

                Here's Fender's website about these:

                Body is agathis, neck is maple:
                Last edited by RacerX; 12-31-2006, 08:33 PM.
                "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                • #38
                  Originally posted by drockilles View Post
                  And the idiotic comments at Youtube never cease to amaze me. "Intonation comes from your fingers"
                  It does.

                  Intonation does not exclusively refer to the setup of a fretted instrument. Thats simply one definition.

                  Its also a term commonly used by orchestra types to describe the accuracy of the player to hit the exact correct pitch on a fretless instrument such as a violin, viola, cello, ect.

                  Even on a guitar, guitarists can have poor intonation. If you mash the strings to hard, you might be pulling the string slightly sharp. When you bend, if you don't bend up to a regular interval like a half step or a whole step or larger, its gonna sound out of tune. Guitarists who have these problems are said to have poor intonation.


                  • #39
                    it was just really awesome. Some good playing there.


                    • #40
                      thats funny.... lol that made my new year right there


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by nonamemx View Post
                        It does.

                        Intonation does not exclusively refer to the setup of a fretted instrument. Thats simply one definition.

                        Its also a term commonly used by orchestra types to describe the accuracy of the player to hit the exact correct pitch on a fretless instrument such as a violin, viola, cello, ect.

                        Even on a guitar, guitarists can have poor intonation. If you mash the strings to hard, you might be pulling the string slightly sharp. When you bend, if you don't bend up to a regular interval like a half step or a whole step or larger, its gonna sound out of tune. Guitarists who have these problems are said to have poor intonation.
                        that is very true about the fretless instruments. i play a double bass in band at school and it is very hard to hit the exact right pitches every time, also the action is way too high for that instrument, it should be extremely low (almost touching the fretboard) but my band director wont go get it setup properly....meh.


                        • #42
                          I can't believe how many rates this guy's it really so hard to hear that he is way off the 5 minutes he got MAYBE a couple of licks right...the rest just truly sucked. The tone was pretty good though. But all the tone in the world couldn't save that guy


                          • #43
                            I'm sure he was playing the rhythm wrong the first time he actually botehred to play it....

                            Allthough I might get me ablack one for laughs....



                            • #44
                              "is it really so hard to hear that he is way off the 5 minutes he got MAYBE a couple of licks right...the rest just truly sucked. The tone was pretty good though. But all the tone in the world couldn't save that guy"

                              It is a bit harsh. Yes, he is off a lot, really a lot. But it does not sound like a professional recording, more like somebody having fun and improvising. I'd say it was a good job for what it is. You can actually see that closer to the end he got (finally) into the beat, and mostly stayed at it. He seems to have his own sense of phrasing and rithm, to me he was fun to listen to. I will gladly listen to anyone playing similarly or better.


                              • #45
                                I'm usualy interested in these kind of videos but this guy was not great. He has good technique and some cool ideas but I found he fluffed a few phrases and his timing was not the best. For some of those fast phrases you can't hear what he's doing and its a little all over the place.
                                On the plus side though at least he is having a laugh with the axe and all and its a good song he picked to jam over!!!

