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EVH Sighting

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  • #31
    The new guitar player in Queensryche played that Lynch V abortion when I saw them at the HOB. It sounded like shit, Wilton's tone was much better.

    Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


    • #32
      When I posted the link to this story, the last thing I wanted was for this thread to degenerate into another “Ed-bashing” debate. Personally, I found the article quite sad and poignant; it’s hard seeing our heroes get old and vulnerable, such a harsh reminder of our mortality and the fleeting nature of our own youth. My feeling is that Eddie is one of those select few guitarists (Hendrix, Clapton, Page) who are beyond reproach, simply because they changed forever the way electric guitar is played. I’m sure there are a lot of us on this forum, including myself, who picked up the guitar, or were inspired to take their playing in a new direction, because of Eddie. Let’s not criticize him because he’s not 25 anymore and doesn’t play the way he did on “Ice Cream Man.” He got old. We’re all going to get old.

      I also frequent the Ernie Ball/Musicman forum, as do probably some of you. Several months ago, a thread started on that forum when someone posted a YouTube clip of Eddie playing “You Really Got Me” at a Kenny Chesney concert. The EB forum moderator – Big Daddy or whatever he’s called – I don’t know if he’s an EB employee or maybe even one of the family members – took the opportunity to take a shot at Eddie, saying that he found Eddie’s solo and scissors-kick (attempted, anyway) “pathetic.” Now, I know that EB and Eddie had a business relationship that went sour and there were bad feelings all around. But Peavey also had a similar situation with Eddie, and as far as I know, Hal and his people chose to simply say something along the lines of “we enjoyed our relationship with Ed; we’ve moved on, but we wish him all the best.”

      What bothered me the most was that none of the EB forum members spoke up for Ed. Oh, maybe a few of them tried, but they were quickly shot down, and told, after all, that the forum was Big Daddy’s “house” and he could say and do whatever he pleased. So they stayed silent. And I’m ashamed to say that I did as well. And maybe that’s why I’m writing this now.

      So EB makes nice guitars and a lot of people play them. But at the end of day, is EB going to have as much influence on rock guitar history as EVH? I don’t think so. I know a lot of you can probably smoke Eddie; heck, there are a lot of 14-year old kids now who can smoke Ed. But do you honestly think your playing is going to change the way people perceive the electric guitar? I gotta tell you, I doubt it. My personal feeling is that Ed has earned the right to play as poorly as he wants to. Let’s appreciate our memories of Eddie and George and Warren and Jake and all our guitar heroes, and not hold them to some impossible standard of eternal youth. Let's all take the high road and respect Eddie’s legacy and let him get old. We all gotta go down that same road some day…


      • #33
        FYI - Big Daddy is Sterling Ball.
        Tarbaby Fraser.


        • #34
          Link doesn´t work. What the hell are you talking about?


          • #35
            I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT the ARTICLE on The Mighty EDDIE VAN HALEN is pure fukkin' bullshit. If you want to know , just giveme a call or pm me, I know the facts, and first hand, I know he looks great and ready to go, so fukk that cocksucker who wrote the article.Total bullshit. when is the article from, during his bout with cancer? Right now he looks like a champ and I got the proof. Bonghits- Don't be sad, it's bullshit.
            Not helping the situation since 1965!


            • #36
              Originally posted by Chad View Post
              To those who think Ed looks "good" for his's another rock'n roller whose been at it a good while and is actually a few months older than Ed. Probably not as rough of a lifestyle, but George has had his issues too.
              Yeah, but I would say Mr. Lynch is the exception rather than the rule. And really, IMO, I don't think Ed looks so bad for his age really considering all he has been through. Part of his poor image is the way he has been dressing. Hell, I am busting my ass trying to get my weight down to see my abs again. Eddie is looking pretty lean...but I won't say healthy.

              For every rocker that looks youthful and healthy in their mid 50's...there are probably 10 that look like Eddie or Lou Gramm:

              "What's all this lying around shit!!" - Bluto


              • #37
                Sterling Ball busted on Eddie? That is really sad and unprofessional. Sour grapes is all that is, nothing more.

                Ed will rise. The Saints did, Ed can.

                Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
                  I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT the ARTICLE on The Mighty EDDIE VAN HALEN is pure fukkin' bullshit. If you want to know , just giveme a call or pm me, I know the facts, and first hand, I know he looks great and ready to go, so fukk that cocksucker who wrote the article.Total bullshit. when is the article from, during his bout with cancer? Right now he looks like a champ and I got the proof. Bonghits- Don't be sad, it's bullshit.

                  It was the Land Cruiser comment pissed me off.
                  Tarbaby Fraser.


                  • #39
                    The whole thing is just a disgusting (and look who's talking-lol) pot shot at the cat who changed alot of our lives for the better.
                    Fukk him.
                    You're welcome,
                    The management
                    Not helping the situation since 1965!


                    • #40
                      Heh, you should see me at 9:00 in the morning.

