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Nile Sound

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  • Nile Sound

    Does anyone here ever heard the album ''In Their Darkened Shrines''?

    I think it's fucking heavy. How do they get such a fucking heavy guitarsound? I know they tune to Drop A and use invader pickups

    I know karl uses a Dean Custom Flying V and Dallas a Gibson flying V and a Jackson RR.
    Live last year Karl played a triple Recto and Dallas a marshall( jcm 900 i think)

    Is there anybody who could tell me more about the gear they use and tell me what you think of ''In Their Darkened Shrines'' [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

  • #2
    Re: Nile Sound

    Nile fuckin rocks! They're my second favorite Death Metal band, right behind Morbid Angel. In Their Darkened Shrines is with out a doubt their best work, but their previous stuff is great too, so check it out.

    As far as gear I only know what you mentioned. Karl also uses a fender strat, equipped with a custom single hum pickguard and a guitar synth system. Dallas also has a Dean or two, and occationally uses a B.C. Rich Warlock.


    • #3
      Re: Nile Sound

      Great guitar players and also a sound engineer who knew how to get a heavy sound.
      Much of what you hear is made by the sound engineer. Good recording gear, double and triple tracking guitars, good ears while mixing are all important to achieve a good sound.

      Sorry i know this probably doesn't help you much but i think it's a little difficult to try to achieve a sound which was produced in a professional recording studio.


      Thrash/Death-Metal from Germany


      • #4
        Re: Nile Sound

        I can't help you in gear department, but that album kicks serious ass. What got me into them is their obsession with ancient Egypt. I'm interested in it so I wanted to see how that goes with death metal. I must admit I was positively surprised. I have that CD and listen to it from time to time.
        I think it will be hard to get their sound at home, but maybe some amp modelers would be of help.


        • #5
          Re: Nile Sound

          I'm not sure about the record, but I do know that Karl didn't have the custom V yet then. When I saw them last year Karl had a Dean VX (yeah, the cheapest one they make) with Invaders, scalloped neck, and a Roland synth into two DSL 100 stacks, and two of the cabs were really beat old greenback cabs. Dallas had a TC V w/Invaders into a JMP1/Marshall power amp stack. Outside of the horrible acoustics in the club, it sounded just like the record. [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]


          • #6
            Re: Nile Sound

            death daily has right. one of them has the vx the second one has an us made dean.

            btw Black seeds of vengeance owns in their darkened shrines [img]graemlins/evilimages/icons/tongue.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]


            • #7
              Re: Nile Sound

              KNAC.COM: What kind of rig are you playing through?
              DALLAS: Right now I’m using the Marshall 9100 Dual Mono-bloc power amp, which is 100 watts per side. I’m also using Metal’s best kept secret which is a Peavey Rockmaster tube preamp. Actually, Devin Townsend told me when we were touring with Strapping Young Lad that he used to have the exact same set-up and really liked it.

              Just found this intervieuw on the net.....i will check out the rockmaster Yeah


              • #8
                Re: Nile Sound

                I really like Black Seeds Of Vengeance. The album has such an awesome feel to it (Best part is I got it for $5 used!)

                As for seeing them live, I'm not too hot on their live sound. The problem is that everything is so low it sort of meshes together. I've seen them 3 times and the second time had the best sound, but the first and third times had terrible / muddy sound. Great band though and they always are interesting to see.


                • #9
                  Re: Nile Sound

                  Dsl's and Invaders in mahogany guitars will get you pretty close, they tune to drop G sharp sometimes. Now that hurts!


                  • #10
                    Re: Nile Sound

                    Originally posted by Cow Juice:
                    Dsl's and Invaders in mahogany guitars will get you pretty close, they tune to drop G sharp sometimes. Now that hurts!
                    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Actually I think they just tune to drop-A. Did you hear any specific song that was tuned to drop-G#?

                    Nile is indeed a great band. I can understand how their live sound would suck, though. They tune so low. Very difficult to get guitars tuned that low to sound good with the rest of the band.


                    • #11
                      Re: Nile Sound

                      Well when they got meedly meedle and then go UDGE, that low note is a g sharp, my friend tunes his 7 to that sometimes, and when he hit that note, I was like whoa! Nile!

