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Who Should Quit?

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  • #16
    I don't get threads like this. How would you like if someone told you what you should quit? Quit working, quit fucking, quit driving, quit drinking, whatever.

    If they're still having fun playing and there are still fans that like them and are willing to pay, more power to them.

    And Metallica "right place, right time"? Give me a break. If you'd seen Metallica live in 1986 right after Puppets was released, you'd have a different opinion. I saw them play a couple months before Cliff died, and they absolutley OWNED. They were incredible regardless of what the year was. Now more recent Metallica, not really my thing but they're still fun to watch live.

    And I completely disagree with you guys about GnR. I saw them a couple months ago with the new lineup and they were fucking awesome. Bumblefoot is an excellent guitarist and Axl actually sounded really good. I went to the show with low expectations, but they put on a 3 hour show that blew me away.


    • #17
      I'm not the one who tells people that they should quit doing something they love and wich also helps to feed their family.
      "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

      "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


      • #18
        But when once great bands/musicians keep their prices high and start skimping on the goods....whether due to substances, age, etc.....we have a right to feel this way when we spend our hard earned money and travel many hours to enjoy a quality show, and get ripped off all the way around.


        • #19
          Anyone saying Slayer sucks and should retire should be ashamed of themselves.


          • #20
            To tour with a large production is a very expensive venture, (fuel costs, paying crew, etc) however.. bands and promoters will charge what they think they are worth unless they take the Garth Brooks mentality and make it affordable for everyone so that so many people show up.. it still is profitable. I can understand the cost issue..the solution to that is easy, don't go...wait for the DVD.

            There are alot of guys who played large seated venues who are still doing it even though they went from major arenas to the clubs, Ratt, Firehouse, Yngwie to name a few. If they are doing clubs the costs go down considerably. In fact I've seen Yngwie for a cover charge of 5.00, what it used to cost to go see a popular local act in the 80's.

            Ya wanna tell Yngwie he should hang it up? He was well worth the 5.00... I blow at least 5x that on an NSF.

            To quit would be hard, to not quit is harder.. so to hang it up is a personal choice and to do it completely would be like having one foot in the grave for most any profession not just musicians.
            Steve Perry is pretty much 'retired' but is still active musically and pops up now and again..a great and recognizable voice that will never just 'go away'
            There were alot of guitarists who were greats of the day who made a personal choice to opt out of the big spotlight.

            I personally cannot see Les Paul hanging it up, he stuck with it even though he had an accident that would prevent or discourage most people from continuing to play. I certainly wouldn't want him to quit.
            How about Rick Allen?

            I think if they can still get it up, and they can do reasonably well..let em keep rockin.
            Last edited by charvelguy; 03-02-2007, 10:20 AM.


            • #21
              slayer is an aquired taste. when i was 13 i loved them, now i agree with hippietim.

              as far as bands that NEED to retire.....hmmmm, i will just say if a band is going trough the motions to collect a paycheck then they should quit. if a band has NOT put out ANY new material in the last 5 years, but they are still milking on the road, they should CONSIDER retiring....

              i have an issue with artists that don't try to create anything new.

              i have an issue with artists that put on lame shows and charge 75.00 per ticket.

              there are a lot of us that play in bands and write songs that would LOVE to have half the opportunity that some of these bands have.....

              when you don't love it, move on.

              bon jovi is a good example of somebody that is doing it right. they are NOT my cup of tea, but they put out fresh material, play huge shows and deliver the goods.

              can't say the same for a few acts mentioned in this thread....

              some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

              some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

              and finally....

              i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


              • #22
                Forget about that AXL Rose shit... he sucks majorly and should retire!!!

                Well and think about Kiss as well.. although i love em!!!!

                Stay metal....
                Stay fuckin metal.... for life!!! ALEX



                • #23
                  Originally posted by skorb View Post
                  Nickleback (die, Nickleback, die)
                  + Infinity


                  • #24
                    GnR suck now...I saw them on "the tour" there was a 2.5 hour delay between the opening act and when Axl "felt like coming out" so they didn't take the stage until 11:45 at night. WTF! on the flip side I saw Kiss in Santa Barbara last year and they were tight and a lot of fun still. So to each his own, but some of those old has been bands are still interested in the fans and putting on a good show.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
                      Anyone saying Slayer sucks and should retire should be ashamed of themselves.
                      I don't care if they retire or not. But they do suck. :ROTF:
                      I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                      - Newc


                      • #26
                        "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                        "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by markD View Post
                          slayer is an aquired taste. when i was 13 i loved them, now i agree with hippietim.

                          as far as bands that NEED to retire.....hmmmm, i will just say if a band is going trough the motions to collect a paycheck then they should quit. if a band has NOT put out ANY new material in the last 5 years, but they are still milking on the road, they should CONSIDER retiring....

                          i have an issue with artists that don't try to create anything new.

                          i have an issue with artists that put on lame shows and charge 75.00 per ticket.

                          there are a lot of us that play in bands and write songs that would LOVE to have half the opportunity that some of these bands have.....

                          when you don't love it, move on.

                          bon jovi is a good example of somebody that is doing it right. they are NOT my cup of tea, but they put out fresh material, play huge shows and deliver the goods.

                          can't say the same for a few acts mentioned in this thread....

                          great post!
                          Guitars... Rhoads RX10D
                          Amp... Pioneer
                          Effects... Boss ME-20


                          • #28
                            Who cares... Rock till you drop.

                            And Slayer rules!!!! Nothing says "Fuck off" like Slayer does really...

                            And remember kids.....


                            • #29
                              Journey. Not a metal band, but Schon can shred. I didnt mind Augeri, but how many times can you change lead singers and write garbage and still live off your past hits? Where have all the good singers gone?
                              Remember, Wherever you go,.. there you are


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by hippietim View Post
                                I don't care if they retire or not. But they do suck. :ROTF:
                                That's why they open for your band right?

