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Who Should Quit?

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  • Who Should Quit?

    I was thinking about some of the bands around at the moment (new & old) and started wondering which ones I personally think should just give up now instead of flogging a dead horse (so to speak), and these are who I came up with:

    Guns N' Roses - sorry but Axel and a bunch of nobodies isn't GNR's!
    Van Halen - don't get me wrong, I still like EVH but I think this recent 'reunion' fiasco is a sign that they should just maybe let it go!
    KISS - this is one retirement WAAAAAAAAAAAAY overdue!
    Aerosmith - as much as I like them, all they've really given us lately is countless repackaged 'Best Of' albums!
    Metallica - To be honest with you, I never did get the whole Metallica thing. A friend of mine recently described them as "Right place, right time" and I have to say I kind of agree with him!

    Anyway, which bands make you want to tell them "Enough is enough?" (no Enuff Z Nuff pun intended). It doesn't matter how old or new or what style they are.
    And on the 8th day,
    God kicked back with a beer,
    And gave that Jackson one helluva beating!

  • #2
    I dont think GnR needs to quit as even though they arent GnR per se, they're still putting on decent shows when they all show up and arent smashed apparently. Van Halen I think is all but done. Kiss is still offically together, but I doubt we'll see another album. Aerosmith still ptus on good shows when they tour, and still put out good CDs that arent best of, we just havent heard from them lately. As for Metallica, thats a wtf for me. They should keep rocking for another 10 years!


    • #3
      GnR (one og member? nothing's more lame than what Axel is doing)
      VH (Eddie clearly is not up to it)
      Nickleback (die, Nickleback, die)
      Michael Schenker (much as he's my way back hero, he's a sad shadow of his former self and a total alcoholic right now, fucking up shows and embarrassing himself. he needs help)
      Scorpions (like, when was the last decent cd?)
      Blackmore's Night (rennaissance acoustic lute music? WTF?)
      The Fray (they're new but God do they suck)

      the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


      • #4
        Metallica was at the "right place at the right time"... I guess if years of hard work and touring is being at the "Right place, right time".

        As for bands that should throw the towel in, when I saw Deep Purple and Yes in concert within the last few years the singers both sounded horrible... like their voices were completely gone. At least the respective opening bands were great (Satch and Dream Theater)


        • #5
          GNR (thought they quit long ago?)


          • #6
            Metallica (but they should keep playing live! I heard they play like 3 new songs during a 2 hour set or somethin)

            Any Fall Out Boy/ clone of theres/ anything remotely close to them...
            ^same with Hawthorne Heights
            ^same with any emo/screamo band

            and are you serious about Slayer? I never got around to buying Christ Illusion, but God Hates Us All (for the most part) was a really good album. Much better than Diabolus in Musica. Still, Hell Awaits is my favorite of theirs.
            "Better to Die Quickly Fighting on Your Feet
            Than to Live Forever Begging on You Knees."-LoG

            Dimebag Darrell
            Chuck Schuldiner
            Cliff Burton


            • #7
              Honestly, I don't have a problem with ANY of the bands you guys mentioned, calling it quits. I mean, as much as I'd LOVE to see VH, like they used to be, it just isn't gonna happen, cause, let's face it, the golden years are over, and the'll NEVER be like they used to be. It was just a perfect moment, caught in time.
              I'm not Ron!


              • #8
                Christ Illusion by Slayer is awesome!!

                GnR were done a LONG time ago. Right before the 50th time they were going to release Chinese Democracy.

                I like Aerosmith..Metallica, IF the new album is better..can redeem themselves still, VH is history I'm afraid, and not sure if I'd want to see what they "put up on stage"..Kiss, they were done along time ago..they just are still GREAT at marketing.

                But..that said..if they are having fun making music (if that's what they are doing anymore) hell who are we to say they should stop? Put yourself in those shoes..would you quit?
                AC/DC is still going strong..they've put out the same album for the last 30 ones telling them to give it up..besides they wouldn't listen anyway, but they are having FUN!! And it shows.
                Ok...I got sidetracked in my own post..nevermind..


                • #9
                  Van Halen,,,,unfortunately my wife and I drove 12 hrs. round trip to see that 2004 reunion with Sammy. I wanted her to experience a Van Halen concert, and when I last seen them on the Balance tour, they were amazing. Well, in 2004,,,,,Eddie played so bad it was embarrassing, and the show really sucked. Not cool, and I don't think he can ever pull it together anymore.
                  Also , Aerosmith. Drove very far to see them and Motley Crue together last October. Motley played great,,,they really have it together with this reunion thing, and I've already seen them twice since they reunited. Aerosmith did 15 minute blues jams, and Steven Tyler sang like 20 words all night. What a rip off and a disappointment. Retire. I'm sorry, but hearing Joe Perry play sloppy, repetitious, boring blues bends all night is not my forte. Again, seen them last in the summer of 2001, and they sounded like a larger than life stereo, just amazing.........and that's what I was expecting from such legends this time. What a let down.
                  Last edited by lynchfan6; 03-01-2007, 10:45 PM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by iced_earth View Post

                    As for bands that should throw the towel in, when I saw Deep Purple and Yes in concert within the last few years the singers both sounded horrible... like their voices were completely gone. At least the respective opening bands were great (Satch and Dream Theater)
                    I saw Deep Purple last year supported by Status Quo. Status Quo still has it, but Gillan is definitely the weak link in the current Deep Purple lineup.


                    • #11
                      I can't agree that Slayer sucks - they klled on ozzfest 2004.
                      i can't agree that the scorions suck - saw them on unbreakable '04? and it was a well done show, rocked!
                      Tesla killed too.

                      i have to agree that metallica just jumped the shark. for me it was ajfa, but I realize that Ajfa and that black album really were k, after that, not so much.

                      gnr - waay done, unless they could play as a band then I dunno, their time passed.

                      Never liked aerosmith.

                      kiss without Ace and Peter, eh....

                      VH, man I wish it could work, but it won't ever be right as much as I want it to.
                      MA, Sammy, and dave should play. i bet sammy could play eddie's part! i am gonna start a seperate thread with this proposal.
                      When you take a shower in space, you have to press the water onto your body to clean yourself, and then you gotta vacuum it off. - Ace Frehley


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by guitarsjb View Post
                        But..that said..if they are having fun making music (if that's what they are doing anymore) hell who are we to say they should stop? Put yourself in those shoes..would you quit?
                        AC/DC is still going strong..they've put out the same album for the last 30 ones telling them to give it up..besides they wouldn't listen anyway, but they are having FUN!! And it shows.
                        Ok...I got sidetracked in my own post..nevermind..

                        I never listened to half the bands you guys are complaining about in the first place, and whether they go on or not has no impact on my life. If they continue to tour and release albums, I will continue to not buy them. If they are happy making music and somebody enjoys what they do, then more power to them.
                        Hail yesterday


                        • #13
                          Britney Spears:ROTF:


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by 442w30 View Post
                            I can't agree that Slayer sucks - they klled on ozzfest 2004.
                            They killed the air surrounding me with the worst music of the day - Slayer sucked back in the day and continue in that tradition
                            I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                            - Newc


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by hippietim View Post
                              They killed the air surrounding me with the worst music of the day - Slayer sucked back in the day and continue in that tradition
                              But you have to admit the level of suckdom they have acheived has not waivered. The slayer from 1985 is pretty close to the slayer of 2005 (can't vouch for >2005)
                              When you take a shower in space, you have to press the water onto your body to clean yourself, and then you gotta vacuum it off. - Ace Frehley

