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  • #16
    Timo Koltipelto


    • #17
      My first thought when I saw the title of the thread was that they were a rap group called "Cellar Door"... :ROTF:


      • #18
        Originally posted by Wayniac View Post
        Timo Koltipelto
        Thank you........I was close but didn't wanna try to spell the last name....
        I'm not into hell.........I just dig the soundtrack.........


        • #19
          cellador is just proof that Dragongforce has KILLED powermetal. its over... there is nowhere for the genre to go. and i don't see how Dragonforce can top themeselves so they're probably over too.

          now every powermetal band will try and sound like DF, just like Cellador. wake me up when something interesting happens. (or you decide to put on an old Helloween album instead) but all the powermetal bands out there might as well quit.
          Widow - "We have songs"


          • #20
            Originally posted by outsider666 View Post
            Thank you........I was close but didn't wanna try to spell the last name....
            No prob !
            Caffery will be doing a tour of Europe with him shortly - next month I think?


            • #21
              Nope, no Cellador down yonder. It's too wet and the water table is too high here in Southeast Texas and Louisiana for Cellas. That's how we would pronounce Cellar Doors. (spoken with Cajun accent, sometimes leaving the "R" off) So it would be "Celladoe"
              Just sounds to funny! Had to do it.
              Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


              • #22
                Hey man, what's up..

                This is style is very OLD HAT to me..this is NOTHING new or original whatsoever.

                Eupoean power metal bands have been sounding like this for 15+ years in the Underground..I know, because I have all of it.

                My only problay with DF or the LACK of originality..the singers and music writing all sound completely interchangable...just 10 years ago most underground metal mags would frown on yet another Helloween clone and the like..I still have these mags..

                Nothing was "killed"..this style has been around forever and still will be..just like Death, Black Prog, and Powermetal..

                I don't even know why these two bands are getting that much attention. YES, they are "good", but there is so much better out there not getting acknowledged. I used to to reviews and mention new bands at the start of my thread and "what are you listening now"..but nobody ever knew what I was talking about..a few guys like Vitamin G and Tim sure took notice..and well, they followed my lead..not they are telling me about bands.

                The only reason why we are talking about Dragonforce and because the get attention on MTV..on HBB and that's it PERIOD...hmmmm, that takes me back 20 fuggin' years ago//Dragonforce is on constant rotation on that show and Cellador is advertised..

                There is much more metal than what MTV is paid to showcase or me.

                I swear NOTHING ever changes.,,no matter what is the flavor of the month or "popular" including metal..other bands will always do the same..

                This style of metal was considered GAY by most people just FOUR or FIVE years ago..:ROTF:

                Bill Z Bub
                "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                • #23
                  this is all true, Bill. But whereas Dragonforce just annoy the piss out of me, I think (from what little I've heard of them so far) that Cellador seem to be doing it right. They mightn't be original, but I don't see a problem enjoying them if they are doing what they do well.

                  And while my tastes have gotten heavier, and I'm even listening to some more extreme stuff now, I've never really gone off good power metal. Bands like Jacob's Dream, Dungeon & Jag Panzer still get a spin on my cd player
                  Hail yesterday


                  • #24
                    yeah, but DF has made a "joke" out of powermetal. they have taken it as extreme as possible while laughing all the way. and now every dugga dugga band is trying to go as fast a DF in a vein attemp to "keep up". and thats just lame. another case of everyone jumping on the latest craze. ...but hey, at least its not indie collage rock.
                    Widow - "We have songs"




                    • #25
                      Cellador is alright, but I'd rather listen to some good power metal bands like Sonata Arctica, Symphony X, Kamelot, or Nocturnal Rites.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by StukaJU87 View Post
                        I was listening to XM radio yesterday and they played a song called "A Sign Far Beyond" by a supposedly new band called Cellador. The singer reminded me of Bruce Dickenson a little bit. The band itself sounded somewhat like Dragonforce. At least to me it did.

                        I liked their sound and the guitar work sounded pretty good too.
                        The guys sound almost exactly like Helloween. When I first heard their song I thought Helloween got back together.
                        In the future though I need to remember to not buy guitars while on Nyquil


                        • #27
                          I have their latest CD. It's not bad. About 1/2 the songs are really good. The singer sometimes sounds like he's struggling to stay in key. The guitarists are pretty damn good and shred a lot. They're a little more thrashy than Dragonforce and the production is a little rawer. Dragonforce writes better and more memorable melodies and hooks.

                          I love Dragonforce. On record, they just sound like they really have their shit together. Cellador souds like they're still struggling to write unique melodies and hooks. I've seen some live vids and the singer sounded better live than on the record. He has a Tate/Dickinson thing going on. I think they have potential.


                          • #28
                            Yeah, when I first heard Cellador I thought "Bruce Dickinson joined Helloween?"

                            And Bill, please name an original (euro-style) power metal band. Helloween started it, and 1000000 bands copied it.


                            • #29
                              I checked it out and thought they were pretty cool.
                              Good deals with:
                              Metal Medal II, Tonyl11


                              • #30
                                DragonForce is like that band The Darkness. They're a passing fad and will rapidly fade from the light when people realize that their (newer) songs all sound the same. Having seen them live a fraction of the people there knew specific song titles and even less recognized old songs. Their singles got recognition from the majority of the crowd but that was it. Obviously the majority of the folks in attendance had very limited exposure to the band and weren't into the power metal genre at all. This group of preppy dudes all started high fiving each other when they played the first single from Inhuman Rampage.

                                The biggest difference between Cellador and DragonForce is that it doesn't seem like Cellador is trying to be the most extreme power metal band out there, playing the fastest and most technical stuff imaginable. They're trying to write traditional / Helloween styled power metal with some of their own personalities thrown into the mix. Cellador is what Helloween SHOULD sound like now. Yes, it isn't that original, but who cares? I rarely hear any original music that I can even tolerate.

