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Where were you when you first heard Randy?

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  • #31
    For the life of me I can't remember. I do remember seeing him live on the Diary tour though. 2 months later he was gone.


    • #32
      It was on the radio. I thought it was good enough to go buy the album with poor man's allowance at age 13 and was totally blown away by the whole album. I didn't apreciate the technique of his guitar playing much but that album had an overall vibe and mood that just struck a cord with me and nothing since has even come close. Well.........Maybe Diary.



      • #33
        I heard Crazy Train on the radio in early `81 and thought this is pretty damn cool. A friend had already told me about Ozzy going solo and his guitar player Randy Rhoads. Another friend of mine brought the Blizzard album to school and we were all commenting on how cool the live shot on the back of the cover looked. Ozzy was going to be playing at the Day On The Green festival 4th of July `81 at the Oakland Stadium but my parents wouldn`t let me go , damn I was pissed but I was only 13 after all. They did however let me go the the open night of the Diary tour at the Cow Palace on Dec. 30th `81 , now that was cool and I got to see Randy.


        • #34
          Wow, it was in like 80 or 81 when a friend walked onto the school bus with a boom box blasting crazy train. We all looked at each other with this "WTF?" look. One of the few things from that era that I can totally remember.


          • #35
            Last edited by texasfury; 10-04-2008, 07:30 PM.
            Just a guitar player...

