Originally posted by thetroy
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Originally posted by jgcable View Post
Fact. All guitar players.. male or female.. want to be soloists. Those who can... do. Those who can't... play rhythm.
Its a harsh statement and I apologize to all the rhythm players out there but you know its true. If you could wave your magical guitar wand or click your ruby slippers 3 times and repeat
I wish I was a soloist
I wish I was a soloist
I wish I was a soloist
and you would become one.. YOU WOULD.
I can prove the above statement too.
Have you ever seen an air guitar player playing rhythm??
I can play lead but like rhythm more, I dont need to be in the spotlite every songwww.myspace.com/demonboundmusic
Originally posted by Endrikthe more you masturbate the less you need to bang the hottest chicks
Actually, millions wouldn't help either. A little story.
In the late 80's early 90's I became acquainted with a guy named Traci.
Traci was loaded when he turned 18 as he was the victum of a NSP gas line rupture and it severely burned his body. He was a burn baby and was setup for life from the lawsuit. He had extensive graphs and half of his face and body showed some serious scar tissue. Tracy always somewhat fancied himself a Vince Neil type, so that is kinda the role model he patterened himself after. He bought a 5 bedroom house.. had a bunch of musicians living there rent free along with the girlfriends. Bought a bunch of gear, paid cash for a new Porsche, created a production company (Eternal sound and lights), became a partner to a studio warehouse business or outright bought it. (Apple studios I believe was it)
Long story short... as a musician, Traci, he never made it. Probably got a demo off the ground. I heard his band, they were not even good bar material. He did have involvement in the business throu his investments but I have not seen him since the early 90's ... I do not know what happened to him. Last I heard he moved to the direction of the coast. AZ probably. Maybe Mulder1966-Mark, knows the rest of the story.. I think he knows Traci or knows of him.
Millions won't help ya if you don't have talent and/or looks.Last edited by charvelguy; 04-18-2007, 08:38 AM.
There must be a formula....
pentatonic scales + a nice rack = a nice rack... virtuostic shredding ability with small rack = unknown guitarist... virtuostic shredding ability + a nice rack = a nice rack ... the answers in there somewhere.
I have never thought a woman who could play some basic stock licks was any better or worse than a guy of the same ability. Not really aware of any double standard there really, that I have ever seen. I don't see these women in question in any 'best guitarist' polls. Or anywhere really. Where are you seeing them getting any significant attention? There are women who can shred though...
Originally posted by Vlover View PostBullshit
I can play lead but like rhythm more, I dont need to be in the spotlite every song
Yes you do and you are fooling yourself and bullshiting us if you deny it.
If you like rhythm more that only means you have another guitar player in your band who is a better lead player than you are.
On a side note... if you were in my band you would love to play rhythm too!!!!
What a pompous ass I am.
Originally posted by jgcable View PostYes you do and you are fooling yourself and bullshiting us if you deny it.
If you like rhythm more that only means you have another guitar player in your band who is a better lead player than you are.
On a side note... if you were in my band you would love to play rhythm too!!!!
What a pompous ass I am.
You can be my wingman anytime John
Originally posted by jgcable View PostIf you like rhythm more that only means you have another guitar player in your band who is a better lead player than you are.
Of course anyone playing in a standard hard rock or heavy metal band would have the urge to want to play solos... that simpleminded music is basically only designed to solo over.
Then again, technical death metal probably scares you. :pThe 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.
Originally posted by xenophobe View PostI prefer rhythm more. Well, as long as not some stupid 3 chord progression, doesn't repeat itself and is somewhat technical...
Of course anyone playing in a standard hard rock or heavy metal band would have the urge to want to play solos... that simpleminded music is basically only designed to solo over.
Then again, technical death metal probably scares you. :p
Originally posted by jgcable View PostIf you like rhythm more that only means you have another guitar player in your band who is a better lead player than you are.I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.
But Kirk really knows how to use a wah pedal.
Originally posted by jgcable View PostYes you do and you are fooling yourself and bullshiting us if you deny it.
If you like rhythm more that only means you have another guitar player in your band who is a better lead player than you are.
On a side note... if you were in my band you would love to play rhythm too!!!!
I havent heard any of your solosHow many albums have you sold btw?
Originally posted by jgcable View PostWhat a pompous ass I am.Last edited by Vlover; 04-19-2007, 07:03 AM.www.myspace.com/demonboundmusic
Originally posted by Endrikthe more you masturbate the less you need to bang the hottest chicks
jgcable apparantly was Carvin endorsed at one time.
He played on the JCF jams. I'll let him plug his own session work while I duck the shrapnel.
btw John.. maybe the reason why MacAlpine was playing keys for Vai is because he didn't want to take the stage with him in a shred fest. If it was a thing where he is being slighted to only be a key player, I don't believe he would. Its a testament to his name that he could stand in both spots tho.. so maybe he purposely chose a lesser spotlight for a paying gig.
Just a thought.
If you were getting ready for a gig, and you were tired, and the room was lousy and your sound sucked, and you were worried that all the other guy guitarists in the audience would see you on an off night and laugh...
wear a pair of falsies and some fishnet and turn that nasty criticism into praise!
It's really just about turning lemons into lemonade.