Now that I've listened to it some more... Drover is by no means in Friedman's league, but as stated here before... no one is! and well his playing does grow on me... so he's getting in my good books for my part!
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Megadeth - United Abominations
Originally posted by NextInLine View PostDon't get me wrong but I think some things are not about opinions.
Marty says his goal in playing guitar is to reach a point where he simulates the human voice, like talking and singing. When I listen to Mary solos (and for instance Criss Oliva, Alex Skolnick solos) I hear the solo is "telling" something actually. Like it has sentences or so. Glen is like a baby, who can't build sentences or uses 2 words per sentence. Today while I was wathcing "That one night live in Buenos Aires" DVD I was thinking about the things I posted & read in this thread at the beginning after a while I concentrated on the video (it's incredible imo) and forgot about Glen and his playing. At a point Glen was playing a solo of Pitrelli (from the song Return to Hangar) which was like a sentence and he changed and watered it down to 2 words
I immediately thought of the things I posted again..
If your taste in guitar is having weak phrases or if the phrases don't matter for you at all then I can't say anything more, at that point it's about taste and opinions completely but I guess you don't think that way. Composingwise Glen is clearly weaker than any other Megadeth guitarist from my point of view.
I always thought he plays great, really clean with lots of definition. His tone is incredible, probably the tone I'd like to have but those are not the things I care for more than feel & composing. He also has a really strong feel of his own but not in a good way
When you get the album listen to the solos in the songs United Abominations and Burnt Ice. Those are the best solos of Glen in the album composing and phrasingwise imo (that's why I'm giving them as examples) both of which start great and then even those get lost at a point. His note choices make the solo stand at a point and not improve/grow up. There are also lots of meaningless, useless solos with zero phrasing by Glen one of which is the first solo to Never Walk Alone, it somehow disgusts me
After you listen to those, listen to the Lucretia solo by Marty. The solo always leads you somewhere, it improves, tells something and then tells "the next" thing and you can't guees what it's going to. Starts from somewhere and goes elsewhere, melodically and logically passing from some stages.. I can't find this on Glen solos. There are lots of guitarists who can do this great and Megadeth needs one of themMarty was/is the best at that imo, Pitrelli wasn't as good as Marty for me but he was great anyway and could do the job! But I can't stand Glen
You guys must check out the last Eidolon album "The Parallel Otherworld"..with the great singer from Pagans Mind!!!
Eidolon is Glen's baby..that is is Glen's vision, and home..
Megadeth and Kind Diamond is his "job"..and that's it.
There is a big difference of what comes from the heart, rather than learn someone else's stuff for a good a capable "hired gun".
Jut my wide view of the whole who knows the entire body of Glen's / Marty's work. He is NOT Marty..he IS Glen Drover..but Marty is NOT Glen Drover...they both have their own distinct signature..and I'm glad for that!
They both have musical value, style and tone...that is their own..
IMO..Marty wins on musical knowledge and skill level..Glen wins on his heavier tone and writing style..he has great metal riffage that grab my attention than Marty..Glen is similair to my own writing style and I identify with him more...I can't touch Marty at all.
It's not fair to compare one to the when Vai replaced Yngwie in Alkatraz, or Reb Beach to George Lynch and so on..players that rule their own worlds..I think.
Bill Z"Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!
"Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.
Hey I forgot to comment on the show:
Machine Head was good. Phill had 2 nice Jackson that he played, The Red KV custom/endorsement model & a White KV & his tone was great. They did a nice tribute to Dimebag.
Megadeth was great. The only problem was they only had an hour to play. They played 45 minutes took a 2 or 3 minute break then played another 15 minutes. I was suprised they left out some hallmarks like Mechanix & Return to Hangar. Even the new stuff was good in my opinion. Definately going to get the album when that comes out. Glen did pretty good, only missed a couple of notes here & there, but otherwise nailed the old stuff. And he only brought out that ugly endorsement model for 2 songs & then he was back to playing Dean Soloist models. Live Dave's guitar looks better than in the pictures we have seen here. One had a graphic on it the obscured the odd wing bevels which was nice. He also played the silver one.
I missed Sabbath as my sons back got hurt during the show & he wanted to leave. He was having a hard time standing up down on the floor. My only gripe was that Megadeth did not play for 2 hours, but hey they are not the headliners.KV DM PRO, SLSXMG, RRXMG, DXMG, LP P90 Goldtop_GSP1101_RM4: JF SL-OD100_Randall RT2/50_Peavey 4x12 cab
I'm loving the Jaded Faith mods. Going Egnater Dual mod route: Voxless, SL-OD100, Brahma #39, QuickMod GT
I haven't picked up UA yet, and haven't heard/seen any of the newer live material, so I can't really judge Glen's playing. All I can say is that Marty made his mark as a "guitar hero" before he was in Megadeth, and he brought a lot to the table. Most of the big-name players in metal earned their reputation after years in established bands, while Marty was already well on his way. Eidolon isn't exactly a household name, and King Diamond (the band overall) doesn't have the high profile of Megadeth. Glen comes from a band background, Marty came from the Shrapnel virtuoso background. Either way, expectations change when going from either situation to the cast of the Dave Mustaine Show.
I've seen Megadeth a few times, and the last show or two with Marty (Risk era), he was NOT playing in top form. Al Pitrelli did a better job on Marty's parts when they came to town on the TWNAH tour. But at his best, Marty was practically untouchable compared to any guitarist from any other band I've ever seen.
Ok here's my review of this CD, it's a long one thanks to everyone who reads
I think this album fits well into the Countdown - TSHF era well as per musical structure, but it actually sounds like post-Risk stuff much more. Doesn't sound like Countdown, Youth or Cryptic Writings but do sound like TWNAH and TSHF. Overall I can't say the cd is really exciting, it's not an album I'd like to spin multiple times, still a good one though. To give a bit more detail;
What makes this CD a good one:
Dave's Singing: First thing to mention here is Dave's singing imo. I know he doesn't have the coolest voice or doesn't have a wide range but he always came up with great melodies and that's also the situation in this CD. Maybe not as good as Countdown or Youth but as good as Cryptic or TSHF and even better than TWNAH. Listen to the songs Washington is Next and Blessed are the Dead, as well as United Abominations and some others and you'll understand what I mean..
The production: I know most of you like Megadeth with a more raw sound but this album sounds just right and perfectly balanced to my ears. Kudos to Andy Sneap.. And btw Glen's solo tone is also great imo.
James Lomenzo: I find him to be a perfect match for Megadeth. Everything about him is just right. His playing, writing, even the way he looks and even the gear he uses is great. I clearly like him as much as Ellefson, although Ellefson does have a much more memorable place
Dave's soloing: Dave's soloing in this album saves the solo job imo, he doesn't do anything special, the Mustaine stuff we all know but really good ones. For example his solo in Gears of War is just so simple and great. He has some not good/pointless solos also, like the ending part of Burnt Ice.
What makes this CD a "not good" one:
I won't be able to put titles for everything I'll mention here but I'll try to explain them as well as I can.
I think this album is kind of "boring" Especially for the long time Mega-listeners like me. Megadeth put out lots of songs which are really "not so musical" yet sounding greatSome of the songs in this cd are really simple and heavy like those songs but lack that thing the songs in Countdown or Youth had. They are just not as good. You can't pull out a Symphony of Destruction from this cd moreover nothing seems to get close really. There ARE some great songs but those are structurally different. Like the Sleepwalker. (More of a Ashes In Your Mouth style song that is.) Some songs and riffs will sound really good for people who are relatively not into Megadeth but for the people who are really into Megadeth (again, like me
) some songs and riffs sound mediocre.
Glen's Soloing: Yeah I'm trying to get boring alsobut I just don't like his soloing most of the times. His style sounds kinda repulsive to me if that's not a too tough word
The arrangements: Some of the songs are badly arranged in this Cd imo. Like Blessed are the Dead and Burnt Ice. Although it was not the point that made me come to the decision that the arrangements weren't good enough, after I thought for a while I realised that some songs sound like Dave tried "not to use" the verse-chorus-verse-chorus-solo-chorus formula. There's a great chorus in Burnt Ice but it's only repeated once. I don't know if that counts as a chorus being repeated only once
What I'd like to have more on this CD:
I'd like to have more riffs like the fast riff in Sleepwalker right before the solo.
I'd like to have more melodies like the one in Gears of before right before the solo.
I'd like to have some more cool progressions with great vocal melodies like Washington is Next. One more Washington is Next would be incredible to be precise
I'd like to have more cool intros like the Sleepwalker and United Abominations intros..
I'd like to have one brand new ballad.
Song by song review:
Sleepwalker (8.5/10) : Great intro (incredible bassline by Lomenzo) a very good chorus and some great guitar riffs! I like the singing on the verse and chorus. But the riffs right after the intro don't sound anything special. You expect a bit more after that cool intro but up to the verse the song doesn't sound as good as the remaining parts. My fav. riff in this album is the one before the solo. Great solo by Dave and a bad one by Glen
Washington Is Next (9.5/10): Best song on this cd easily. Great lyrics, great chord progression, great vocal melodies etc.I know the intro sounds like Iron Maiden but I can't blame Dave for that. You won't blame anyone because he uses powerchords and the structure in the intro riff is "that" widely used in metal music so I won't call that one a rip off (although it sounds like
) There are actually two things I don't like about the song. 1-)when I first listened to the live version of Washington is Next I thought with a good singing performance the vocals would sound incredible. But after I listened to the studio version I didn't get what I expected, I'd like to have the vocals 1 octave higher and smoother. But now I got used to the singing and it's great. (maybe even better than what I expected) Secondly I dislike Glen's first solo while I don't have a problem with the second one. I can't decide if I like Dave's solo or not. Some times it sounds weird and sometimes it sounds like it's the way it should be.. Again a great job by Lomenzo
One thing I forgot to mention is the last riff of this song. It's soo great imo, my second fav riff in this album..
Never Walk Alone (7/10): This song doesn't have anything special although it's not a bad one. The intro riff is OK, the chorus riff is very good as well as the singing. I hate Glen's first solo sooo much. I like his second one very much and Dave's solo is ok imo.. The slow part would be a lot better with a better melody over the arpeggios (This is where you need Marty)
United Abominations (8.5/10): I find this song to be similar to the Sleepwalker in a way. You have a great intro (Sleepwalker intro is better) but then you have some only "OK" riffage. The singing in this song is better than Sleepwalker though. Especially the chorus sounds great to me! I like the Dave solo on this song a lot. He sometimes comes up with great , simple melodies. The Glen solo is OK.
Gears of War(8/10): Although I give this one an 8, this is my second fav. song on the album. You simply can't write a better intro to a song which was written for a video game named "GEARS OF WAR" I feel ready to a war right after the introI like everything about this song (after many listens ) but I know the verse harmony sounds too simple and kinda bad. The chorus is incredible as well as the melody right before the solo! Dave can write great melodies imo, he should do this on more songs. I like the first Glen solo, the classic phrasing structure he uses but he does it good on this one...
Blessed are the Dead(6/10): A great example for why this album is kinda boringI do like the singing on this one a lot but everything other than that is just OK and nothing more than that imo.
Play For Blood(4.5/10): I don't really care for this song, again a boring one imo
A Tout Le Monde (8.5/10): I like the remake a lot. I listened to the newer version of the Iced Earth song Prophecy which made me realise how good this one is. Dave stayed loyal to the original version meanwhile changing it a lot. I like Cristina's vocal parts and the production. It should not sound the way it does on Youthanasia, this one sounds much more produced and modern. And thinking of this is a song going to be released in 2007 not 1994 it's good. I like the solo Glen added on its own but it's not well connected with the Marty solo
Amerikhastan (4.5/10): One more song that I don't really care. It sounds mediocre to me.
You're Dead (5/10): One more mediocre song, I like the singing in the verse but that's not enough to make a song a good one..
Burnt Ice (6/10): Lame introI like the singing in the verse and that only once repeated chorus like thing sounds excellent.. The arrangement is bad. Glen's solo on 1:50 or so is a great one imo although the phrasing at its last part could be much better (you also got used to it after a few listens but the first few times I listened it didn't sound as good as it should judging by the first part of the solo) Dave's solo at the end is also boring to me..
When you get the average of the songs this album is 6/10 or so. But I give this album a "7" overall because it has some really great songs. I didn't expect much from Dave after TSHF (which clearly was a better album btw) He could have ended Megadeth and go solo. He didn't and I think people like this album, which is something good. And I have at least one more Mega-classic after this album (which is Washington is Next!!!)
Thanks to Dave & Megadeth. My fav guitarist and bandThanks for reading once more..
Last edited by NextInLine; 05-15-2007, 05:42 PM.
Copy/pasted from my blog:
Following months of hype and previews, metal legends Megadeth are finally ready to unveil their eleventh studio effort, United Abominations. Ever since the extreme stylistic departure of 1999's Risk, Dave Mustaine has been steadily gravitating back towards the sound that has defined the band's career. Starting with the "back to their roots" approach of 2001's The World Needs A Hero and continuing with the career-encapsulating The System Has Failed, United Abominations is the closest Mustaine has come to his classic sound in many years.
This, however, was not without its speed bumps. Towards the end of 2006, Megadeth premiered two new songs on the road, "Washington Is Next!" and "Gears Of War" (the latter based on its namesake video game), eliciting a lukewarm reception. This was followed by new label Roadrunner Records' questionable decision to not only include a remake of the 1994 classic "A Tout Le Monde" on the album, but release it as the lead single from United Abominations. Despite these concerns, fans have waited anxiously for the new offering, some steadfastly refusing to download the album after its inevitable leak on BitTorrent sites shortly before release.
For many of those fans, the wait will be worth it. United Abominations is the most consistent album Mustaine has delivered in years, lacking much of the radio-friendliness that dominated the last 5 albums. Not to say that UA isn't catchy, because the aforementioned "Washington Is Next!" (which improved a hundredfold in the studio) and "Never Walk Alone...A Call To Arms" will certainly stick in your head for days. "Sleepwalker" is certain to be a live staple for Megadeth's duration, with its calm intro giving into pure "Take No Prisoners" / "Kick The Chair" riffing and building to an anthemic chorus. Although a slight departure, "Play For Blood" is a fist-pumper and shredfest, showing influence from one-time lead guitarist candidate Dimebag Darrell.
While nobody will deny that Mustaine is the star of the show, he has selected a professional crew to back him on UA, led by the brothers Drover (of prog metal band Eidolon). Glen Drover (also formerly of King Diamond)'s fluid leadwork won't make anybody forget Marty Friedman or Chris Poland any time soon, but he provides a good counterpoint to Mustaine's aggressive chromatic/pentatonic shredding. Shawn Drover's drumming is solid, nothing overly flashy, but certainly light years ahead of say, Chuck Behler's work on So Far, So Good...So What!. The biggest surprise is new bassist James LoMenzo, who provides the tastiest basslines since Youthanasia.
United Abominations does have its drawbacks. The emphasis on politics, while likely fueling Mustaine's drive to make a full-on metal record again, comes off as forced. This is most evident in the title track as well as "Amerikhastan", which otherwise are solid songs. "Gears Of War" fares slightly better on the record than it did live, but is derailed by the chanting throughout. The coughing at the beginning of "Burnt Ice" takes away from the serious subject matter that follows, and the inclusion of "A Tout Le Monde (Set Me Free)", featuring Cristina Scabbia of Lacuna Coil, really detracts from the flow of the album.
Taking all of this into consideration, United Abominations won't replace Rust In Peace on anybody's bookshelf, but Dave Mustaine has delivered a solid record that also shows growth...Something that many of his peers can't claim in the last few years. Album Score: 8/10
United Abominations comes out May 15 on Roadrunner Records. See for more info.Dreaded Silence - Boston Melancholic Metal
Originally posted by Sinistas View PostCopy/pasted from my blog:
Taking all of this into consideration, United Abominations won't replace Rust In Peace on anybody's bookshelf, but Dave Mustaine has delivered a solid record that also shows growth...Something that many of his peers can't claim in the last few years. Album Score: 8/10
United Abominations comes out May 15 on Roadrunner Records. See for more info.
I hated this record yesterday. I hated all the post RIP stuff because it was pure shit.
I like the record more now. However, it sounds like they got rid of all the cool instrumental stuff and went a bit simple.
Lots of guitar solos. This is good. The lead tones are a little thin. The record sounds heavy. Some good, some boring. I want something unpredictable. I don't want RIP 2. I want innovation and I'm not always hearing it here.
NextInLineI pretty much agree with you.
Not good as I hope but a good record after all... I like Sleepwalker and Washintogn is Next very much, but TSHF was a better album IMO. Good but not great solos, and some memorable riffs here and there.
I like it. I purchased it yesterday. So far got to listen to the first 10 songs and I like it. I guess I'm in the minority here but I really liked The System Has Failed too. Maybe even better. And I was around from the start of Megadeth (and Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax, ect.) I unfortunately missed the Philly show. Anyhow, at least it stomps on the last Metallica album...