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  • Slaughterfest.

    I went to see this in Houston last night and was very disappointed. I went with an open mind and left with a closed one. Everyone sounded pretty much the same, nothing memorable besides crazy people. Normally when i see great guitarist which there were many I leave with inspiration to want to play more. The only inspiration I left with was to want to sound nothing like that.

  • #2
    Who was there?


    • #3
      11:00-11:30 Daath/11:30-close NECROPHAGIST
      10:00-10:30 Pinhed/10:30-11:00 Decapitated
      9:10-9:30 Insect Warfare/9:30-10:00 Cephalic Carnage
      8:20-8:40 As Eden Burns/8:40-9:10 Cattle Decapitation
      7:30-7:50 School Girl Knife Fight/7:50-8:20 The Faceless
      6:40-7:00 Viral Load/7:00-7:30 As Blood Runs Black
      5:50-6:10 The Final Plague/6:10-6:40 Arsis
      5:00-5:20 Brazen Altar /5:20-5:50 Ion Dissonance
      4:30-5:00 Beneath The Masacre


      • #4
        GOD that's hard to read!!!


        • #5
          I would think any band named "School Girl Knife Fight" would be terrible. I guess I was right


          • #6
            Cattle Decapitation?

            Seriously, with a list of bands like that, what did you expect?
            Imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware. Hi... Im in... Delaware...


            • #7
              good guitar playing i don't care for the vocals but there sites had decent guitar playing....instead i got the wall of sound of mush.


              • #8
                out of that list, i've only heard Necrophagist's stuff...very impressive. Muhammed sounds like an interesting guy from what i've seen and read about him.

                sorry about your time there, bro.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jinx View Post
                  good guitar playing i don't care for the vocals but there sites had decent guitar playing....instead i got the wall of sound of mush.
                  that tends to happen when youre tuned down to a with no mids in your sound. haha. I wouldnt have wasted my money on any of those "bands"
                  Its a complete catastrophe. But Im a professional, I can rise above it. LOL


                  • #10
                    Necrophagist sounded amazing every time I've seen them, really clear, crisp live sound. Maybe your venue sucked.


                    • #11
                      Holy SHIT, what a line up!

                      Out of those, so far I have only seen Necrophagist and Decapitated live, both of which had an awesome clear live sound, as well as displayed top notch and tight playing.

                      @clifffclaven: Please take your hatred elsewhere.
                      As I HAVE seen some of these bands, I can attest they actually do have mids in their sound. And they don't tune down to a either, just 1 or 1 1/2 steps down.


                      • #12
                        Even the band names are enough to say that the fest was shit
                        I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


                        • #13
                          Well...having seen Cattle Decap and Cephalic Carnage seven or eight times each, I will concede that both of those bands not only suck, but also sound terrible live.

                          Necrophagist and Decapitated, however, always sound fucking great live. Necrophagist are also SUPER tight. Probably one of the best live bands I've ever seen in terms of carrying over material from the albums to a live environment.

                          You also have to remember that alot of the guitar mixes on tech death albums are very complex, and you simply can't expect most of them to have album quality sound live. Add in the economic restrictions (they can't afford millions of dollars of equipment live) and the limited amount of gear they can take on the road, especially on a tour with so many bands, and you're going to have to deal with a sub-par sound compared to the albums or even compared to a show with fewer bands or one that they may be headlining.

                          I think you probably just had unrealistic expectations. However, I will be seeing this tour when it comes through here, and if they all truly do sound like shit simply because they suck, I will come back and apologize.


                          • #14
                            i think alot of it was the sound equipment. but necro sounded the best but it was hard to listen to cuz the venue and sound possibly. Who knows.


                            • #15
                              Argos, we can agree to disagree..I've seen Cattle and Cephalic several times (3 and 5 respectively). Only one time did either suck. That was Cattle just couldn't hear the vocals..I swear his mic was OFF..all the other times for both bands have been great for me.

