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Warren DeMartini 2007

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  • Warren DeMartini 2007

    Anyone know if Warren is using the Soldano still for this new Ratt tour? If anyone catches any of these gigs and gets a look at his rig, please post. I sure hope to catch them live, but they don't come anywhere near me, at least as far as I can tell from the few dates posted.

  • #2
    They're here in August. I'm really surprised at the size of the venues that they're playing. I'll be really surprised if they even fill it halfway. Maiden doesn't even fill the amphitheater that they're playing here.


    • #3
      Yeah, they are playing the main venue, here, in a few days. I'da gone, but they are playing with Poison (gag!).
      I'm not Ron!


      • #4
        As much as I like Poison and grew up listening to their music, CC really ruins that band , live, for me. I mean really, really ruins it. This was true on the FLesh and Blood tour, and was still true in 2002. He overplays to the point where you almost can't recognize the song, and what he is playing to try and show off is sloppy and noisy. I seen them three times, and this was what I experienced each time. It's too bad, cuz I like his playing on the first three Poison albums. That solo of his in "life goes on" is totally killer. Warren, on the other hand, seems to really play amazing , live. Last I seen him, like in 1999, he was playing the SLO, and he was on fire ,,,,just the most tasty leads ever. I know his personal playing style is most of it,,,,but now that I have the SLO, I would love to hear him play through it again. No matter what he's using, though, I'm sure he will be amazing to hear live, as always. And I love every Ratt record, ever!


        • #5
          CC does overdo it a bit...


          • #6
            Saw the Charlotte NC show last night. Believe it or damn not, C.C. kicked some damn ass...he actually killed. I'm one of the largest C.C. critics I know, but he sure as hell had to be sober because he nailed everything...and I mean everything. Every time I thought he was going to over do it, he nailed the fills like a...dare I say...guitar hero. For me to say C.C. impressed me is saying a lot, because I've trashed his playing abilities for years.

            Demartini did have the Soldano there. Not sure if he was using it or not, but it was there. Ratt kicked ass too. I was pretty skeptical since you hear a lot of reviews about Pearcy blowing it a lot more often than nailing it.

            Never can remember set lists song for song, one of these days I'm going to learn to take a pen and paper. Ratt did play some pretty unusual songs like City To City, Over The Edge, Dangerous But Worth The Risk, Closer To My Heart, I'm Insane, and of course the usual Back For More, Slip Of The Lip, Lack Of Communication, Way Cool Jr, Lay It Down, Body Talk, Wanted Man, and Round And Round. Set list is in no particular order...they opened with Lay It Down and closed with Round and Round.

            Bonus was that I found a used C.C. pick after the show.


            • #7
              Well, a sober C.C. would be a nice change,,,,,I've yet to witness him play like that. Sure hope this continues, and I also hope to catch the show.


              • #8
                Originally posted by lynchfan6 View Post
                Well, a sober C.C. would be a nice change,,,,,I've yet to witness him play like that. Sure hope this continues, and I also hope to catch the show.
                Trust me, I've seen Poison live three times over the past years, on numerous television appearances, and I never thought I would witness him play like that. I'm kind of shocked when I say that he pretty much blew me away. Really, I never thought I would ever see the day when I would say "CC killed".


                • #9
                  I saw them last summer - good stuff... CC was good, but almost too many fills and so on. I had a great time though, and when they played "I Hate Every Bone In Your Body but Mine" - it was awesome. He can sing pretty well too, and doesn't try to sound like a...cowboy!!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by lynchfan6 View Post
                    As much as I like Poison and grew up listening to their music, CC really ruins that band , live, for me. I mean really, really ruins it. This was true on the FLesh and Blood tour, and was still true in 2002. He overplays to the point where you almost can't recognize the song, and what he is playing to try and show off is sloppy and noisy. I seen them three times, and this was what I experienced each time. It's too bad, cuz I like his playing on the first three Poison albums. That solo of his in "life goes on" is totally killer. Warren, on the other hand, seems to really play amazing , live. Last I seen him, like in 1999, he was playing the SLO, and he was on fire ,,,,just the most tasty leads ever. I know his personal playing style is most of it,,,,but now that I have the SLO, I would love to hear him play through it again. No matter what he's using, though, I'm sure he will be amazing to hear live, as always. And I love every Ratt record, ever!
                    Oh yeah, by the way Warren D totally ripped. Ratt kicked ass! Warren D totally blew me away. He was almost like Cool Hand Luke onstage.

                    Warren played a snakeskin strat head with a single coil in the neck, and you could tell a lot of his leads were played off the neck p/u without a lot of distortion to the point of almost being clean. He did bring out a Skull and Blood Drip that appeared to have been a Charvel. I'm pretty sure the snakeskin was a Performance, but wasn't close enough to tell for sure.


                    • #11

                      Just have to say that if I could play like CC I'd be satisfied with my abilities


                      • #12
                        I wasn't bashing his abilities cuz I like his playing on the albums. He really influenced me in wanting to play, and I've learned tons of his songs and leads. It's his live playing mixed with some serious chemical substances that bothers me,,,, it's a shame. If he really is sober this time, that means he can play like CC,,,,,not some wasted, incoherent version of himself. So I agree, CC has/had ability. By todays standards, he's a master shredder. Even back in the day, he always played well to accent the songs on the albums, melodically and shred-wise.


                        • #13
                          Picture from the show showing the gear in question...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Razor View Post
                            Picture from the show showing the gear in question...

                            Wow - a Soldano SLO and a Diezel VH4! It must be nice to be a rock star...
                            Takeoffs are optional but landings are mandatory.


                            • #15
                              Warren has always been an incredible live player. A true testament to his talent. There are very few guys I can say that for, George Lynch included (he has pretty much sucked everytime i've seen him).

