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YJM Lesson Montage, but wait there's more. . .

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  • YJM Lesson Montage, but wait there's more. . .

    Found this vid on youtube,fairly new him shredding.I have to admit his playing is super clean,picking sweet. But when the vid hit 4:20 I was like OMG,never saw that before,gotta have one.
    I won't give it away,i'm sure you will notice. Enjoy
    Henrik Danhage Sig Heavy Relic

  • #2
    The 24 fret strat? I thought he "didn't need" more than 21 frets.
    I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


    • #3
      Correct - he DOESN'T need one....but it's still nice!
      Strat God Music


      • #4
        This is the best:

        Because it's just like he's some dude hanging at your apartment, hungover.


        • #5
          wow that one is great ADR, thanks for that link.
          it's about the best closeup footage of him I've seen.

          that double guitar part is just sick.
          the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


          • #6
            Good find, this!
            - Andi Kravljaca -


            • #7
              Originally posted by ADR View Post
              ... I was like OMG,never saw that before,gotta have one.
              I won't give it away,i'm sure you will notice. Enjoy
              A cigarette burn on the headstock? That could be arranged
              I feel festive all year round. Deal with it.


              • #8
                He actually didn't use the 22,23 or 24th fret on that song.
                '87 Kramer Stagemaster Custom
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                ADA MP1
                BBE 422A
                Lexicon MPX-G2
                ADA Microtube 100

                Support Your Local 81


                • #9
                  Nice, Yngwie just plain rules.
                  Charvel 7308 (TMZ 008), Charvel Pro-mod (yellow), Jackson Soloist Custom (Yellow), Jackson SL2H-V Natural, Gibson LPS DB, Gibson LPS EB, Gibson LPCC C, Charvel Model 2 (scalloped), Jackson DK2M (white), Charvel Journeyman, Fender Classic Player 60's strat, Carvin C66, Musikraft strat mutt, Warmoth Strat mutt, Fender MIM Jazz bass, Epiphone Classical, Takamine parlor. Marshall 2203, Marshall JVM 210H, Splawn Nitro, Fender Supersonic 22, Line 6 AX2 212, Marshall 4X12.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by El Chiguete View Post
                    He actually didn't use the 22,23 or 24th fret on that song.

                    He didn't use his pinky,neither. So, he should just chop it off, I guess
                    I wish my hair-color was EDS :/

