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This guy blew my mind!!!!!

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Robert Burns View Post
    *** Yep! That Mexican guy has ALL the technique ever done by
    any guitarist! Stunning what he can do...Flamenco...Jazz.. Brett Garsed..
    Paul Gilbert...Yngwie! Remember that one Vid where Malmsteen plays
    pentatonic blues? Man, that was great imo! He could have had a better
    career imo if he would have went the way of Satch. I wish i knew
    just 1 phrase from this stubby fingered bad ass!
    Yeah that guy is great. Though he's not Mexican. I've found most folks from South America don't really appreciate being identified as Mexican. What's that about?


    • #47
      Originally posted by Rupe View Post
      The fat dude kicks ass!!! My 16 year old is waaay too caught up in the Rusty/MAB sterile, clinical, style of shredding. I played this dude for him and he was actually digging it

      Bill hit the nail on the head...the dude keeps it interesting with twists and turns that are melodic yet unpredictable, which stick in your head. I dig that type of playing over stiff, lifeless, mechanical shredding. I'd buy this guy's album too.

      My favorite new "shredder" is this guy...touch, tone and phrasing for days (although his "80's metal meets the Taliban" image could use some help ):
      I like that guy, more of a fusion element than straight diatonic stuff...add the 7th and 9ths to the chords in any backing track makes it much more challenging that just blazin away in one scale.

      Not sayin this track is all that but when you play jazz or fursion stuff, you have to stay on you toes as you may have to play a different scale or key depending on the underlying chord. When I get stuck in the melodic/harmonic and minor modes I play over jazz progressions to spark me outta the same ol same ole tried and true stuff. Much more difficult imho when you nage +/- 7ths and 9ths to deal with


      • #48
        Originally posted by kmanick View Post
        You know......Guthrie is a monster of a player, and I have his "Erotic Cakes" CD.
        It's fucking Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrring as all hell.
        I was so dissappointed, and it wasn't cheap to get either.
        Marcels CD (both of them) kick ass from beginning to end, and it's not all rowdy shit either.
        He's got some ballads and some fusiony stuff in there as well.
        He's just an excellent instrumental writer and a tasteful lead player.
        Here's another one off of his first instrumetal CD.
        A little 7 string Action
        Taken from the Video-CD "Guitartalk".

        Hey Bill how's it going man? long time no talkie.
        cool but sounds like a lot Dream Theater

