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Extreme and Kings X in Vegas

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  • Extreme and Kings X in Vegas

    Just got here and found out a recently runited Extreme is playing at the house of blues. Sweet! I'm sitting in the venue now and will give a review of the show. Let's hope Nuno still shreds!

  • #2
    Kings X just finished up and they smoked! I had never seen them before and only have one of their albums so I didn't know what to expect. Ty is quite an innovative guitarist with a killed deep tone. He used two egnator 4x12 full stacks powered by some kind of rack system. His guitar had a fixed bridge, tele style body and a small fender looking headstock but I couldn't make out the logo-- pretty sure it wasn't a fender though.

    I really dug the syncopation, far out chord structures from Ty, and the soulful vocals. They couldn't quite nail the harmonies I've heard from the album, but that's a minor complaint really. Ok extreme is coming up soon so I gotta go...


    • #3
      Damn Nuno is shredding better than ever! I am Extremely impressed with extreme! Gary's voice can't hit some of the high notes like he used to, but they could still nail the harmonies. Nuno is the palm muting shred machine.

      They played tracks from all their albums (even pre pornograffiti stuff) and a handful from the new one. tracks from the new album sound very diverse...I'm looking forward to picking up a copy.


      • #4
        Thanks for the review. I've never seen Extreme live, but I did see King's X once and they were awesome!
        Breaking Point, my all instrumental CD available here:


        • #5
          I am really digging the new album and am extremely pissed I a missed them in NYC.


          • #6
            I caught them recently as well Nuno is still as amazing as ever and Gary is not the same by far.


            • #7
              he sounds pretty good in some of the youtube clips I saw....which I realize isn't the same as seeing them. I will definitely see them if they come to NYC again.


              • #8
                King's X plain rock...

                I've seen both bands live, both were very good.
                Drive Fast Cars & Play Cool Guitars!!!


                • #9
                  Saw the show here at the HOB in Chicago. Also got to meet Extreme after the show. Ended up bs'ing with Bobby Blotzer more than anyone in Extreme. (Ratt was playing the next night and Warren, Bobby, and Crabby went to see Jersey Boys and ended up hanging out at the HOB)

                  It was an incredible show. I was surprised by the Rock'N Roll Fantasy Camp show that opened up. I've seen both bands previously. Extreme was great when I saw them, but King's X who was opening for Dream Theater just seemed a little flat. But this show completely made up for it.
                  Occupy JCF


                  • #10
                    How long ago was that show Tekky, I didn't think Crabby was still in Ratt?!?!


                    • #11
                      August 9th. He was finishing off shows.
                      Occupy JCF

