It's funny because he left Marshall to join Line6, and had them build a head based on a Marshall Plexi! That's asenine in my opinion. This is also the same guy who left Jackson for ESP only to have them build him a KV like guitar, then left ESP to join Dean, only to have them build a V that looks like his ESP that looked like his Jackson.

He talks about how his old Marshall EL34 poweramp is heavy, me and Horns666 have the 5881 poweramp and it's not exactly the lightest thing either. I'd be damned if I'd abandon it for another company. Well yeah I would, if the price was right....Like atleast $50 or something then we'd talk.

I'm not knocking Dave at all, I'm a big fan of his. I just thought this was funny. I'd actually be interested in trying out that Sig Line6 if it happens.
What do you guys think about it?