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  • #16
    You owe me $1.95. Give me $2.00 and I'll give you a nickel back.
    I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


    • #17
      Originally posted by jgcable View Post
      Bill, you may not like them but you can't deny that they have GREAT guitar and drum sound on the latest CD.
      I'll take your word John. Sure, they're doing something right. But I honestly don't have an opinion because I couldn't name any of their music. I may recognize a song if I heard it..but I never listened to mainstean music.

      I guess I am like the Nickelback creature tho..I guess I'll never change my ways.
      "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
      Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

      "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


      • #18
        Originally posted by horns666 View Post
        I'll take your word John. Sure, they're doing something right. But I honestly don't have an opinion because I couldn't name any of their music. I may recognize a song if I heard it..but I never listened to mainstean music.

        I guess I am like the Nickelback creature tho..I guess I'll never change my ways.
        Guitar player uses a Triple Rectifier, a Triple X and Line 6 Amp Farm.


        • #19


          • #20
            Lots of bands have good to superb production and still have crap songs...and NB is one of those bands...IMO...Time will show..."Nickel who???" they will say...

            I Guarantee Bill will find they are everything he is NOT about!

            Mutt Lang worked well with AC/DC because there is a rawness that can not be polished...and somehow the attempt (Namely on Back in Black) proved to be a cool final product...

            Nickelback and Mutt Lang will probably be perfect for each other...


            • #21
              Originally posted by Newc View Post
              And oddly Metallica do the exact opposite yet suck because of it?
              but I love metallica, their new cd is amazing. st. anger tho, was awful.


              • #22
                That "Rock Star" song was god awful...I don't know who can justify that totally piece of crap song..NO matter how well it was I the only one who thinks that guys voice is unbelievably annoying...

                and I dont even want to start with that Santana duet...ugh


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Robert Burns View Post
                  +1 on that! Nickleback is a solid band, with high quality songwriting..
                  IMO they are better than anything Def has done in 22 years!
                  You just lost all music credibility with that statement.


                  • #24
                    I didn't know Mutt was still doing Rock. Thought Shania had already ruined him.

                    I don't understand what the big deal is with Nickleback. Personally, I like them. If you don't, that's your thing, but as far as mainstream hard rock, they are much better than 90% of what's out there. If you hate mainsteam hard rock (3 doors down, Creed/Alterbridge ect) then you arent qualified to criticize them. And no, Def leppard no longer fits into and Hard Rock category as they lost their balls years ago.

                    If you're judging Nickleback by what you hear on the radio, you, as a musician should know better than that. Radio/popular singles are NEVER a good barometer for what a band in that genre really sounds like
                    Last edited by Robert Hendrix; 09-28-2008, 10:05 AM.
                    Prosecutors will be violated...


                    • #25
                      one band I cant stand for some reason is brokeback nickleback....

                      Mutt Lang on the other hand has to be the biggest idiot in the world tapping into Shania's assistant...take a look at pictures of the two and tell me otherwise Shania Twain was a nice sugga mamma for him too


                      • #26
                        Who knows if it's true, but the rumor was that Shania has some weird phobia about being touched. Can you imagine what that could do to a guy?
                        Last edited by dg; 09-28-2008, 08:58 AM.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by dg View Post
                          Who knows if it's true, but the rumor was that Shania has some weird phobia about being touched. Can you imagine what that could do to a guy?
                          Probably just being touched by...Mutt! :ROTF:

                          That would scare me too.

                          Nickleback is solid. Not my favorite, but not horrible. You always know when its them - they have a definitive sound. Chad writes a lot of stuff for a lot of people, and it usually sounds like Nickleback done by someone else.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
                            one band I cant stand for some reason is brokeback nickleback....

                            What I think is funny is that when we start talking about bands we don't like, we revert from being adult musicians to 8 year olds and make up stupid slang names for them.
                            Prosecutors will be violated...


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Robert Hendrix View Post
                              What I think is funny is that when we start talking about bands we don't like, we revert from being adult musicians to 8 year olds and make up stupid slang names for them.

                              VERY TRUE!!!!..

                              This will NEVER change. In my 44 years I've known people of ALL walks of life guilty of this ..from mayors, to my peers in the police department as well as musicians..

                              Fuck, look how our world leaders poke, jab, and call each other names...what makes anyone think silly asses on a guitar forum would be exempt.

                              But its all good if you don't take shit serious. We're still those 8 year old kids on that playground calling everyone a fag, retard, dick ..ect. All my friends's names were fag-based like "Count Fagula"..which I still call a friend of mine, that's his fuggin' name!. It has nothing to do with homosexulity..its playground slang. We've done it all of our lives and prolly why most of us relate to and love Southpark!

                              Its the world we live in. You can let it 'roll off you or go to psychotherapy in hope not to shoot up a McDonalds or a school.

                              This is not something anyone doesn't know...
                              "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                              Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                              "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by horns666 View Post
                                VERY TRUE!!!!..

                                This will NEVER change. In my 44 years I've known people of ALL walks of life guilty of this ..from mayors, to my peers in the police department as well as musicians..

                                Fuck, look how our world leaders poke, jab, and call each other names...what makes anyone think silly asses on a guitar forum would be exempt.

                                But its all good if you don't take shit serious. We're still those 8 year old kids on that playground calling everyone a fag, retard, dick ..ect. All my friends's names were fag-based like "Count Fagula"..which I still call a friend of mine, that's his fuggin' name!. It has nothing to do with homosexulity..its playground slang. We've done it all of our lives and prolly why most of us relate to and love Southpark!

                                Its the world we live in. You can let it 'roll off you or go to psychotherapy in hope not to shoot up a McDonalds or a school.

                                This is not something anyone doesn't know...
                                Oh I agree. The only difference I see is, on the political front, in the school yard, where ever it may be. The cheap shots and name calling is between peers of thier industry/class/profession, whatever.

                                peer (noun) a person of equal social standing, rank, age, etc.: he is greatly respected by his peers in the arts world

                                If we were nicklebacks Def leppards or Metallicas peers, we too would be able to record and sell a million or more copies of whatever we want. We would be alot more savy as to what works in the market, what we can get by with producing that will gain radio play and respect from the buying public as well as OUR peers. We would be playing packed stadiums and selling merchandise through vedors instead of playing half empty dives and pushing home made demo CDs between sets..

                                so, naaaah, I think we just jealous children, quick to criticize anything that we don't accept. Hey, I'm guilty of it too. I'm not knocking it, just smiling at it..
                                Prosecutors will be violated...

