caught Killing Joke at Hollywood HOB last night with our drummer, they are really a sick live act. if you get the chance, go.
openers were Pygmy Love Circus, I guess it's Danny Carey's side project (drummer for Tool). they were just a total shlock absurd rock/metal joke act for the most part. lead singer Mike Savage is like a 6'6" biker nut who pulls out hunting knives as props and a fake leg bone, etc. campy stuff. cool to see Carey drumming up close though.
Killing Joke is just an immense wall of sound, led by ghoulish/robotic/showman Jaz Coleman on vocals.
Geordie the guitarist had the heaviest very processed tone. it sounded amazing and really cut through like crazy. he only used about 3 different settings/tones all night. the weird part was he played a gorgeous gold hollow-body Gibson ES-295 all night, w/ a trapeze bridge, P-90's, and no feedback ever (except for a little that he wanted at certain points, no more than any solid body). so that was really weird how he controls that thing which should feed back like a mother.
he must have it gated like crazy. I was having a hard time wrapping my head around that.
this is what I found about his rig (he had two Marshall half-stacks last night) -
Geordie is known for playing golden, hollow-bodied Gibson ES-295 "Electric Spanish" guitars, produced only between 1952 and 1957. Since 1982's Revelations he has typically detuned by a whole step to D-G-C-F-A-D. He also favors overdrive, chorus and reverberation effects.
great show, they totally rocked the place.
openers were Pygmy Love Circus, I guess it's Danny Carey's side project (drummer for Tool). they were just a total shlock absurd rock/metal joke act for the most part. lead singer Mike Savage is like a 6'6" biker nut who pulls out hunting knives as props and a fake leg bone, etc. campy stuff. cool to see Carey drumming up close though.
Killing Joke is just an immense wall of sound, led by ghoulish/robotic/showman Jaz Coleman on vocals.
Geordie the guitarist had the heaviest very processed tone. it sounded amazing and really cut through like crazy. he only used about 3 different settings/tones all night. the weird part was he played a gorgeous gold hollow-body Gibson ES-295 all night, w/ a trapeze bridge, P-90's, and no feedback ever (except for a little that he wanted at certain points, no more than any solid body). so that was really weird how he controls that thing which should feed back like a mother.
this is what I found about his rig (he had two Marshall half-stacks last night) -
Geordie is known for playing golden, hollow-bodied Gibson ES-295 "Electric Spanish" guitars, produced only between 1952 and 1957. Since 1982's Revelations he has typically detuned by a whole step to D-G-C-F-A-D. He also favors overdrive, chorus and reverberation effects.
great show, they totally rocked the place.