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Jeff Loomis is to be featured on an instructional DVD

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  • Jeff Loomis is to be featured on an instructional DVD

    I either missed something, or this hasn't been discussed on this board... WHAT THE FUCK PEOPLE!?

    I think it's way cool to see GW come round doing something like this, as they have hyped whatever band put out an album, lately. I'll be getting this, definitely. Loomis deserves this kind of treatment. Anyone who put in as much work and most importantly, Love, into what they play, deserves something like this, that's my opinion.
    Its all fun and games till you get yogurt in your eye.; -AK47
    Guitar is my first love, metal my second (wife...ehh she's in there somewhere). -Partial @ Marshall

  • #2
    I don't read Guitar World anymore so that's why I missed it.
    "Dear Dr. Bill,
    I work with a woman who is about 5 feet tall and weighs close to 450 pounds and has more facial hair than ZZ Top." - Jack The Riffer

    "OK, we can both have Ben..joint custody. I'll have him on the weekends. We could go out in my Cobra and give people the permitting of course.." -Bill Z. Bub


    • #3
      I hear ya, it went down the pooper a good while ago. Tired of the whole Metallica/EVH/Led Zeppelin/Other "legendary" or "really cool cuz millions if teenage girls listen to it" whoring. But hell, found out just today myself. A nice change, I'd say. Should be good, this one.
      Its all fun and games till you get yogurt in your eye.; -AK47
      Guitar is my first love, metal my second (wife...ehh she's in there somewhere). -Partial @ Marshall


      • #4
        I will have it.
        Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...

        "Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."

        I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.

        Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.


        • #5
          thats awesome Jeff Loomis is an amazing player and very under rated. will be keeping an eye out for that


          • #6
            I will definitely be grabbing this. Very cool!


            • #7
              Originally posted by guitarbumb View Post
              thats awesome Jeff Loomis is an amazing player and very under rated. will be keeping an eye out for that
              Not to belittle you, but I get mad when I see people talking about well known guitar players saying they are underrated. Jeff is not underrated. Nevermore plays huge shows, especially in Europe and Jeff gets tons of credit for his playing. Every single metal/shred guitar player who has touched a guitar in the last few years likes Jeff Loomis. Ferchrissakes, this thread is about him being featured for his playing in a dvd.

              The other day there was a post claiming Mick Mars is underrated. The guy has sold 50 million records through a career spanning 3 decades, how is that being underrated? Why is the painkiller album underrated? Next you're going to tell me Kirk Hammett is underrated.
              Last edited by levantin; 01-29-2009, 11:19 AM.
              I feel festive all year round. Deal with it.


              • #8
                Do you guys know if these DVD are in Zone 1, or are multi zone, 'cause I will order this one. Impossible to miss it. Jeff is incredible!
                What do you mean, "I don't believe in God"? I talk to him every day.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by levantin View Post
                  Not to belittle you, but I get mad when I see people talking about well known guitar players saying they are underrated. Jeff is not underrated. Nevermore plays huge shows, especially in Europe and Jeff gets tons of credit for his playing. Every single metal/shred guitar player who has touched a guitar in the last few years likes Jeff Loomis. Ferchrissakes, this thread is about him being featured for his playing in a dvd.

                  The other day there was a post claiming Mick Mars is underrated. The guy has sold 50 million records through a career spanning 3 decades, how is that being underrated? Why is the painkiller album underrated? Next you're going to tell me Kirk Hammett is underrated.
                  Let's compare the number of issues of Guitar World magaizine where Kirk Hammetts name is plastered all over the cover, compared to Jeff's. This is probably Jeff Loomis's first "Big" cover article. Jeff's a killer player for sure, and he is FINALLY getting some recoginition. Nevermore has been around for a very long time and Jeff is becoming more known, but that doesn't mean he isn't under-rated. Most guitarists acknowledge Jason Becker as being the best, but that doesn't mean he was underrated to the mainstream eye.
                  Originally posted by horns666
                  The only thing I choke during sex is, my chicken..especially when I wanna glaze my wife's buns.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Jacksons Shred View Post
                    Let's compare the number of issues of Guitar World magaizine where Kirk Hammetts name is plastered all over the cover, compared to Jeff's. This is probably Jeff Loomis's first "Big" cover article. Jeff's a killer player for sure, and he is FINALLY getting some recoginition. Nevermore has been around for a very long time and Jeff is becoming more known, but that doesn't mean he isn't under-rated. Most guitarists acknowledge Jason Becker as being the best, but that doesn't mean he was underrated to the mainstream eye.
                    So is the criteria for being underrated is not having a cover article - i.e. mainstream recognition? I would disagree. I'd say that shred guitar playing is becoming an increasingly underground style (think back 15-20 years) and within that niche Loomis has had an amazing amount of recognition. Sure, Nevermore isn't on MTV 24/7 but what metal band is? I think Nevermore and Jeff recieve a lot of credit for their work from the fans who are into the shred guitar thing. This is my opinion, and sorry for the threadjack.
                    I feel festive all year round. Deal with it.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by levantin View Post
                      So is the criteria for being underrated is not having a cover article - i.e. mainstream recognition? I would disagree.
                      Uh. That pretty much IS being underrated, when your work isn't recognized and other mainstream bullshit is being plastered all over the place. That's my definition at least.

                      Jeff is slowly creaking out of the underrated list, I will agree, but this is a recent event and for many years people had no idea who the fuck JL was.
                      Originally posted by horns666
                      The only thing I choke during sex is, my chicken..especially when I wanna glaze my wife's buns.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Jacksons Shred View Post
                        Uh. That pretty much IS being underrated, when your work isn't recognized and other mainstream bullshit is being plastered all over the place. That's my definition at least.

                        Jeff is slowly creaking out of the underrated list, I will agree, but this is a recent event and for many years people had no idea who the fuck JL was.
                        Its about goddam time!!!

                        He deserves this and I knew he is REALLY jazzed about it. Let's be happy for the guy..I know I am!

                        I may subscribe again. I said several years ago when I quit my subcription. If Jeff Loomis makes the cover..I'll subscribe again.

                        Now Uli Roth is loooooong overdue. They should just fuggin' apologize to that guy!!
                        "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                        Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                        "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by horns666 View Post
                          Now Uli Roth is loooooong overdue. They should just fuggin' apologize to that guy!!
                          Aint that the truth. I'm not a big big Uli fan, but I sure as hell appreciate everything he's done and I'm amazed that he isn't the most popular player on the planet. He's Marty Friedmans biggest Influence, Yngwie stole his style, and every guitar player bows to that guy..
                          Originally posted by horns666
                          The only thing I choke during sex is, my chicken..especially when I wanna glaze my wife's buns.


                          • #14
                            Jeff will also do selections from Zero Order on the Apr issue... Fuckers can't get the man to show an entire song... fuggem. :P I say much props to Jeff!

                            And one more thing. can anyone guess who's on the cover? He was mentioned in this thread.
                            Its all fun and games till you get yogurt in your eye.; -AK47
                            Guitar is my first love, metal my second (wife...ehh she's in there somewhere). -Partial @ Marshall


                            • #15
                              You can follow this link to see a short (way too short) extract :

                              Buy this DVD on the newsstands wherever Guitar World magazine is sold starting February 17th!Super Shred Guitar: Master Class is the first instructional DVD ...
                              What do you mean, "I don't believe in God"? I talk to him every day.

