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Black Metal

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Rsmacker View Post
    I've said it before, and I'll say it again, there is only one true Black Metal band, the band that invented it:


    What you should remember about Black Metal (the other stuff, not TRUE Black Metal, as played by Venom):

    Anyone else who wears Kiss make-up = GAY
    Anyone who has keyboards = GAY
    Anyone who has a logo you can't fucking read = GAY
    Anyone who sounds like they are gargling cum = GAY
    Anyone who has a made-up name consisting of random letters thrown together that may, or may not, when pronounced, sound like someone pulling a 24" Anal Intruder out of their dirtbox. Sideways. That = GAY.
    Anyone who tortures hamsters and brands a cross on his forehead = GAY
    Anyone who used to spend 6 months of the year in the dark bumming their family whilst getting pissed on home-made vodka, before discovering church burning = GAY
    Anyone who has sold less then 5,000 records = GAY. That's RECORDS, not tapes, nor CDs burned at home. I mean, they spent money having pressings done in advance, not waited until some post dribbled through to their PO Box (with a scary name like "The Jaws of Hell, 'Death to the Nazarene' Youth Club Hall, Crucifixion St, Brighton) before rattling one off on their computer (oo-er). = GAY
    Anyone who has posed for photos in a deserted wood in winter = GAY
    Anyone who just likes BM because it upsets their parents = Repressed GAY.

    Erm, do Possessed count? Bathory?

    Batlord? Wot?
    I feel festive all year round. Deal with it.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Rsmacker View Post
      Anyone who has a made-up name consisting of random letters thrown together that may, or may not, when pronounced, sound like someone pulling a 24" Anal Intruder out of their dirtbox. Sideways. That = GAY.
      "it took our surgeons two hours just to get the smile off his face."
      Hail yesterday


      • #33
        Originally posted by Endrik View Post
        don't see much real black metal here... same bands all over again... if a band is mentioned more than once than they are not real black metal

        I think that means you need to check out Kampfar then.



        • #34
          how bout some Zyklon? guitarist from Emperor i believe? great band however!
          Last edited by doom; 02-14-2009, 06:51 PM.


          • #35
            Ihsahn has a lot of projects going on including his solo project. hes been doing a lot in the darkwave scene too.


            • #36
              I like some Naglfar, Dimmu Borgir, Empereor, Immortal, some Darkthrone, Old Behemoth, and Belphegor.


              • #37
                im finding more and more people that like Belphegor. only problem is that gives me a bunch of people to argue with about if there black or deathmetal. (definitely Black)


                • #38
                  I love black metal!! I devour a healthy amount of Watain (which I am listening to now. I got to see them in the fall and that concert changed my life. And it wasn't just the concussion ), Marduk, Immortal, Dark Funeral, 1349, Rotting Christ, Dissection, Enslaved (although they shy away from the term black metal to describe themselves...for our intents and purposes), Melechesh, Belphegor, and Gorgoroth (just got Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam. Killer!).

                  What I love about black metal the most is the Necrobutcher buzzsaw bass that everyone claims you can never hear. I don't know--call me stupid, but I hear it...and it kicks quite ass. Ever listen to the Marduk album La Grande Danse Macabre (or anything else between Those of the Unlight and World Funeral)? B War was incredible--in-your-face, dynamic, almost American death metal-like bass...and it rips!

                  I can't wait to See Mayhem and Marduk when they come to Seattle in June!! Two of the best bands from the Seattle area, Inquinok (a lot like Emperor) and Ceremonial Castings (good ol' "bell, book, and candle black metal" as my friend calls it), both of whom are frighteningly good. I hope I also get the chance to see Behemoth when they come through in the Summer. Plus, Belphegor is coming with Exodus and Kreator sometime soon. Seattle is a kickass place for metal.

                  Happy to have stumbled upon this thread...HORNS!!
                  From here on the nightmare only gets worse...


                  • #39
                    These guys:
                    Euronymous Sold Varg A Bunk Eighth-Recovered from video store in Iceland. Does for Black Metal what "The Sound of Music" did for Austria. http://www.myspace...


                    • #40
                      :ROTF: There's a lot of titties in that video. :ROTF:
                      I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                      • #41
                        Children of bodom.... Cradle of filth crank it! Live it! Bleed it!


                        • #42
                          for me it's still celtic frost, bathory, venom, mercyful fate - though i DO enjoy the m hot-topic stylings of cradle of filth and dimmu borgir every now and then.....i dig cradle up through "nymphetamine" and dimmu up through "enthrone darkness triumphant".

                          but you just can't beat the originators. i recently got the hellhammer reissue set with the 4 cd's or whatever....AWESOME!!!!

                          "morbid tales"???? AWESOME.....shit, so is "monotheist" for that matter.

                          "under the sign of the black mark"?

                          all of the early venom albums were killer and evil at the time.....

                          ahh, happy memories of my childhood....

                          some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

                          some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

                          and finally....

                          i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


                          • #43
                            these bands might not be true black metal but they are bands I haven't been able to stop listening to since I heard about them


                            I love these guys!



                            • #44
                              Portal, are they aussie? Remember a band called that or similar at the metal for the brain (aus metal festival) I went to a few years back. Singer in some costume was freaky! Astriaal played soon after, first real black metal band I'd seen live, fuck me was it awesome. Total wall of noise and power....

                              Excuse me while I pose the claw to the sky and curse all gods!


                              • #45
                                apparently they are, bibz

                                as are Stargazer:
                                Hail yesterday

