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Review of "megadave" "blood"

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  • #31
    Originally posted by RacerX View Post
    MD trivia: name 2
    Kerry King is one.

    And I always took "Something I'm Not" as being about Metallica.


    • #32
      Originally posted by toejam View Post
      Huh? Where'd you hear that? Ellefson tried suing Mustaine, and there was bad blood. Have you listened to the lyrics of "Something That I'm Not"? I'm pretty sure that song is about Ellefson.
      Mustaine had said it. There was an offer on the table and Ellefson refused. Dunno if it was before of after the attempt to sue him.

      Shawn Drover is a human metronome, and an amazing guitarist himself. He is the driving force of Eidolon. He writes most of the guitar parts that his bro Glen Drover plays. He is a muscian that sees the big picture. Menza is a drummer and a terrible writer..don't belive me?.Check out that joke of a solo album he put out several years ago.
      To be honest, I don't care about Drovers background, ability to play guitar, or the fact that he's a writer. All of that is moot in "Megadave". When you listen to any song with Nick playing it vs. Shawn, Nick has always sounded more powerful and precise than Shawn to my ears anyway. Nevermind the fact that Shawn seems to like playing the old material a bit slower than it should be played.

      He's certainly not a bad drummer. He's just the weakest link in Megadeth atm.:ROTF:


      • #33
        Originally posted by SEEGERMANY View Post
        Joe, you're only seeing a part of the picture. You've got to remember, Mundane disbanded the group, swearing up and down that he'd never tour again, that his family was too important. He also dropped the bomb that his arm was all fucking "paslified" and that his career was probably over.

        Needless to say, I'm sure Ellefson, being a musician, had to start making plans and looking towards the future. He was also asked to rejoin Megadeth when Dave decided to put the band back together, but if I remember right, he was being brought back as a "hired hand" and a significant reduction in pay. That's when he sued Mundane.

        Ellefson's biggest mistake was hiring some chump attorney who worded the lawsuit like a fucking 13 year old girl. One of my favorite lines was "Dave Mustaine dissed me."
        Yeah, good point. Dave said his arm was messed up from falling off a horse, then I heard a radio news report about him relapsing into drugs and that's when he hurt his arm somehow, and then he disbanded. Who knows what the hell he's talking about half the time?
        I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


        • #34
          Falling off a horse? That's a new one.

          He injured his arm by sleeping on it funny. It took a year or so for the damaged nerve to grow back.

          I think he did relapse for a bit, but got clean again. I never heard anything official about that though, just rumors.

          He may be controlling, and he may have a big ego, but he knows how to write songs and he's a pretty damn good guitarist, so I don't care.


          • #35
            Well, if memory serves me correctly, Dave had relapsed and was at a clinic in Texas. He fell asleep in a chair with his arm draped over the side of the chair. This caused him to lose circulation and attributed to his radial neuropathy.

            I remember when he announced on his website that he was diagnosed with Saturday Night Palsy. I've been in the physical therapy business since 1995 and I'm yet to hear that term, but regardless, it seems from the pictures that I saw, he was being treated for radial neuropathy.

            I used to have a copy of the petition that Ellefson filed, but for the life of me, I can't find the CD I saved it on. It was pretty comical in a sad kind of way. But even though I can't stand Mundane, he's a pretty sharp cookie when it comes to business. If you feel the need to fuck him, it's a pretty safe bet you better have all your ducks in a row.

            Goddamn, I hate that I still remember all this horseshit.


            • #36
              LOL I remember reading some story about horseback riding when he was on vacation.
              I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


              • #37
                Oh yea, his wife was big into horses (OK, not the perverted way) and they owned a couple of race horses. Remember when his wife's horse died? He posted on his website asking for flowers to be sent to the stables north of Scottsdale. That's where they buried the horse. Now, you know I can't just sit back and not do nothing, so I bought a hay bale, spray painted the name of my website on it (NEXT!), shrink wrapped it, then sent it UPS Ground to the stables.

                I waited about a day after it was supposed to arrive, then I called the stables and a young woman's voice, with a slight south of the border accent, answered the phone. I asked her if my delivery had arrived and she asked me to describe it. I told her it was about four feet long, two feet wide, two feet thick, and it resembled a hay bale. Her response "the family failed to see the humor in your gift" and hung up!


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Ben... View Post
                  I don't think Dave hates Jackson, he just likes money more than nice guitars.
                  That statement says it all.

                  An artist with the sustainability that Mustaine has enjoyed in his career is a goldmine to a gear company. With that kind of clout, he could get any neck profile, electronics, woods, etc. he wants in a guitar - the company name on the headstock matters much less than the endorsement deal behind it. The decision to play Dean guitars boils down to one thing: m.o.n.e.y. Dave will play the guitar of the company whose deal is the most lucrative. Likely the only other factor besides money is image; the company Dave chooses to endorse needs to reasonably fit his image. Jackson, ESP, and now Dean... and if a better deal comes along (read: more profitable), you bet your butt that's where you'll find Dave Mustaine.

                  I've played/owned a lot of guitars, and I find my collection is mostly populated with Charvel/Jackson and Ibanez now. One thing is constant about every guitar I've owned: spend enough money with any company, you get a quality guitar. Add to that the following Dave Mustaine brings, and companies will toss deals at him all day long to win his favor. As a business owner myself, I don't blame Dave one bit. You've gotta look out for number one.



                  • #39



                    • #40
                      Originally posted by SEEGERMANY View Post

                      Originally posted by horns666
                      The only thing I choke during sex is, my chicken..especially when I wanna glaze my wife's buns.


                      • #41
                        I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by TVTiZtiK View Post
                          Somebody needs to get Chris Broderick on a fuckin' Jackson. Never really payed much attention to him until he joined Megadeth but the dude is a fuckin monster. Been watching some of his shit on youtube and damn! That shit is impressive. Dude can play a lot of different styles of music including classical and jazz... which to me says something towards how well rounded of a player they are. That 8 finger tapping also adds so badass-ness to him. Now he just needs to burn those Ibenhads and get himself a Soloist. Although Dave probably wouldn't let him :ROTF:
                          ** Did you look closely at his Ibenhad? It's fuckin on par with a custom Suhr, or GMW! This aint no Korean import! AAAAA quilt top... ebony board...etc. Probably one of the top 3 shredders of all time..(Vai) thinks
                          those Ibenhads get the job done! :-))


                          • #43
                            Did anyone see that vid of Dave takin on a Senator? Might have been

                            on Nightline? Anyway, he sure tore that old man a new ass! Very well
                            spoken, and i remember his last line..."The young people of America are
                            not going to let you old farts ruin it"! :-))


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Spivonious View Post
                              Kerry King is one.

                              And the other was Greg Handevidt
                              "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Robert Burns View Post
                                Did anyone see that vid of Dave takin on a Senator? Might have been

                                on Nightline? Anyway, he sure tore that old man a new ass! Very well
                                spoken, and i remember his last line..."The young people of America are
                                not going to let you old farts ruin it"! :-))
                                That coming from a medium old fart . I'd rather listen to dave's political views than dee sniders'...oh who am I kidding, they should both shut up and play.
                                '84 RR, '06 Pablo Santana Soloist,'76 Gibson LP Custom 3 pup,'79 LP custom 2 pup,'82 Gibson XR-1,'89 BC Rich Namm proto, '07 Lauher custom, 86 & 87 model 6, Carol-Ann Amplifiers, Marshall amps, Keeley's a long list. Check out my site.

