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Metallica or Megadeth?

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  • Awwwwwww fuck I just lost my post. I wrote a fuggin' book and bopped the keyboard..gone.

    well is

    Kirk Hammet is the Michael Jackson of Thrash..Dave is the agnry red haired step child. Lars is just an asshole. I think he's a much bigger choad than Mustaine. They we afraid of Dave. Didn't he kick Hetfield's ass? Then they tossed him. I like Dave..he's cool.

    He always maintained a level of creativity, virtousity, and skill level. He's into that, like a most dedictaed fuckers. He's knows who all the badd ass players are. He's always stayed "in the know". While Metallica morphed into some proto Nu shit. Ozzfest became a rap/nu mteal show. They dummied the fuck down while Mustaine keeps the bar high on fucking playing guitar and choosing musicians and doing Gigantour with like Dream Theater, Nevermore, Symphony X, Iced Earth ect.

    Testament, Kreator, Exodus, Sodom, can re-recorded shit like bonded in blood and sound better than ever IMO. Metallica, Van Halen, and Queensryche hit erectile dysfunction a lond time ago. They may pop a chubby with alot of help..I dunno. Maybe.

    Heaven and Hell..Motorhead..Judas Preist..Maiden..Saxon..AC/DC maybe. Still goin'

    Metalllica sold the fuck out . They admit that. I prolly would too. But I love metal enough to keep raising the bar by suporting the players that do so. Therefore my blind, narrow brained, metal fanboy-like retardedness is necessary to stroke the cock of the metal it stays happy.

    I'm an old, grumpy, metalhead that likes to make lots of bad noise. I'm getting pudgy and grey but my PP is doing pretty good...and that's why I'm on the JCF.
    "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
    Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

    "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


    • Originally posted by toejam View Post
      Maybe he should tongue kiss his asshole. Kirk is married and has at least one kid with Eric Peterson's ex-wife, and I believe he was married at least once before.
      It's always the quiet ones

      Metallica got me into metal in the first place, when listening to MOP. Then I found bands like Carcass and went on a very different metal journey for a few years. When I came back to thrash I wanted something more melodic and Metallica just didn't do it for me anymore.

      I still love those early Metallica albums. But I REALLY like everything that Megadeth have done (apart from Risk, 'the standard get out clause'). The Megadeth format is relatively simple but MegaDave always writes excellent riffs and builds nice backing sections to solos. I don't like all of his vocals but he has a large range and at least trys everything to see if it works.

      On the whole there is a small piece of musical genius in every Megadeth album. Not sure I can say the same about Metallica.


      • Originally posted by toejam View Post
        Kirk is married and has at least one kid with Eric Peterson's ex-wife, and I believe he was married at least once before.
        Urgh, second-hand rock star's woman, that's cheap. You'd think he could find someone who wasn't a cast-off from a support band don't you? Every time he plays and sees Testament grinning at him from the side of the stage he must wonder if they all teamed her in the dressing room once upon a time and gave her an anal prolapse. (I'm not suggesting they did, but y'never know.......)

        If Megadeth had sold as many LPs as Metallica did when they turned into one of the biggest groups in the world with the black LP, then Dave Mustaine would have "sold out" too. The only reason he can keep his bar high (oo-er) is because he hasn't got quite as many employees, servants, brown-nosers, executives etc planning his life out for him down to the minute, making sure the business, rather than the band, keeps on producing (money). When a band gets as big as Metallica, they can't have as much freedom as Mustanus to slither off and pump themselves full of smack or lady-boy cum, whatever. They are not allowed to, the business, the brand, comes first.

        When they do have a little spaz-out and do something different, like with St Dogpoo, everybody is frightened. You can bet they won't be experimenting like that again just for the hell of it, I bet there were some serious boardroom meetings to discuss that LP.

        Personally, I don't think Megadeth could ever become as big as Metallica in terms of sales and outright popularity. Mustanus would crumble under the pressure and turn into a wobbling pile of drug-addled stoolage. Again.
        ("Ow, boo-hoo, I hurted my arm doing , erm, skydiving, yeah, that's it, skydiving. Not sticking needles in me, no no no ")

        He's talented, no doubt, can play the shit out of a guitar, and once upon a time I really loved his work, but then I grew up. Kind of around the same time as Metallica grew up and released "Load". Natural progression, excellent. Dave just kept whining.

        He's stuck in time, IMHO, luckily for him he still looks the same, if he was losing his hair because he had a big pair of steaming balls working overtime in his pants and churning out male eat/fuck/kill hormones, he'd look like a silly old slapheaded fool and have to change who and what he is. He'd be fucked then!

        Still, everyone loves the under-dog, and the "I liked them before anyone else and now they are popular they are shit" syndrome will always play a part in Dave's popularity, as long as Metallica are there to take the shit for him.

        Hey, look at this video of him with some kind of V thing:

        So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

        I nearly broke her back


        • Metallica first, then Megadeth. Of course when I say Metallica I'm only referring to the first four albums. And when I say Megadeth, I'm only referring to the first three albums. Everything after these is lacking.


          • Well Rust In Peace (their 4th album) is a metal masterpiece!


            • Originally posted by rattojack View Post
              Metallica first, then Megadeth. Of course when I say Metallica I'm only referring to the first four albums. And when I say Megadeth, I'm only referring to the first three albums. Everything after these is lacking.
              You place So Far, So Good, So What? above Rust in Peace? What's wrong with you???


              • Ju got some splainin to do, rattojack!
                "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                • I like a MUCH higher percentage of Metallica than Megadeth. I think people spending money on them says the same

                  Originally posted by Endrik
                  the more you masturbate the less you need to bang the hottest chicks


                  • Originally posted by Vlover View Post
                    I like a MUCH higher percentage of Metallica than Megadeth. I think people spending money on them says the same
                    Dude..your making the same ol' Britney Spears or Hanna Montana arguement.

                    Note to JCF..Popularity does not equal talent.
                    "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                    Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                    "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                    • Megadeth by far.

                      I was into Megadeth before I had even heard Metallica, and although I love RTL, MOP, and AJFA, I prefer SFSGSW, PSBWB, RIP and CTE. Even Youthanasia and the newer stuff from Megadeth is far better than anything Metallica has done since Justice.

                      Oh yeah, and ditto to everything Bill said.
                      Last edited by zeegler; 04-22-2009, 12:59 AM.
                      Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



                      • funny, people always bring up Britney when it comes to album sales.... what about Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Beatles, Stones, AC/DC etc. who have sold hundreds of millions... Britney and co. doesn't even come close
                        "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                        "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                        • Megadeth

                          As an old guy who bought Kill 'em All the day it came out and preached Metallica in high school...I pick Megadeth!! Mustaine & Co has been consistently METAL(except Risk) while Metallica has SUCKED since And Justice For All. (I did buy Death Magnetic...great record.) Dave has always surrounded himself with great musicians...he has never been afraid to enlist lead guitarists that are way better players than him! Chris Poland, Marty Friedman, Glen Drover and now shredder Chris Broderick! Kirk Hammett has been playing the same lead over and over...maybe Metallica needs some fresh blood at lead guitar??


                          • Originally posted by Endrik View Post
                            funny, people always bring up Britney when it comes to album sales.... what about Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Beatles, Stones, AC/DC etc. who have sold hundreds of millions... Britney and co. doesn't even come close
                            I'm just using that as an example.. OK, then, let me use another one. The Jonas Brothers sell way more albums than ..Nevermore, Testament, and they MUST be better!
                            "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                            Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                            "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                            • Originally posted by mottobur View Post
                              As an old guy who bought Kill 'em All the day it came out and preached Metallica in high school...I pick Megadeth!! Mustaine & Co has been consistently METAL(except Risk) while Metallica has SUCKED since And Justice For All. (I did buy Death Magnetic...great record.) Dave has always surrounded himself with great musicians...he has never been afraid to enlist lead guitarists that are way better players than him! Chris Poland, Marty Friedman, Glen Drover and now shredder Chris Broderick! Kirk Hammett has been playing the same lead over and over...maybe Metallica needs some fresh blood at lead guitar??
                              Hey this noob knows what he's talkin' about. Hey man..are you me?

                              Yeah, Dave reminds me of the late, great Chuck Shuldiner in that amazing player/writer himself..but always hires killer players.

                              "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                              Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                              "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                              • Originally posted by Endrik View Post
                                funny, people always bring up Britney when it comes to album sales.... what about Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Beatles, Stones, AC/DC etc. who have sold hundreds of millions... Britney and co. doesn't even come close
                                It doesn't matter. The point he's trying to make is that you can be popular without being good. In my opinion, music that is popular among the masses, is usually unimaginative and lacking any real substance. The idiotic masses prefer catchy melodies like commercial jingles that they can hum along to in their empty little heads. Circus music if you will, for the performing monkeys.

                                However, being popular doesn't automatically mean you suck. It just doesn't prove you're good.
                                Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!


