Awwwwwww fuck I just lost my post. I wrote a fuggin' book and bopped the keyboard..gone. 

well is
Kirk Hammet is the Michael Jackson of Thrash..Dave is the agnry red haired step child. Lars is just an asshole. I think he's a much bigger choad than Mustaine. They we afraid of Dave. Didn't he kick Hetfield's ass? Then they tossed him. I like Dave..he's cool.
He always maintained a level of creativity, virtousity, and skill level. He's into that, like a most dedictaed fuckers. He's knows who all the badd ass players are. He's always stayed "in the know". While Metallica morphed into some proto Nu shit. Ozzfest became a rap/nu mteal show. They dummied the fuck down while Mustaine keeps the bar high on fucking playing guitar and choosing musicians and doing Gigantour with like Dream Theater, Nevermore, Symphony X, Iced Earth ect.
Testament, Kreator, Exodus, Sodom, can re-recorded shit like bonded in blood and sound better than ever IMO. Metallica, Van Halen, and Queensryche hit erectile dysfunction a lond time ago. They may pop a chubby with alot of help..I dunno. Maybe.
Heaven and Hell..Motorhead..Judas Preist..Maiden..Saxon..AC/DC maybe. Still goin'
Metalllica sold the fuck out . They admit that. I prolly would too. But I love metal enough to keep raising the bar by suporting the players that do so. Therefore my blind, narrow brained, metal fanboy-like retardedness is necessary to stroke the cock of the metal it stays happy.
I'm an old, grumpy, metalhead that likes to make lots of bad noise. I'm getting pudgy and grey but my PP is doing pretty good...and that's why I'm on the JCF.

well is

Kirk Hammet is the Michael Jackson of Thrash..Dave is the agnry red haired step child. Lars is just an asshole. I think he's a much bigger choad than Mustaine. They we afraid of Dave. Didn't he kick Hetfield's ass? Then they tossed him. I like Dave..he's cool.

He always maintained a level of creativity, virtousity, and skill level. He's into that, like a most dedictaed fuckers. He's knows who all the badd ass players are. He's always stayed "in the know". While Metallica morphed into some proto Nu shit. Ozzfest became a rap/nu mteal show. They dummied the fuck down while Mustaine keeps the bar high on fucking playing guitar and choosing musicians and doing Gigantour with like Dream Theater, Nevermore, Symphony X, Iced Earth ect.
Testament, Kreator, Exodus, Sodom, can re-recorded shit like bonded in blood and sound better than ever IMO. Metallica, Van Halen, and Queensryche hit erectile dysfunction a lond time ago. They may pop a chubby with alot of help..I dunno. Maybe.

Heaven and Hell..Motorhead..Judas Preist..Maiden..Saxon..AC/DC maybe. Still goin'
Metalllica sold the fuck out . They admit that. I prolly would too. But I love metal enough to keep raising the bar by suporting the players that do so. Therefore my blind, narrow brained, metal fanboy-like retardedness is necessary to stroke the cock of the metal it stays happy.

I'm an old, grumpy, metalhead that likes to make lots of bad noise. I'm getting pudgy and grey but my PP is doing pretty good...and that's why I'm on the JCF.
