My biggest thing against Zakk, besides the drunken biker persona, is he hasn't really done anything new with his playing. I can only handle so much pentatonic burning and pinch harmonics. He has the capability and knowledge because I've heard him pull off some mind blowing country chick'n pick'n as well as classical stuff. I may catch some heat for this but it just seems to me that he stays too drunk to get out of the pentatonic, dropped tuned chugging box.... I mean, whatever happened to songs like Fire In The Sky from No Rest For The Wicked?
As for Gus G, I have the Firewind stuff and like it. He's a great player but he's not as identfiable as the other guitarists Ozzy has had. The thing he has going for him though is that he has enough experience, can shred good enough to get the job done and is probably alot cheaper money wise than Zakk is. Since we all know how Sharon is about $$$ ,I'm sure that played a factor in replacing Zakk. Just my opinion though.
As for Gus G, I have the Firewind stuff and like it. He's a great player but he's not as identfiable as the other guitarists Ozzy has had. The thing he has going for him though is that he has enough experience, can shred good enough to get the job done and is probably alot cheaper money wise than Zakk is. Since we all know how Sharon is about $$$ ,I'm sure that played a factor in replacing Zakk. Just my opinion though.