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"tortured" and "tourmented"

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  • #16
    This is how a true pro (and fall-down drunk, now that MAJNH mentions it) "tourtures" a Charvel:

    >Chis Holmes' yellow star<


    • #17
      I would love to have a reliced Chris Holmes' star. I would want it at the stage where it had the strat head neck on it.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Newc View Post
        If I'm paying that much for something beat to hell, it better have been owned by someone famous AND someone I'm a fan of. Eddie Ojeda's Bullseye Charvel or something like that.
        Funny, a couple years ago when I saw Eddie in a club he was playing a Wayne guitar in pink and black. After the show when I asked him where his original pink and black bullseye Charvel was he said, "Don't ask".:think:
        Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


        • #19
          Relics are way way way overdone these days.

          That said, I like relics that make sense. Like if you're recreating a particular vintage guitar or type of guitar - like SRV's #1, Blackie, Gilmour's, Pearly, etc. That makes sense to me.

          I really like the idea of a fucked-with Fender strat, carved up for a Floyd and a hum and I like it with a relic job - because it looks like in 1984, Joey from Long Island found his Dad's Strat in the attic, floyded it and dropped in a hummer in order to play along with Iron Maiden. That's cool. That makes sense.

          But to finish a Charvel in nitro and age it? Old Charvels didn't have nitro, so they would never age like that.

          To take a poly finished Charvel and "tourment" it? Poly don't age like that! Chrome flakes off the floyds - it doesn't get dull! Chrome don't tarnish!
          Blank yo!


          • #20
            I personally like relics...but can understand how some don't. It is a hot topic over on the Charvel all comes down to personal taste.

            and yeah Chris's yellow Star is the ultimate beat to shit C/J guitar but my all time fave beat guitar is SRV's #1
            Last edited by gtrbuyer; 11-13-2009, 07:21 PM.
   - info, pics and Charvel guitar discussion board. All things Charvel
            My Charvel guitars - always one away from too many!


            • #21
              I love relics. However the whole appeal of a beaten up guitar to me is the story the aging tells. "Oh i got this chip when i was playing with so n so at the big arena". It adds character to the guitar. However, when a relic is applied to a guitar through other means then its just a fake piece of crap. It still looks cool but it tells no story.
              THIS IS MY POST
              Thanks for reading


              • #22
                Originally posted by Grandturk View Post
                Relics are way way way overdone these days.

                That said, I like relics that make sense. Like if you're recreating a particular vintage guitar or type of guitar - like SRV's #1, Blackie, Gilmour's, Pearly, etc. That makes sense to me.

                I really like the idea of a fucked-with Fender strat, carved up for a Floyd and a hum and I like it with a relic job - because it looks like in 1984, Joey from Long Island found his Dad's Strat in the attic, floyded it and dropped in a hummer in order to play along with Iron Maiden. That's cool. That makes sense.

                But to finish a Charvel in nitro and age it? Old Charvels didn't have nitro, so they would never age like that.

                To take a poly finished Charvel and "tourment" it? Poly don't age like that! Chrome flakes off the floyds - it doesn't get dull! Chrome don't tarnish!
                So true.

                I was looking at Fender relics in a boutique shop in London the other day.

                The owner was telling me that FMIC employees on the relic production line have a 20 min or so time limit in which to relic them up and we both agreed that most times they don't look very convincing.

                20 mins vs 20 comparison.


                • #23
                  I looked at a bunch of those at a music store the other day, too... My wife was with me, she was like "Why are they all crappy looking?" and I said, "They're supposed to look old, like they're from the 60's."

                  And the point here, is, if it can't fool my wife, it's not fooling anyone.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by MakeAJazzNoiseHere View Post
                    I looked at a bunch of those at a music store the other day, too... My wife was with me, she was like "Why are they all crappy looking?" and I said, "They're supposed to look old, like they're from the 60's."

                    And the point here, is, if it can't fool my wife, it's not fooling anyone.
                    Well, personally I dig relic'd guitars. I am bored by new, shiny guitars. I think the nitro relics and tortured series guitars look cool. Do they have a story to tell? No. Neither do shiny new guitars so if neither has a story to tell, well I'll go for the ugly one that looks like it has a story to tell.

                    And you had to explain to your wife about people beating up new products to make them look old? Have you not been furniture shopping or shopped for hardwood floors lately or clothing? "Lived in" has been the style for years and years.

                    And to whoever mentioned about lame people buying jeans that have been "worn in", do you buy your jeans when they are dark, dark blue and stiff as a board and need to be washed 25 times before your leg can bend at the knee? How about your baseball glove? Did you oil it and put a ball in it and tightly wrap it with rubberbands so it was comfortable or did you wait seven seasons for it to naturally get that way but when it did, it already belonged to your brother 5 years younger than you?

                    How about rolled fret board edges? Does anyone here like those? How about oil finished necks? Why don't you just wear through the high gloss lacquer on your neck and naturally oil finish it with your sweat?

                    We could go on all day like this huh? :ROTF:

                    Obviously, due to my recent post on the guaranteed ugliest 3 week old Charvel So Cal polar white in the world, I like relics.

                    And I have a buddy who works in the Charvel/Jackson custom shop. He said theirs and Fenders relics take a long time to do. It is the Mexican made Road Worn strats that those workers spend only 20 minutes on each.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Chubtone View Post
                      How about your baseball glove? Did you oil it and put a ball in it and tightly wrap it with rubberbands so it was comfortable or did you wait seven seasons for it to naturally get that way but when it did, it already belonged to your brother 5 years younger than you?
                      Good stuff! My dad and I used motor oil on our gloves. Worked great.
                      Blank yo!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Chubtone View Post
                        And you had to explain to your wife about people beating up new products to make them look old? Have you not been furniture shopping or shopped for hardwood floors lately or clothing? "Lived in" has been the style for years and years.
                        No, I had to explain to my wife about people beating up new GUITARS so that they sort of looked old, but actually did not look old. If they had actually looked convincing, I don't think there would have been anything to explain, because she would have just assumed they were actually old.

                        And to whoever mentioned about lame people buying jeans that have been "worn in", do you buy your jeans when they are dark, dark blue and stiff as a board and need to be washed 25 times before your leg can bend at the knee?
                        Also me. There is a difference between buying a pair of nice stonewashed jeans that are comfortable, and buying the kind that appear to have been shot with a shotgun at close range, or that have holes in the knees pre-sliced, popular in the mid 80's, but maybe you are too young to remember that. :dunno:

                        How about oil finished necks? Why don't you just wear through the high gloss lacquer on your neck and naturally oil finish it with your sweat?
                        You lost me there... An oil finish is an oil finish. It has nothing to do with wearing through lacquer.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by MakeAJazzNoiseHere View Post
                          You lost me there... An oil finish is an oil finish. It has nothing to do with wearing through lacquer.
                          I think the idea is that people used to described Fender guitar necks as "broken-in" when the finish had been worn away - i.e. bare, like a Charvel neck.
                          Blank yo!


                          • #28
                            I got no problem with knocking the finish off the neck, that's functional.

                            Throwing keys at a lacquer finish? Not so much.


                            • #29
                              I like putting "wife" and "lived in" in the same thought...



                              • #30
                                Originally posted by MakeAJazzNoiseHere View Post
                                Also me. There is a difference between buying a pair of nice stonewashed jeans that are comfortable, and buying the kind that appear to have been shot with a shotgun at close range, or that have holes in the knees pre-sliced, popular in the mid 80's, but maybe you are too young to remember that. :dunno:

                                You lost me there... An oil finish is an oil finish. It has nothing to do with wearing through lacquer.
                                I wish i could say that I was too young to remember that, but I'm not and I do remember that. And parachute pants. And bandanas with the rising sun graphic tied around legs. And spandex. And huge hair. And Aquanet. And Hollywood, California's hard rock scene in the 80's. Guilty as charged. :ROTF:

                                As for the oil finish? That was in response to how amazing 50's and 60's strats were starting to feel to players by the mid 70's after they had worn all the finish off the necks. Those necks were oil finished too, just by the natural oils in the players skin. That's why Charvel did what they did as far as neck finish. Fake "wear", but in a purely functional way.

                                It's funny, I saw a '75 strat the other day. All original. Yngwie colored. The previous owner bought the guitar brand new in '75 and played in funk and R&B bands his whole life. The paint is worn right through where your right forearm is. Myself and a buddy were actually looking at all the wear on it and saying that the relic'ing didn't look right. Then we laughed and talked about how bad it was that we were critiquing the relic job on a guitar that was naturally aged like that.

