To save Bionic from continually banging his head against the wall and wondering "what the fuck can I do to make these bastards happy," may I suggest:
Batch #8
maple board, 1H, raw body
rosewood board, 2H, raw body
maple board, H/S, raw body
each comes with a can of clear and a can of paint, buyer's choice of color
problem everyone wins 
Pickup color changes, pickup ring changes, hardware changes = do it yourself...lazy bastards!
My point buried somewhere in this is, it will take 15 years to make everyone happy...and by that time Gibson will have designed a guitar that plays itself
and Charvels will be obsolete!
Batch #8
maple board, 1H, raw body
rosewood board, 2H, raw body
maple board, H/S, raw body
each comes with a can of clear and a can of paint, buyer's choice of color

Pickup color changes, pickup ring changes, hardware changes = do it yourself...lazy bastards!
My point buried somewhere in this is, it will take 15 years to make everyone happy...and by that time Gibson will have designed a guitar that plays itself
