I love the Bengal on the wall! Got any good closeups of that one?
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Organized my guitar room
Originally posted by beachjammer View PostI love the Bengal on the wall! Got any good closeups of that one?
www.usacharvels.com - info, pics and Charvel guitar discussion board. All things Charvel
My Charvel guitars - always one away from too many!
Originally posted by fordsho90 View PostWhy cause im not impressed by the excess? I love cars too but I would feel the same way if Jay Leno gave me a tour of his garages; it isnt my thing.Hail yesterday
Originally posted by tcwil8 View PostI hate looking at Trace's collection. It's like that time I saw a 70's porn with all the hairy fat, acne scarred, sweaty people. It was just gross. After about six or seven hours, I had to shut it off. Seriously, this is a beautiful collection and love seeing it.Seriously funny, dude
Originally posted by Grandturk View PostFuck that - and never be ashamed of what you have and what you've worked for. Anyone that calls you a show-off, show-boater, whatever is just jealous.
The last thing I will ever do is begrudge someone their happiness - I will never say that Person A makes too much money or Person B spends too much money.Originally posted by Grandturk View PostThat shit's all relative. Go over to the Les Paul Forum where guys have multiple 'bursts. Go over to the watch forums and revel in million dollar pocket watches.
I for one welcome gtrbuyer's collection and his pics - because I love guitars, and if he shut them all up in a closet and didn't show pics - life would be a little less colorful.Hail yesterday
I don't know what is more impressive, the collection, or the organization. The guitars speak for themselves, the organization is pure genius.....Bon Jovi is like a frozen Coca Cola.. It's cool, it's crunchy, but when all is said and done it is still pop....
Originally posted by VitaminG View PostIf Jay offered to show you around his car collection, would you politely decline? Or would accept the offer so that you could yawn while you walked around and tell him that you aren't impressed?
Originally posted by Spivonious View PostNo I wasn't being sarcastic. These threads are not enjoyable for me. Good for gtrbuyer. It is quite the collection. I was just trying to defend fordsho's comments, since I agree with him. Normally I wouldn't post at all in these threads.
Thanks Spivonious for trying to defend my stance I appreciate it!! Sorry you got flamed for voicing YOUR opinion since it wasnt in confiance with the thought Nazis, God forbid that you dont have the same opinion as the rest of the group does; your alright in my book
Gtrbuyer: You have quite the collection there, as I stated it isnt my thing as we all have different goals and things we want out of life. I am sorry that MY opinions started this clusterfuck that the thread has turned into good luck on your quest to take over the Charvel world!!