This started out as just a neck for a project but I kept finding deals on part-outs and now here it is. Other than an OFR and a Custom 5 in the bridge, it's pretty much how it came (other than the parts being from different guitars). I don't mind the Grover tuners that much, it's just the knobs that look goofy in my opinion. The buttons off of some old Jackson logo Gotoh's fit perfectly and look allot better. And no, I didn't pay more than I would have if bought new, I actually did really well. On with the pics.

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Pro-Mod rebuild/rebirth
Yeah, I tried a few sets of Gotoh tuner knobs on mine before I gave up and just re-drilled it for Schallers.
The Schaller knobs fit, but... I had the Schallers then.
Mine is parts from two different ProMods I've owned with an OFR as well, and a mutted Duncan bridge pickup (JB with a ceramic magnet). It's a good beater.
Originally posted by plon View Postplus I wanted to share the tuner peg mod since allot of people dislike the Grovers.
Blank yo!
I hate green guitars. That being said: That is one sexy bitch! I am currently looking into getting a Charvel So Cal myself. If I can find a USA I will probably buy one of those.I would so snatch that up it if were 24 frets
I'm out like Axl Rose just before a GNR concert
Originally posted by Trussrod View PostThat looks great--perfect actually. Wish I knew the difference between a USA Promod and a So Cal. I might have to pick up a Charvel at some point.
The Japanese So Cal is almost exactly like the USA So Cal. The Japanese San Dimas is different from its USA counterpart because it got direct mount pickups and chrome hardware. I think that's about it... :think: