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Steve Stevens Glow Charvel #4790

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  • #46
    cool links, thanks. check this out , the studio version of shapes of things and the live one. in the live one,
    there's a break going on with gary playing a jeff beck licks mixed with his own lightning, it's so tasty, the guy simply romps on the instrument,
    and his tone does not suggest over distortion whatsoever or monster gain, it's a very bright sound, a little cleaner ya know, lots of clarity
    up front, like on EVH's first album. of course the both players tones were not the same, but very big, and very bright.
    the live version is outlandish, clean and powerful. - studio - live version, at 3.35 he starts off with a lick from Starcycle by jeff beck, and he tosses a few more in as it goes. it is so smoking what he did with this Yardbirds remake. i salute you gary!!! the outfits are goofy as all fuck, but i'd wear even worse space outfits to torch like that at this very moment.
    Not helping the situation since 1965!


    • #47
      That live from Stockholm clip is bad-ass! This should be on DVD but it's not. Only bootlegs are in circulation. Too bad.
      semi-automatic hate machine...


      • #48
        Pete this year marked the 25th anniversary in April of the historic Stockholm concert, EMI who now own the rights from Virgin originally were supposed to release it on DVD with the full 16 minute version of The Loner.
        Alas they made an attempt with a second gen master and didn't put any money into the project.
        I have had the original on VHS since 1987 and have made my own DVD copy, but this is one of the finest rock concerts recorded EVER and they are wanking around with all of Gary's material.
        I have disconnected from that world for now as I followed every move of Gary's so closely, but it is a tragedy what the estate/management aren't doing...
        Here's what I had to say about it from the Gary Moore forum:
        Post a reply

        32 posts • Page 3 of 41234

        Re: Wild Frontier Tour - Live in Stockholm CD+DVD

        by Emerald » January 8th, 2012, 9:30 pm
        Gary was raised a Protestant in Belfast. He in later years especially in the mid nineties was seen wearing large Christian style crosses. It depends on what you mean by 'spiritual'. Spiritual, religious,these are generic terms. As far as personal faith, from my experience being a born again Christian as it's termed, the old self dies and the new man/woman is born. We will never know where Gary was as far as his walk with the Lord. Any comment would be pure speculation.
        Based on the circumstances he was in at the time of his death, I'm sure it was a struggle. My beloved grandmother on my mums side was born in Belfast, was a strict Protestant and became a major in the Salvation Army. Her inspiration as a woman of God was always an influence on me and led me to the Lord later in life. Gary's lyrics certainly reflect an individual in touch with the intense passion of his motherland. The death of Phillip Lynott also caused a reevaluation of the priorities of life for Gary. That is what is great about believing, it is between that person and God. It is said in the Bible though that one should acknowledge the Lord in public as he acknowledges us before his father though. Gary was still intensely private in life and his family has honoured this after his death. That Gary's music influences you spiritually is great. That's how I have always felt. Being one never shy to share his opinions of world injustice, re: the early songs of his career, Victims of the Future in particular, Gary wore his heart on his sleeve. He spoke to us through his beautiful memories and lyrics. If you study Gary's lyrics you will find, particularly post Phillips death, Gary is constantly asking why Phil isn't still by his side to continue the journey they set out upon leaving Ireland for England. The song Blood of Emeralds in particular speaks directly to this. In fact Gary's return to Ireland particularly Belfast, documented in the excellent semi-documentary video Emerald Aisles shows him remarking how much he had missed his hometown and mother country. Expressing sadness at the way the troubles had affected where he grew up, reflects upon Gary's close connection with the people there and how he related to them.
        The band he brought to Ireland including the brilliant Neil Carter, was the first lineup that would travel back to Ireland with him. Many of Gary's solos bring tears to my eyes, always have, because there is no filter from his heart/soul to his fingers.
        The very emotional song Military Man particularly after Phil's death the first solo, the slow one, has such an emotional connection to me personally makes me think of my mum, the sadness of the soldier facing his death in the war and in fact Phil's connection to his mother , the beloved Philomena. To me there are several levels of interpretation to the lyrics of this song. On the face of it it is a letter home to a soldiers mother from a bloody war and how he struggles with what he has been trained to do and the way he was before, This is the classic dilemma of war and the soldier. yet one can interpret it as a struggle with the 'world' and all it's evils. Drugs, alcohol the dangerous lifestyle, this is a battle as well with the pure soul of a creative person, artist that is subjected to dilution by these factors. Gary's last songs that he had written for the lamented never to be Celtic rock album really provide a direct insight into how he really was feeling.
        I don't like to say I told you so, but the project I most prayed for, Gary's return to what was unfinished prior to the blues era ended up being never completed, placed him back in that zone of the unfulfilled sadness from that earlier time.
        Following Gary as closely as I have since the early eighties, it's not that I can read his mind, it's that hearing him in interviews and his songs, it's what is unsaid that is key. The very fears he expressed about Phil's addiction and how it was a runaway train that no one could stop, Gary found himself in exactly the same circumstances not through drugs or acute alcohol abuse, but his overall and in particular cardiac health. I didn't want to say it but at the start of the 2010 tour Gary was virtually a dead man walking. I have heard his wife Jo was very upset about his health and the way he looked, yet no one appeared to be able to 'advise' Gary. I may be wrong, those in his band I'm sure felt it. Neil Carter, bless his heart, was very close to Gary, came out of retirement to do this project with Gary. I knew that I would never get the chance to speak with Gary about it personally. I don't want to address Gary's inner circle and what went on, as I have my theories but no concrete facts. That's why I wanted official blessing for my autobiography, which I had first suggested in a letter to Gary many years ago. That Gary never saw it, I am 100% sure of. I was answered by Graham Lilley, very politely and told thanks for my interest, but an autobiography was not something that Gary was interested in at that time. That was ok. Sadly post mortem, Neville Marten in his writing in the Guitarist magazine tribute issue, stated his regret about not taking up Gary's offer for him to stay overnight and jam with Gary on Stripe and the Goldtop. He should be sorry, this was a cry from Gary that he needed support and Neville was the journalist he seemed to most respect. Witness that video interview where Gary is playing the ES-355 and the Telecaster. Gary was unusually animated and played freely to illustrate his points. That incident that Neville related only reinforces much of what I have felt all along.
        Gary Moore was a man very much alone, yet in the public spotlight. Besides a parallel with Phil Lynott, there also is a parallel with another legendary Irishman, this time from the south, Rory Gallagher. Rory at the end was alienated even from Donal, his brother and manager. Sure his hypochondria had run rampant and post his liver transplant, the pill for this and that, became much worse. That Gary took the trouble to spend time with his close friend from the early days in Dublin when the shared guitar strings between their guitars, was hugely important to Rory and illustrates what a caring and giving person Gary really was. His gruff exterior and outspokenness merely was a cover to hide his inner sensitivity.
        Gary was a man who had nothing given to him coming up. Sure his father Bobby was a promoter or ran a dance club, I'm not sure, and this allowed the young Gary access to the stage at an early age, but Gary's talent shone through and if you listen to the brief statement with Bobby in the Emerald Aisles video, he states how proud he was of Gary making it on his own talent and perseverance and my heart goes out to him these days as no one should bury their children and Gary had much success.
        Gary had achieved much more than many musicians in every aspect. That he wasn't a pretty boy in appearance, say in comparison to a guy like David Coverdale, whom Gary mentions in reference to a question as to why he didn't tour America more. That he should have dyed his hair blond, ect. But Gary was an overachiever. Sure he had his days in the early career when he made rash often alcohol fueled moves like walking out on Lizzy in the middle of the American tour when he was replacing the injured Robbo.Gary since expressed his regret about that move and the rift it caused with Phil in particular. Having played with Andrew Lloyd Webber on the Variations project, his groundbreaking jazz/rock/fusion work with Colosseum II. The early stellar work with Greg Lake, who always held Gary in the highest esteem and being a hugely talented yet unselfish musician he could see the raw untapped potential of Gary and was instrumental is building Gary's confidence and helping him with the music business connections. Plus on a guitar shopping trip with Greg, Gary bought the guitar which was to become the defining instrument of the first part of his rock career, the 1961 Fiesta Red Strat.
        This is turning into the Gary Moore story not a post answer, yet once I get on the subject of Gary, I have lots to say .
        I have been told by a living guitar hero of mine Steve Stevens that he really appreciates all my support and that it meant a lot to him how I defend an artist I admire to the Internet great unwashed who sit in their armchairs, live through others vicariously and criticize underhandedly. This is a modern phenomenon. As far as I am concerned, some that don't know me have labeled me the same way. I am 57 years old, have been there since the beginning, have the t-shirt as they say in the States. Playing first the drums, albeit poorly, but did the best I could this helping my rhythm as far as guitar playing was concerned. Also being a budding guitarist, Gary spoke to me in a way the others did not, until I discovered Steve Stevens.
        Gary understood every aspect of his equipment set up from the plectrums, strings, pickups, guitars, amplifiers and effects even straps. His influence carries on with me to this day. I still use mostly DiMarzio Cliplok straps, Dean Markley strings ect. Gary knew how to get a great guitar sound (99%) in the fingers, hands though and he could play anything and sound brilliant.AS one who knows all of Gary myriad achievements it saddens me how Gary seemingly has been swept under the carpet these days.
        The three songs written prior to the last tour, Oh Wild One, Days of Heroes and Where Are You Now illustrate upon reflection a commentary upon the days of Gary and Philo. Days of Heroes hearkens back to the days when people stood by their principles and lived the strength of their convictions. That we will not see these days again was prophetic. Phil Lynott was/is first and foremost a poet, then a musician who taught himself the bass, learned his unique vocal style and formed the attitude that had him rise to success. This attitude has another side of the blade, this side is the one that cuts one deeply, yet this sword of achievement yields the best results.Jimi Hendrix summed it up the best when he said, "Every time I play my music, a part of me dies inside."
        Oh Wild One again celebrates the carefree earlier days, with Phil leading the way as usual.Where Are You Now of the three is the most autobiographical. Gary crying out where is Phillip now, now that he needs him to continue their Irish odyssey a journey that produced so many moments of brilliance and I felt that Gary did the absolute best he ever could have after Phillips death in 1986. His brilliant album Wild Frontier carried on where he and Phillip had left off. Some say that Phillip's songs sound better sung by him rather than Gary. I take issue with this because Phil was already too far gone by 1986 and his vocal prowess was affected by all the hugely diseased internal organs and internal sepsis or infection that his already weakened immune system was vainly fighting off. Gary's vocals had steadily improved over the years and once Phil was dead, Gary found his newer stronger voice, bolstered by Neil Carter's great backing/lead vocals. Neil's vocal range and vocal timbre very closely resembled Gary's. The Wild Frontier LP even with it's programmable Linn drums, was a solid effort and was highly critically acclaimed at the time. Those worldwide who were lucky enough to see this 1987 lineup, still remember the shows they saw with a clarity and fondness that they will carry in their souls always. I have spoken to countless Gary Moore fans who witnessed this tour, which went from the smallest bar/venues to the massive stadiums, such as the Isstadion show captured on that magical night in Stockholm. The Japanese show that a clip recently surfaced from in incredible clarity exhibited a hugely close camera angle that was even much improved over the great NFL Films shot Stockholm video. This is the property of Japan MTV and hopefully will see an official release. There are so many great Gary Moore Band concerts and clips existing that my continued frustration with all things Gary Moore in an official capacity burns even moore brightly. Come on now. Who is at the helm of Gary's musical catalog and is there a brain trust involved with the 'families' interests as far as discovery and licensing of existing material that needs to be reformatted.
        Since the Wild Frontier show is what I have been discussing, let me start there.
        To release one of the defining concerts of a major deceased artists career in a hugely substandard manner is criminal beyond belief. The Wild Frontier DVD release it is said is looming despite several delays. That the release is a first generation master is highly unlikely. I know for a fact that NFL Films who have shot most of Gary's best work went to extreme lengths to capture this one night only magical event. The editing, camera work, production values are off the chart. It is in my estimation the best concert video ever produced, Gary Moore fan bias withstanding. The modern practice of an extra DVD and also a commentary track, plus extras is easily obtained. I know that tunes like Shapes Of Things for example were filmed, plus I have obtained the set list from that night and the whole concert can easily be fit into the DVD format. Knowing NFL Films extremely thorough approach to filming, they aren't NFL films here in the States for no reason. They are the Holy Grail as far as their film coverage of the American National Football League, their videos are award winning and have been for decades.
        Everything happens for a reason and if EMI still choose to feature an extended Rocking Every Night a throwaway song for crowd pleasing at best over the other quality material in the can, then that is a red flag right there.
        That we get the whole version of The Loner is awesome. I would like to see the in between footage, more commentary from Gary between songs. Plus I know the background behind the scenes footage would be fascinating to all, providing us all with a complete record of this historic event.
        Also the first generation masters are essential in an original VHS release, just for video analogue to digital transfer purposes, not to mention the superb soundboard audio recording, which was mixed by Chris 'Privett" Hedge, whom I attempted to contact a few months back in the UK. Apparently he is a big shot record producer at the moment and actually reaching someone like him is exponentially more difficult.He did not respond to my inquiries as they say.
        Steve Barnett, who may have been Gary's greatest manager, is currently hugely successful with cutting edge artists and may well be president of Columbia Records at the moment.
        My hopes sort of rest with Steve as though EMI isn't affiliated with Columbia, he may well be able to open doors that would other wise be shut. I just cannot fathom that Gary's family/estate/manager can stand by and let this travesty to the career of one of Ireland's finest artists would be allowed to happen. If I need to be a thorn in the side for proper treatment for our beloved deceased artist who can no longer speak for himself, then I will continue that. Much as I did on The Les Paul Forum where Gary was attacked over the Greeny sale and the possession of the allegedly stolen Stripe. I have been around this whore called the music business much to long to believe that Gary's best interests will be upheld in lieu of a quick profit with no extra expenses cutting into the overhead.
        That so many British musicians offered their condolences after Gary's death is great, some of them need to get behind Gary in a positive way. Much of why I am burned out about these Moore related matters is just instances like these. I don't know the whole story and I have my own life so do not have endless time or money to track down all the responsible parties and find out what is going on. Does anyone know who is representing Gary at the moment? I am posting this on my personal blog as well as various internet forums. I had written much more scathing commentary in edit form on my blog, but have held back in respect for Gary. As far as respect for Gary's surviving children, it is my prayer that all this can be sorted out so they may be proud of their father. The best quality product will ensure the best revenue for them if that in fact is the case...enough I think my point has been made. Losing my religion is an old REM song and is a southern expression, one might feel that with all the red tape, one could obtain that feeling easily.
        Please understand that no one wants the best for the children more than me. I won't stand by and have this major force in British music's efforts be washed away by a status quo, ect. Sure their are more important matters in the world, but the very existence of a fan site like this would be to help Gary's career post mortem, not to stand by and watch the tides wash it away forever.......


        • #49
          Mods WTF bs is this spam from the Bahamas?? Please delete from my thread as OP...


          • #50
            Be sure to check out Spike Lee's documentary/tribute to BAD the 25th anniversary with interview with SS and a clip of him playing his Glow Soloist apparently to be broadcast on Thanksgiving, possibly on BET but don't quote me..
            I'm sure SS will update us all on his FB page
            Steve Stevens. 179,398 likes · 6,927 talking about this. Grammy Award Winning Composer,Guitarist, Billy Idol, Michael Jackson, Top Gun Anthem



            • #51
              Thanks mods for removing that spam post!!


              • #52
       least most of us...were around when Billy Idol was all over the place and
                metal fans were trashing him.
                I remember it well!
                As Billz says...that's a fact!

                But Steve's playing alone saved the day for the poser.
                Thanks for sharing Emerald.
                Every time I pick up my Hamer Phantom A4 I think of SS, and o' course that
                other Priest guitarist.


                • #53
                  Some people on the Hamer Board not very happy with finding out a Charvel was used.
                  PLAY TILL U DIE !!!


                  • #55
                    Emerald - Yesterday and today actually. Personally I found your story most interesting and posted it there explaining that you had posted it on the JCF forum. I thought some of the guys would find it really interesting like I did. But some don't believe it for whatever reason. Oh well.
                    PLAY TILL U DIE !!!


                    • #56
                      Here are various videos showing the Hamer SS-3's as I described:
                      The live MSG specially recorded show with SS with the white/black SS-3, Steve plays through the whole song, not just at the end when he comes into spotlight. When he recorded the track in the studio with Quincy Jones and MJ he played for 15 minutes and they picked what they wanted to use, would like to hear that raw track

                      Official Video for “Dirty Diana” by Michael JacksonListen to Michael Jackson: Jackson’s “Dirty Diana” short fi...

                      shredmonster I saw your reply and will head over there to set these boys straight...but please this opens a can of worms for me that I am not prepared to deal with at the moment, thanks for reading my stuff, any questions though just PM me, I hate being laid bare to the internet wolves, smelling blood.
                      The Glow Charvel f***k**g rules and always will..fullstop, they can't dispute that. Basically these guys there have no clue what SS has been up to and don't know 0.00001% of what I know so all they can say are smart ass remarks, so remember all these forums think their guitars are the best.
                      I sold my only real Hamer 3 weeks ago and still have my custom built awesome SS-3 replica.
                      Last edited by Emerald; 10-19-2012, 03:12 PM.


                      • #57
                        This has been a great thread. Thanks for all the info and pics and video!!


                        • #58
                          hey thanks Chubtone that is the ultimate compliment coming from a great Charvel guy like you and an awesome player, have always dug your clips.
                          My foray into JCF is post my experiences over on Jenkin's USA Charvels where my Gary Moore and Steve Stevens threads really blew up and I have thoroughly researched those iconic guitars, both Steve and Gary had Jackson Soloists and Steve had some great Jackson/Charvel's.
                          Let just say here amongst the faithful that you ain't seen nothing yet, I have been working on a project that has been not exactly black ops but definitely has been flying under the radar.
                          My love of Steve's playing started with Rebel Yell on 1984, actually the first CD I ever bought.
                          I saw SS with Idol in Philly on the 1987 Whiplash Smile tour at the Philadelphia Spectrum.
                          I had average seats sort of forward Steve's side stage left, which I always thought was as you faced out from the stage, he always has occupied this side. I saw a gap in the seats when the lights went out and rushed to right in front of Steve's guitar zone!
                          He had his racks of six plexi vintage Marshall's and six Marshall cabs with the black grill cloth mounted in an angled frame.
                          During the show he writhed and rolled around on top of the 4X12"s.
                          The tone of the Glow with Steve's Lexicon and Korg effects slamming the Marshall's at times reminded me of Hendrix Band of Gypsys and all the great Marshall tones I had heard in the sixties and seventies.
                          Steve always swears he is a rhythm player first and foremost and his role with Idol, is primarily that and he is brilliant at it, always has been.
                          Recently this year Steve was awarded the supreme honor of being placed on the list of the greatest 50 rhythm guitarists if all time, All his heroes and influences are in that group from Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page Les Paul, Curtis Mayfield Django Reinhardt, the list goes on and on.
                          When I finally met Steve at the Arizona State Fair gig October 2011 as special VIP guests of Steve and Josie it was one of the most awesome moments of my life.
                          I brought with my my Washburn SS-80 purple quilt top guitar with its gold hardware and a very early Gotoh Floyd, pinwheel truss rod adjuster and it's maple cap museum birds eye neck.
                          I was told by Terry Atkins who built it and is now president of Washburn's sadly decimated Mundelin Custom shop that it was built for Steve to his specs.
                          Also the Barbarella SS-80 that is owned by Charles in Australia, the wealthy security/arms dealer who has more capital than me.
                          But I was offered the Holy Grail of the SS Washburn's pre general sale and Ebay for a combined price. This included the purple quilt,the Barbarella painted by the great Jim O'Connor, the #1 production SS-100 Frankenstein glow in the dark model, painted by Steve Driscoll.
                          I did all I could to grab the purple quilt, the story documented in my Washburn SS Signature history, which is part of the Vintage Washburn site and has huge views.
                          The article has updates for example the Washburn's that SS still owns. The very first built from scratch SS-100 prototype which he is shown playing in the Vince Neil Band's VMA appearance in 1993 for Encino Man which is where I first saw these Washburn's, I was like what the hell guitar is that. She wasn't the Glow, but sounded awesome and Steve was flying on her.
                          When shredmonster cut and pasted my OP on this thread and my reply to him on the at times somewhat snobby Hamer Fan Club, many enjoyed the info, others dragged out their stock SS derogatory remarks, ect.
                          Steve doesn't remember what he played, when he was too wasted and anything he was endorsing was the best thing he ever played.
                          All of this is patently untrue. I reminded them that my two year research at least for the SS Washburn history was conducted without cooperation from Steve himself.
                          All from Steve that I included with his permission was his account of the Charvel Glow and how it came into being and what it was used on that many people didn't know.
                          Btw from HRI, Huge Racks where Steve still actually posts as himself Steve Stevens, he was Stevensagogo previously, here I list the GP top 50 rhythm guitar players:
                          Steve Stevens Deified in Top 50 Rhythm Guitar Gods

                          by yngwie308 » Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:23 pm
                          In the latest (October) Guitar Player magazine, which I bought to read their delay pedal roundup, imagine my surprise and joy at finding HRI's own member of large standing Mr. Steve Stevens voted into the top 50 rhythm guitarists!
                          Not only that a rhythm guitar GOD.
                          This is only confirmation that what happened in Vegas, didn't stay there!
                          It's about time that SS was given major kudos in the mainstream guitar press.
                          I can't tell you the amount of times I tell younger guitarists about the legend that is SS and they go, "yeah that guy with Billy Idol" and not only that, but Steve has blazed his own celestial trail from The Atomic Playboys to The Top Gun Anthem, to BLS, his amazing solo albums of critical acclaim, Flamenco A Go Go and Memory Crash, plus too numerous to mention session appearances.
                          The list is wide ranging and includes Steve's influences such as Curtis Mayfield, who we learn played in open F# tuning!
                          Also Jimmy Nolen of early James Brown fame, Les Paul, Jimmy Page,Keef "The Human Riff", Django Reinhardt, ect.
                          The full alphabetical list is:

                          Chuck Berry
                          Lindsey Buckingham
                          Maybelle Carter
                          Bo Diddley
                          Lonnie Donegan
                          Cornell Dupree
                          Catfish Collins
                          Steve Cropper
                          The Edge
                          Don Everly
                          The Funk Brothers
                          Joao Gilberto
                          Freddie Green
                          Jim Hall
                          Ritchie Havens
                          Jimi Hendrix
                          Chrissie Hynde
                          Tony Iommi
                          Danny Kortchmar
                          Alex Lifeson
                          Tony Maiden
                          Bob Marley
                          Johnny Marr
                          Curtis Mayfield
                          Al McKay
                          Tom Morello
                          Leo Nocentelli
                          Jimmy Nolen
                          Jimmy Page
                          Joe Pass
                          Les Paul
                          Joe Perry
                          Johnny Ramone
                          Jerry Reed
                          Django Reinhardt
                          Tony Rice
                          Keith Richards
                          Nile Rodgers
                          Rudolf Schenker
                          Earl Slick/Carlos Alomar
                          Steve Stevens
                          Andy Summers
                          Pete Townshend
                          Eddie Van Halen
                          Jimmie Vaughn
                          Alex Weir
                          The Wrecking Crew
                          Malcolm Young

                          Here are some scans from the article:

                          This must truly be one of the greatest honors given Steve Stevens and secures his name in the pantheon of greatest guitarists ever, as rhythm guitar is it's own art and extremely difficult to do successfully and individually.
                          Congratulations Steve,
                          Dave yngwie308(Emerald)

                          Re: Steve Stevens Deified in Top 50 Rhythm Guitar Gods

                          by yngwie308 » Sat Sep 17, 2011 4:26 pm
                          You know I have been a fan of Steve's since 1984's Rebel Yell.
                          I love that album, talk about amazing rhythm guitar, songs like "Crank Call", "Daytime Drama, Blue Highway"are all interesting songs where the guitar really makes the song. It is an integral part of the song itself. Also using alternating bass lines, such as "Rebel Yell"really were pioneering efforts in rock music.
                          I sometimes feel that and have been told that I jump all over threads about SS.
                          I haven't consciously done that and usually start my own.
                          I like lots of varied guitarists and music.
                          I feel a kinship with Steve as we like the same styles of music from back in the day and also he is a super kind, friendly person.
                          Please don't construe my posts as a form of PR because they are not. I am happy for Steve to "Do Not Stand in The Shadows"any more!
                          His music still excites me as a guitarist and I like to share that enthusiasm with everyone here, that's all.
                          yngwie308 (Emerald)
                          Re: Steve Stevens at the Iridium with LP Trio

                          by yngwie308 » Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:32 am
                          Found these official videos from the Iridium for those who missed SS's awesome show there a few weeks ago. I love the univibe pedal Steve is using on "Voodoo Chile:Slight Return" I watched the live streaming video cast.
                          Steve Stevens- lead guitarist Billy Idol, Atomic Dog with The Les Paul Trio. LP Trio is Lou Pallo, John Coliani, In this clip Anton Fig, Nick Fowler & Arthur...

                          "Whole Lotta Love"
                 ... re=related
                          "Freeway Jam" by Jeff Beck which I remember Steve saying he played live in Central Park back in the day:
                 ... re=related
                          Absolutely best version of this great Curtis Mayfield track I have heard, outside of the Beck/Stewart version, this one carries on the great Mayfield tradition of soulful guitar:
                 ... re=related
                          "Rebel Yell", with amazing rhythm guitar from Mr. Lou Pallo!

                          Steve's acoustic solo with his Godin:
                 ... re=related
                          What a great palette of tones from Steve with a simple Marshall combo and a few pedals.
                          Steve Stevens Awarded Rock God status in Vegas

                          by yngwie308 » Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:52 am
                          Something we all know, SS is a rock god and was recently awarded so in a ceremony in Vegas. Steve thanks Billy Idol and his late father.
                          Starts out with Steve's Grammy award winning Top Gun Theme and into Whole Lotta Love with all star band, great stuff!

                          I defended SS over there and he personally thanked me as he said there' always a wanker in the crowd!!lol
                          Re: Steve Stevens Awarded Rock God status in Vegas

                          by yngwie308 » Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:41 am
                          Steve Stevens represents the ideal guitarist we would all aspire to be. I don't know how this thread spiraled out of control (well I do, being a seasoned forum poster), still.
                          Any admiration for SS, who participates in this forum enthusiastically btw, is not fan boi based. If you count being a pioneer in his field of rock guitar, his flamenco influences and also SS grew up listening to almost all the guitarists I admire and he has impeccable taste in his playing and always brings it.
                          Steve started with his cassette tape for Guitar World, recorded in his apartment in NYC on a simple portable multi-track recorder. This was called "The Guitar World According To Steve Stevens" and for me and many others it was a milestone in recorded guitar styles. Steve demonstrated his freely admitted influences, from Wes Montgomery, to Steve Howe, Jeff Beck, Curtis Mayfield, Al DiMeola, ect.
                          Through his career with Billy Idol until 1986, Steve played for the songs and was a brilliant support for Billy and his right hand man. Steve's trailblazing riffs, he use of widespread guitar influences, from Ennio Morricone, to all matter of guitar effects, which he added after the basic track at the board, but they are memorable guitar parts and he never overplayed on the tunes.
                 is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, has it all. We hope you find what you are searching for!

                          When Steve decided to spread his guitar wings with the late lamented Atomic Playboys, live he remarked that he finally got to put the guitar playing he always wanted to record.
                          This sadly neglected band, which in retrospect was so much better than how it was received at the time, Steve even remarking it was a glorified cover band, which it most certainly wasn't.
                          The album was loaded with blue-eyed soul and absolutely killer arrangements.
                          In 1993, Steve was singlehandedly responsible for the absolutely bible of recorded plexi-Marshall, SuperStrat humbucker sound, the Vince Neil Band's "Exposed".
                          This CD should be re-released in the latest format of digital recording, it is recorded that well. Somehow I think though SS wouldn't want to place any more money in Vince Neil's unholy pockets, as Steve is still owed for the sessions to this day.
                          The dedication with which Steve tirelessly worked on the guitar sound and the demos at Cornerstone Studios, often sleeping in the studio. With the help of his engineer, Steve was able to produce an analog recorded guitar sound, with a lot of his Glow Charvel in there, that is superb even mixed down to digital for the final mix.
                          He has pioneered since the early eighties a massive tone with his unique miking style and in the early days built a lot of his effects and pedal boards. His knowledge of all things guitar is simply ridiculous, allied with a razor sharp memory of how he did it that, that is mind blowing.
                          Every cover song I have heard SS play from Van Halen to Led Zep, is dead on and note for note, with Steve's own unique character coming through all the time.
                          Is this fan boi stuff, I wouldn't call it fan frenzy, more like a deep respect for an artist in sound, who represents for most of us, the ideal to achieve.
                          He is the very spirit of what this forum represents and is about. Loving guitars, effects, sharing that very deep knowledge base with us on an equal level.
                          Steve is very, modest, truth be told and to me never can achieve enough recognition.
                          Just saying...
                          He created iconic game changing rock guitars at Hamer and Washburn, that are still unequaled.
                          Keep rockin' in the free world, Steve Stevens. He never has called himself a god, he doesn't have to.............

                          yngwie308 (Emerald)

                          Re: Steve Stevens Awarded Rock God status in Vegas

                          by yngwie308 » Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:34 pm
                          bunkman1 wrote:What a funny thread... Anyone who doesn't think Steve deserves this award (or any other for that matter) is ignorant... maybe uneducated is a better word. Steve is an extraordinary musician and person.
                          Welcome my friend Matt Lee Phillips from the great state of Texas, to HRI.
                          Matt is an awesome luthier and he hand builds all his guitars.
                          Matt was kind enough to build me the most awesome guitar ever.
                          It's my Hamer SS-3 replica which is close as you can get to the original SS-3's.
                          This is the bolt on neck Hamer that SS used with the Atomic Playboys and with MJ live.
                          Just a brilliantly built and awesome playing tone machine..
                          Those here should check out his website
                          as Matt is very modest about his abilities. Fortunately I am not!

                          yngwie308 (Emerald)


                          Hope these links work without a log in, I just wanted to share some of the exchanges with Steve on HRI and loads of amp recording info, ect..I am yngwie308 there and Emerald on other forums and Atomic Playboy on Rig_Talk.

                          Re: An Atomic Playboys Christmas Present

                          by yngwie308 » Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:33 am
                          Atomic Playboys era Steve Stevens:
                 ... 920pg2.jpg

                          Ok well those that go on USA Charvels I was yngwie308 there and my threads are mostly in the Rock Stars Playing Charvel section as yngwie308.
                          Chub let me share with JCF's population some of my many rare scans which I freely made available all over the net and sent to SS himself and he was grateful as well!!
                          Store your photos and videos online with secure storage from Photobucket. Available on iOS, Android and desktop. Securely backup your memories and sign up today!

                          My quilt SS80 NOS 1993 and my originally ordered in 1993 SS80

                          Multiple SS 80 pics

                          SS 100 pics
                          Store your photos and videos online with secure storage from Photobucket. Available on iOS, Android and desktop. Securely backup your memories and sign up today!

                          Store your photos and videos online with secure storage from Photobucket. Available on iOS, Android and desktop. Securely backup your memories and sign up today!

                          Store your photos and videos online with secure storage from Photobucket. Available on iOS, Android and desktop. Securely backup your memories and sign up today!

                          Store your photos and videos online with secure storage from Photobucket. Available on iOS, Android and desktop. Securely backup your memories and sign up today!

                          Roland in Europe owns this rare Hamer SS-3 a lot of it's dimensions were used to build my awesome Hamer SS-3 replica/tribute, this one is rare in that it is a reverse headstock, has a recessed Floyd, ect., so it is one that was not owned by Steve himself, but I know where all the existing SS-3's are:
                          Store your photos and videos online with secure storage from Photobucket. Available on iOS, Android and desktop. Securely backup your memories and sign up today!

                          My great buddy Matt Lee Phillips late of Texas now in LA, some of the pics are of my white/black tribute and in it's construction phase in Matt's garage, all handbuilt no CNC, plus Matt's amazing Washburn SS 80 clones that are as exact from the factory as are available on the earth!!
                          Store your photos and videos online with secure storage from Photobucket. Available on iOS, Android and desktop. Securely backup your memories and sign up today!

                          Anyway we all haven't heard the last about the Glow, that's all I can say, but thank you for the compliments.
                          I loved all my research and have only the greatest admiration for Steve. This hasn't always been a smooth road, but overall is worth the ups and downs!
                          Thanks for the read

                          Store your photos and videos online with secure storage from Photobucket. Available on iOS, Android and desktop. Securely backup your memories and sign up today!
                          Last edited by Emerald; 10-25-2012, 07:04 PM.


                          • #59
                   check out the 1993 VMA Awards version of "You're Invited But Your Friend Can't Come" from Encino Man introduced by Dennis Miller just awesome on Steve's SS-100 prototype which he still has!

                            My article, check out the views at the bottom of the page, I am so proud since 2010, but I receive absolutely no compensation for any of it, but that's not why I wrote it, you will find it the most accurate and well researched history of a brilliant guitar inspired by the #4790 Glow as were the Hamer SS-3's.

                            You can see the proto SS 100 behind Josie, still in effect.

                            Last edited by Emerald; 10-24-2012, 03:11 AM.


                            • #60
                              I hope to chronicle Charvel in the way I did the Washburn's and Hamer's as the Glow #4790 was the inspiration for every guitar Steve Stevens had built since 1986..
                              Great forum here and glad to be one of the boys.
                              My greatest work lies ahead and I can reveal that after shopping various guitar magazines from Premier Guitar on down, my own web page will be the result.
                              Once I get intel I am still waiting for say from a busy Grover Jackson for example, I can proceed to phase II of my project.
                              That I love San Dimas era Charvel's and Jackson's from the eighties is no secret.
                              These are real players guitars and are brilliant in their simplicity, yet are a very complex equation of many factors to make a killer sounding, superb playing and just an instrument that you will treasure for life. Like my SS Washburn's, if you have ever played a USA Custom shop SS 80, you will know. Let me again mention my great friend, a budding Mike Shannon/Grover type guy who hand builds amazing guitars and I know that Matt Lee Phillips will one day be super successful
                              Please not spam, relative to Matt's future as he has a full time job always has, but he is a great player and has built and will continue to build even better guitars
                              He needs to update his web page as he is now in LA not far from Tone Merchants, whose Rob he met at the recent LA Amp show at my suggestion and hopefully he will hit the right market:

                              His You Tube channel: Bunkman 1
                              This is a handmade Bunkman Guitars poplar ss-80 replica body with a OEM Washburn neck going thru a Bogner Alchemist. Gain is at 60%. BareKnuckle Rebel Yell...

                              I have the Stan Hinesley Rogue humbucker in the bridge of my incredible Hamer SS-3 replica.tribute.
                              I may one day if God provides get Tim Mills of Bare Knuckles to provide me with a certain guitarists spec bridge HB and single coil neck pickups, but more on that in the future.
                              I mention Matt to you Jackson/Charvel guys as Matt always has been incredibly busy, through my SS Washburn story much interest in Matt has been generated worldwide.
                              He is like a inspiration to me as good guys can win and, though he has never before recreated a Charvel San Dimas before, I have supplied him with huge info and he would be only too happy to build inspired by guitars.
                              Since my playing is hit or miss these days, I am able to play for a few minutes on a good day, but still love to play guitar. But my love of writing has always been strong so I have been using my experience as a player and my knowledge base from that as a stepping stone to write stuff that we guitarists want to read. I thumb through todays Guitar Magazines and am severely disappointed.
                              I have been lucky in my writing that people share my interests and it gives me great joy for the most part.
                              Thanks for reading'Emerald

                              This is a handmade Bunkman Guitars poplar ss-80 replica body with a OEM Washburn neck going thru a Bogner Alchemist. Gain is at 60%. BareKnuckle Rebel Yell...

                              Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                              These last two Atomic Playboys tunes are just simply Steve at his best, dynamic and hits you with everything at once!!
                              Good cover too showing the fingering:
                              Last edited by Emerald; 10-24-2012, 10:20 PM.

